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Li Hanyu sat in the car and got familiar with her brother's friends.

Of course, she also has a friend who secretly observed her brother - the third master of the Liu family who once helped find clues to the truth.

He has been to the Li family in the West Side before, and Li Han has met him.

However, Li Hanyu didn't expect that the relationship between the ruler of the Liu family and his brother was really good.

On the way, the atmosphere of the two was harmonious.

After arriving at the mall, I bought clothes and shoes for Li Xusheng and Xia Yijun, and then went to buy them for her.

Li Hanyu tried a lot of clothes, and finally all of them were taken away by Li Qingzhou, including his brother's things, large and small bags, and had to be specially delivered home.

[Spit's like running water. Is this the happiness of the boss? Then I... very happy hahaha!]

The little man in the bubble is a pile of money in his left hand, and a pile of black cards in his right hand. He is thick and can't hold them.

At this moment, the villain is trying to hold all the money and cards in his arms, not to let him slip away, and finally simply picked it up with clothes, revealing the white and soft belly...

The appearance of the little rich fan is extremely cute.

After shopping, Li Qingzhou said, "Are you tired?"

Li Xusheng nodded.

Xia Yijun touched his stomach and said, "Brother Li, I'm hungry and want to eat a small cake."

[Then go to the dessert shop...]

Liu Bohuai said at this time, "A new batch of cufflinks and ties have arrived at the Yalan counter. Do you want to have a look? VIP customers will provide drinks and desserts, which taste good.

Alan is a luxury store specializing in men's jewelry, which is very famous internationally.

Naturally, the stores are also very high-end - sofa seats, magazines, drinks and desserts are standard in the store.

Hearing this, Li Hanyu couldn't help saying, "Yes, brother, you still... You and Mr. Liu haven't bought anything yet. Why don't we go and have a look?"

Xia Yijun whispered to Li Xusheng, "The dessert in that restaurant is delicious. I've been there."

[Cufflinks and tie, I really need to buy a new one.]

Li Qingzhou nodded.

In a while, Li Hanyu took his two children to sit down on the sofa in the store and had some snacks and desserts.

Liu Bohuai and Li Qingzhou went to see the tie and cufflinks.

The shopkeepers in the store are enthusiastic and try their best to promote sales.

"Two gentlemen, look at this one and this one. They are all new arrivals..."

The latest cufflinks and ties of Yalan's counter are placed in front of Li Qingzhou and Liu Bohuai.

- Calm aquamarine cufflinks, silver semi-precious pearl mother-of-pearl cufflinks, emerald, sunflower burgundy...

There are also fashionable men's ties.

[Well... It's all beautiful. I have difficulty choosing.]

The little man in the bubble stood with one hand, looking at his little head tilted, and the thumb and forefinger of the other hand pinched his little chin and frowned.

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now