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[Oh! Haha, why is Rescue No. 1 so cute? It can't even say, my God, it's so cute.]

[Zhao, Rescue No. 1 is still a cub under one year old. Mom wants to call for you!]

[Wad Maya, Rescue No. 1 is comparing it to Mr. Li!]

In the division, after Rescue No. 1 introduced himself, he stretched out his two robotic arms to face Li Qingzhou and drew a heart shape overhead.

Suddenly, the audience in the audience boiled and applauded excitedly.

Seeing this, Bernie said to his teammates beside him in surprise, "Rescue One is really very intelligent..."

Although they have previously had the ability to inspect and analyze Rescue One in the video, they have a certain understanding of the intelligence of Rescue One.

But watching it live, I still can't help but wonder.

Although Simon can also have a simple conversation with people, they are all programs set in advance.

If it is beyond the scope of the program, it will not be answered...

Therefore, if you just look at the intelligence level, Simon is better than Rescue One.

However, Bernie also has confidence in Simon.

He focuses on rescue operations.

After all, rescue operations are mainly regulated by people. No matter how good the artificial intelligence robot cooperates, it is just a robot.

Just as he thinks Rescue One is very intelligent, he is not a human and can't have people's thoughts and behaviors.

Rescue operations are dangerous and post-disaster changes are uncontrollable, and the ruins may also withstand secondary collapses...

In case No. 1 is damaged, the degree of intelligence or cooperation with rescue personnel will be greatly reduced.

The layout of the artificial intelligence robot international competition finals is more comprehensive than the regional competition.

- There are all-round upgrades in terms of machinery and equipment, or scoring project configuration.

Next, the host explains the scoring rules.

First, the venue of the competition is larger, so the ruins are arranged in a wider range.

The number of dummy buried inside is counted as high as 30, and the debris is arranged in areas A and B, with different degrees of collapse.

The second is the situation of the dummy victims.

Each dummy has been specially made, with different body parts and degrees of injury.

An induction machine is installed in the dummy, which can imitate the changes in injury and convey the real-time state of the victim to the large screen.

If the robot rescue work fails, it is likely to cause the dummy victims to be injured or even killed.

Therefore, how to rescue the victims with full guarantees of their lives is also something that the team needs to focus on.

After all, if the injury or death of the dummy victims is aggravated, even if they are rescued, they will not be counted as a score, and the corresponding score may even be deducted.

Third, probably inspired by Rescue No. 1 in the regional competition, the ruin rescuers set up a second collapse.

The collapse time will not be notified in advance, and a sudden accident will be carried out to test the on-site resilience of the team and the robot.

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