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In the evening, Liu Bohuai came to pick up Li Qingzhou.

Li Qingzhou has called Li Hanyu in advance.

She will pick up her brother from school today. He has something to do and will go back later.

Li Hanyu said that there was no problem.

When Li Qingzhou came down from the company, Liu Bohuai waited at the door, staring at him with a pair of eyes. He did not show his emotional eyes easily. At this moment, he obviously smiled a little.

[Oh, I'm so happy for fear that I can't see it.]

The little man in the bubble twisted his little body and pouted in the direction of Liu Bohuai.

Liu Bohuai resisted the corners of his mouth he wanted to elevate, walked to Li Qingzhou, took Fang Xiyan's wheelchair armrest loosened, and said, "Assistant Fang go back first. I will go to dinner with Qingzhou, and then I will take him home."

Fang Xiyan nodded, said goodbye to the two presidents and left.

Liu Bohuai lowered his head and said in Li Qingzhou's ear, "It's up to me to prepare dinner today, Qingzhou, what do you want to eat?"

After saying that, he pushed Li Qingzhou to the side of the car.

[What?! Do you want to have dinner together?! Just fulfill the bet quickly.]

The little man's cheeks in the bubble instantly turned red. His two little hands were pinched and pinched on his chest, and his head was gradually buried.

Li Qingzhou: "It's good to eat anything."

[Can't you eat it?]

Liu Bohuai chose sex and said, "Well, how about eating red wine steak that night?"

Li Qingzhou said calmly.

In fact, I got into the car groaning in my heart.


Liu's old house.

It's different from the lively scene of the last birthday party.

This time, except for Li Qingzhou and Liu Bohuai, there was no housekeeper or nanny in the old house, so they all went on holiday.

Li Qingzhou did not feel silent.

Because Liu Bohuai played a soothing music for him, cut a plate of fruit for him, prepared black tea and snacks, and turned on the TV to a crosstalk program.

Liu Bohuai hugged him to the sofa, thoughtfully took out a small blanket covering Li Qingzhou's leg, and said, "Set here for a while. I'll prepare dinner."

"Ah, uh-huh."

Li Qingzhou leaned against the back of the sofa chair with a stunned expression.

Since he entered the house, he hasn't reacted much, so he has become like this...

--The third master is too considerate, wow.

Li Qingzhou picked up the plate and ate fruit. At this time, Liu Bohuai was busy in the kitchen.

There was a crosstalk show on the TV, and Li Qingzhou looked up - Coincidentally, it happened to be the two crosstalk actors he watched very funny last time.

Li Qingzhou temporarily selectively forgot that he wanted to fulfill his bet for a while and watched TV attentively.

Liu Bohuai occasionally poked his head out of the kitchen and saw Li Qingzhou's face concentrating with an expression. Although the corners of his mouth couldn't help lifting up, he still controlled it, and the curvature was not too large.

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now