Chapter 6 A Game

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How's been, well why don't you look at that chapter 6.

Lica's POV:
"This week we are playing a game." Hazle whispers to me as we take part of our food and throw into a fire. "What kind of game is it." I ask
Hazel shrugs her shoulders
We head over to the Hades table, Population 3. "So as we know we are playing a game today." Chrion say clapping his hands together.
"This months game was made by the Athena cabin! " Chiron says as the kids sitting at the Athena table stand up to explain the game.
"You guys have to make a three person group and have to figure at puzzles as you go through a maze." Annabeth says winking at me.
Everyone gets up to find partners.
Me Nico and Hazle stay seated.
"Wanna just be a group?" I ask.
They both nod.
The Athena kids lead us over to a entrance of the maze. "Here you go now remember once you enter your in there till you find the end." One of the Athena kids said.
We nod and walk through. I'm more nervous then Hazel and Nico for they had been through more.
After walking straight we run into a two way street. "Wich way?" I ask
"You choose." Nico said and Hazle noded. They know something they all do. "Um lets go right." I say
They nod and follow me. After a few lefts and rights we run into some monsters and a small puddle of water. Ok what is going on. I ignore it and tap two times on my bracelet and watch it turn into my silver sword. I slash and dodge and eventually the monster knocks my sword out of reach. Ok I don't have enough time to pick it up I guess I'm going with magic. I try to make a black fire ball but I ended up levitating water. I shrug my shoulders I'll have to use it to my best advantage. I move my hand and shoot the water at the monsters face buying me time to pick up my sword and staving it. It turns into a pile of dust.
Nico a Halze stare. "What?" I ask
They exchange glances "nothing" they say shrugging.
I shrug it off and continue walking.
A little more walking and turning later we run into a mini maze. "Ooh I know how to do these!" I squeak
Hazle and Nico look at me.
"So basically you have to block some gates then launch the ball gaping it follows the trail and out then by the looks if it the ball is the key to get out of this puzzle." I say.
They nod and we get to work.
"Ok lets launch this baby!" I say as I load the ball.
"In 3...2...1... LAUNCH!" I say and launch the ball.
The ball gose through the trail and out the exit.
I head over to the exit and pick up the ball. "Here's our key to get out." I say.
I put the ball into the doors hole and it opens.
"Uh oh." I say looking at nothing but water.
"Can you part it?" I ask looking at Nico and Hazle. They both shake the heads no.
"You try." Nico says urging me on.
I concentrate and hold my hands out. I look at the water and see its parting. "Hurry I don't know how long I can make it." I say
The rush over the land brings I created and I ran after them.
"I don't know how I have powers of other gods." I say.
"We'll explain another time." Hazel says.
We walk and walk and walk and find the exit.
"There's got to be more then this it just can't say oh well here you go." Nico says
Sundenly we are on a thin strip of land surrounded by lava.
"I don't think there is anything I can do." I say
"Lica it's one of those things you have to admit something about yourself nobody does knows." Hazle says
I nod
"I'm a wallflower and I tend to stick with the friends I have and I get really nervous when I'm Keating somebody new!" I say.
The lava around us gets a little smaller and the land we are on got bigger.
"I tend to keep secrets from you Lica because I think you should find them out yourself." Nico says
"When I first came to camp half blood I didn't feel like I fit in." Hazel says and the lava gose away and we can get to the door.
We exit the door to see the Athena kids waiting. "Congrats you made it out alive!"
I nod and walk away.
I run over to the Hades cabin. I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder but I just shrug it over and continue running.
"What is wrong Lica!" Nico says a few minutes later when we are both in the cabin.
"You guys are always keeping secrets from me!" "You always know something about me but you never tell me!" I yell.

Nico's POV:
I saw the hurt in her eyes.
I'm pretty sure she saw the hurt in mine to but never said anything.
"I do it because they are just some things you have to figure out yourself there are also somethings were me keep it as a secret is to protect you!" I say as calm as I can
"I don't need protecting!" She's yells
"In this case you do, you are one of the most powerful demigod that's there's been." I say and walk out the cabin and head to the big house so I can talk to Chiron about something.

I'm going to end it here and like Nico said some things have to be newly secrets like what happened next so I'll write you later. Bye


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