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After the official website of Qingzhou Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and Automobile City began to be sold simultaneously.

The sales of intelligent AI cars developed by Li Qingzhou in cooperation with Liu's Group are booming, which directly leads to jams on the web page and a long queue outside the car city...

And melon-eating science fans posted videos on Weibo.

He said in the video that he had placed an order online, but because of personal purchase restrictions, he only bought two cars.

Now, he is lined up outside the Motor City.

There are a lot of people here, so when I wait in line up with him, I don't know if I can buy it...

Finally, the melon-eating science fan said at the end of the video that he was indeed fulfilling his promise.

Although it's a little, no, I'm very sorry for my wallet, who made his words and deeds be a little reckless...

Now that they have all spoken out, it is natural to do what you say.

What's more, this is a great progress in intelligent technology in the automotive field. He supports everything he wants!

After the video was released, the melon-eating science fan posted a separate microblog, mainly Aitley Qingzhou's Weibo account - he said whether he had a chance to meet and let him apologize in person.

Netizens watched the video happily, and then left a comment under his Weibo.

[It's okay. You can buy it. The extra car you don't want can be resold to me again. I don't think it's second-hand haha.]

[It's not Yanjing. If you want to buy it, you can only queue up on the official website for the time being... I can't queue up, so I cried.]

[When does President Li plan to chain the whole country to benefit the people? Go to Gua Da, go and buy it quickly! I don't dislike being a used car! Remember to hang the resale link!]

[It's really rich to buy ten smart cars... I'm convinced.]

[In addition. If you can't meet President Li on Weibo, you can also apologize directly on Weibo. After all, how can the president do it evenly...]

Yang Huanlu, a fan of melon-eating science.

He really wanted to meet Li Qingzhou, so he not only posted Aite on Weibo, but also sent a private message.

Before he got the news, he planned to go directly to Qingzhou Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. to see if he could make an appointment to meet.

His sister Yang Manqi complained when she saw it, "You seem to be an illegitimate meal..."

However, not long after, Li Qingzhou really replied to him under the comments - he could meet.

After that, the private message will be made to make an appointment at the time and place, etc.

Yang Manqi: "!!!"

People have to have dreams in case they come true!


In two or three weeks, the new smart car can be available. For this reason, many people have begun to test whether the car is really smart.

For example, the simplest verification method is to start the car remotely, or drink and drive.

Therefore, sometimes you can see such a phenomenon when walking on the road.

The new smart car parked on the side of the road suddenly started spontaneously, but there was no one in the car...

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