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I don't know when Liu Bohuai was prepared. There is a lot of food in the tree house.

In the afternoon, Li Qingzhou ate a lot one after another.

When he wanted to have another small cake, Liu Bohuai didn't give it. He bent down and touched his stomach and said, "That's it. I can't eat it anymore. Wait for dinner..."

While nodding, Li Qingzhou reached out and took a potato chip on the plate of the small coffee table and put it in his mouth to chew, chew, click.

The expression is calm and his eyes are innocent.

[The last bite, the last bite...]

The little man in the bubble covered his mouth, with a bad smile in his eyes.

Liu Bohuai was angrily laughed at him and stretched out his hand to move the snack plate a little away.

It's still early before dinner. Liu Bohuai said he would take Li Qingzhou to the lake.

Li Qingzhou nodded and agreed.

Although the tree house is a little troublesome, Liu Bohuai obviously enjoys holding Li Qingzhou back and forth.

Liu Bohuai put soft cushions on the wheelchair. When Li Qingzhou sat down, he covered him with a plush blanket, and then stepped on the thick fallen leaves in the forest and pushed him to the lake to see the scenery.

Winter is coming, but it's not the coldest time yet.

The lake is sparkling, and the shore is full of fallen leaves.

From a distance, the forests are stained, with softness and sparseness in the vastness, which is the most quiet and comfortable feeling.

Li Qingzhou in Liubohuai stopped by the lake to enjoy it.

Li Qingzhou held a hand warmer in his palm, and his mood was precipitated and quiet.

He couldn't help but look up and smile at Liu Bohuai standing behind him. His words blurted out like this: "Ahuai, I like you so much."

Liu Bohuai's eyes behind his rimless glasses opened slightly and were stunned by this sentence.

[I, I said it out - shy, shy, nervous... Third master, why didn't A Huai react...]

The little man in the bubble buried his head on his chest, squatted down and curled up, but couldn't help looking up at Liu Bohuai's reaction.

Liu Bohuai's throat moved, slightly dry, and his heart couldn't beat and throbbed.

He faced Li Qingzhou's shy but not dodging eyes, leaned down and sealed him with a kiss.

This is the best answer and conveys the most intuitive feelings to the other party.

The cold wind by the lake is getting hotter and hotter.

"Well, uh-huh...glasses." Li Qingzhou struggled to speak and tried to get it back.

He pushed his hands slightly on Liu Bohuai's chest and pulled the other party's reason.

Liu Bohuai left a little distance, stroked the back of his arms with one hand, and wanted to take off his glasses.

However, Li Qingzhou reached out and took it before him, held his glasses in the palm of his hand, and his fair fingertips were gently matched on his legs.

Li Qingzhou spoke softly, and his words floated in front of him in the ears.

Now, kiss him well.

Liu Bohuai can no longer restrain himself. There seems to be magma in his eyes that is about to explode. It is hot but dark and deep, and the danger is hidden.

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now