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The next day, Li Qingzhou was paralyzed in bed and couldn't get up. He had a backache and buttocks hurt...

Yesterday, he was overly "loved". Although he said enough and didn't, A Huai still let him go, especially...

Li Qingzhou lay on the bed, grabbed the pillow under him in one hand, slowly lowered the other, and touched the left buttocks egg...

Presumably, there should still be red marks on it.

"Wow... How can Ahuai hit me?" Li Qingzhou muttered with his mouth.

People who don't know think he has suffered a lot.

Li Qingzhou couldn't figure it out. He couldn't help recalling that he was in the company last night - he had "admitting his mistake" well, and then looked up at A Huai's expression, but his expression was difficult to say clearly and complicated. In short, it was complicated.

Liu Bohuai's hand couldn't fall. For the first time, he didn't know what to do, so he came home at night and had a "love" education.

The depth of education is unforgettable.

Li Qingzhou blushed and recalled that it was over. He was educated for too long last night. He didn't fall asleep until midnight and got up unexpectedly this morning.

When he woke up, Liu Bohuai kissed him and went out to cook breakfast.

After a while, Liu Bohuai brought the plate into the bedroom.

Li Qingzhou glanced at him, then turned his head and lay still on the pillow, showing what it meant to ignore it.

[Well, come and coax me quickly, stinky Huai.]

The little man in the bubble folded his hands and pouted his mouth, but his big eyes flashed, and his little expression was obviously coquettish and wanted to be hugged.

Liu Bohuai raised the corners of his mouth, found a place to put down the plate first, then went to the bedside and bent down, picked up a big baby and held it in his arms, and smiled, "Good boy, get up for dinner."

"Don't be hungry." Li Qingzhou said expressionlessly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a grunt in his stomach.

Li Qingzhou: "..."

[Why, why don't you give me face so much!]

The little man in the bubble blushed his cheeks, raised his little fist to beat his belly, and he looked embarrassed and was about to smoke.

The expression on Li Qingzhou's face was no less than that, and a layer of red halo suddenly appeared at the tip of his ears, neck, etc.

Liu Bohuai didn't dare to laugh. He was afraid of making a little sound. The baby probably couldn't coax it today.

So he coughed dryly, pretended not to hear it, and continued to hold Li Qingzhou and coax, "It was all my fault last night. I bullied you."

"Good boy, don't make yourself hungry. Have some breakfast, huh?"

Although Li Qingzhou did not answer, his expression had softened. Taking advantage of the opportunity to go downhill, he was indeed hungry.

[As long as you know you're wrong, hum, then eat something.]

The little man in the bubble hummed and sat down cross-legged, rubbed his stomach and stared at breakfast and licked his mouth.

Liu Bohuai took him in his arms and sat down on the bed, set up a small table by the bedside, and brought a plate: "Baby, I'll feed you?"

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now