chapter 38

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Lica's POV:

Please read the A/N at the end

After my talk with Nico we headed back inside the tent.
As i walked in the tent I accidentally stepped on pipers hand. She shot up looking around. She opened her mouth to say something but I put my hand over her mouth stopping her. "Shh. Sorry about the hand." I whispered pointing at her hand. "Its ok, hey why were you guys outside." she asked.
I breath in and out. "I was thinking about something. I will tell you but not right now ok?" I whispered "ok, you guys go back to bed." I nod and me and Nico make our way to our sleeping bags without steeping on anyone eles hand. I slip into my sleeping bag and lay there. Not falling asleep just staring into space. I let out a sigh and decided to at least try to get some sleep. Just as I close my eyes darkness over comes me.

"Lica. Lica!" someone said shaking me. I open my eyes and see all my friends hovering over me. Great. I'm not last one up. "I'm up." I said "finally!" the all groan. I look at piper and see her face washed with worry. "I'll tell you I promies" I mouth. She nods. "Can I have some room now please." I say laughing
"Yea." and the all move out of my way. I sit up all the way. A flash back of all the times I spent with will and last night played in my head. "Lica?" Ocean asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "I need air!" I blurted and ran outside the tent. I sit at the same spot I did last night.
"You alright." piper said "remember how I told I'll tell you want I was thinking about." I asked
"Yeah." "well it's about, well I was thinking, how serious is my relationship with Will iml mean It seams like yesterday we were sitting on my bed adimting and now we are saying I love. I mean after most people say that about two weeks after they break up." I said. "Lica, I'm sure he would never do that to you." piper said. "I hope it's just worries, but then again this is my first relationship." I said. "It'll be ok." piper said "I hope." I said putting my face in my hands. I felt someone put there arm around me. I look up to see Will. I turn around and he pulls me into a hug. I broke into a cry. "Don't leave me." I muttered. Will rubs his hands in circles on my back trying to calm me down. "I won't." he whispers. "I'm going to leave you two be." piper said getting up and walking away. I pull away from Will and smiled. He brushes my bangs out of my face (cliché Ik I'm sorry I had too) he kisses my cheek before getting up and helping me up. "Are you kids aw-" mom started but stoped when she saw me and Will, she smiled "I'll go get your friends, breakfast is done." she said heading over to the tent. I laugh "oh gods that was close." I said Will gives out a laugh "I don't think she would have done anything anyways." I smile "nah I wouldn't think so either." I said. Alll of our friends get out of the tent and follow my mom inside. "I thing we should go." I said noding towards them. Will nods and takes my hand and we head inside. I lead him into the kitchen we're mom had set extra chairs around The table set with food. "Eggs and bacon the way you like it." I smiled and sat down will following me. "Who eles hear wedding bells?" mom joked "Mom!" I yell. Piper raises her hand "I think I do!" she said laughing. "Mom what did you do to my friends!" I added still jokeing. "Oh she did nothing we are just agreeing with her." Percy said I lean on the table "watch it she might but some kind of spell on you to agree on everything she says." I joked "come on Lica you know I don't do that." mom added jokeing still. She looks at our plates and notices we haunt touched our food yet. "Now get to eating." she said we nod and started eating. "Why can't they make this good of food at camp." calypso said I shrugged "I got to admit I do miss your cooking." I said "me two camps food isn't nearly as good as this." Lico said mom smiled and we continued to eat. As we finished up Mom took our plates a sat them in the sink. "So when's the wedding." mom said. I Sat there wide eyed "mom I already said something about that. We aren't even engaged." I said "I have a feeling you will be soon." mom said winking. "Who wants to go shopping?" piper asked. Everybody groaned "I'll go." I said "great lets go!" piper said dragging me. "Can we get dressed first we are still in our pj's" I complained. "Yeah." she said and we went back outside To the tent to get our clothes. I pulled out a simple tank top and pair of jeans my convers and my navy blue jacket. "Ok so lets just turn and face the other way our backs facing each other." piper said and I nodded. We turned around and (this part was really awkward for Me to write.) striped of our clothes and threw them to the side. I pull on my clean tank and my jeans slipped on my convers and tied my jacket around my waist. "Are you done?" pipper asked
"Yea. Hey do you know where my brush is." I ask "here." piper said handing me the brush. I brushed my hair realising my blues hair is fading into a silver green. "We need to go to a salon after this I need to rebleach my hair and have it redyed." I said "ok." "lets go!" I said dragging her to the front yard through the fence. "How are We going to get there." piper asked "mind riding a dragon?" I asked "what!" "He flys." I said "how? Greek dragons don't have wings." "most not all." "Ok so where is he." I whistled. My dragon death stomps through the neighborhood. "Come here death." I coed. He comes towards me and lowers himself so we can climb on. "Come on, he won't bite unless I tell him too." piper nods and gets on after me. "Ready to stretch your wings big guy?" I ask. He lets out a roar. "Can you take us to a mall?" I ask. He lets out another roar and he takes off. In a few minutes tops we were there. He leans down again so We can slide off. "Wait here ok death." the dragon lets out a small roar before curling up and falling asleep. "Ok lets go." I said

"Ooh this is a pretty dress." piper said. It was a one strapped dress with the color red fading into black. It was a pretty dress. And that's a lot from me because I don't wear dresses. "Here try it on." piper said handing it to Me. "Ok..." I took the dress and headed towards the dressing room. Something is up I can feel it. I pull of the clothes I had on once again and pulled the dress on. I walked out still in my convers though. "You look fabulous in it. You should get it and wear it home." piper said "fine I'll get it. I need some shoes for it though." I said piper squealed and I went back into the changing room and changed back into my clothes. Taking in the dress with me I headed out. me and piper headed to the cashier and bought the dress and headed to another store. "After getting shoes I'm taking you to the arcade." I said as we walked into a shoe store. Piper checks her watch. "That should burn off three hours." she mumbles "what! How long are we staying here?" I asked "till six." "why?" I asked "there's something going on but I can't tell you." "fine lets get some shoes then go to The arcade. She nods and we look around the store when I found this pair a black sandles. "Piper I found some!" I yelled acrosed the store. She runs over to me and looks at them "perfect." we bought them and headed towards tilt the arcade. "Hey piper I knew something was up all along because it's not like you to suggest shopping." I said "true." "look we're here! There's this simulator game I want to show you. I lead her in there and pay for our credits and head over to the car thingie. "You drive I'll vet the pedal." I s said as she entered the car on the other side. She takes the card and swipe it and the ride starts. I hit the gas and she starts driving. The thing we we're sitting In went up and down and turned on the side. Piper screamed when it first started but then calmed down and started laughing with me.

"Ok we've got a couple hours before we go home wanna go get your hair dyed." piper asked and I nod we head over to the malls salon. "Do you have a appointment ?" the lady asked
"No." piper said the lady at the front desk looked around. "We can hold two more, come along." she said leading us to chairs were a stylist waited. "How would you like you hair today?" the stylist asked "can you dye my hair purple but just highlights." I asked the stylist nods and starts rebleaching my old highlights. It burned so much but I didn't cry out.

"You hair is done now." The stylist said turning the chair so I could look in a mirror. My highlights that once we're blue are now purple. I got of the chair and played at the front desk while piper waited for Me at the door of the salon. "Trim?" I asked "yea just a trim." she looks at her watch again. " ok it dosnt take long dose it for death to take us home right" "right." "ok so you need to go to the bathroom and change into these." piper said handing me my shoes and dress. We ran around the mall till we found a bathroom. I ran in a stall quickly got dressed and walked outside of the bathroom. "Lets go." she said taking my wrist and dragging me out the door. Once outside I whistled for deathto come. He did but he stepped on somebody's bike. He leans down and we climb him. "Lets go back home." I whisper in his ear. We take off and in a mater of minutes we're home. Piper slide off the dragon and dissapered somewhere. I see a sign saying go through the gate to outside. Ok.... I walk to the gates and open it. My moms backyard was transformed into a magical wonderland. The house and fence had lights on them and some in the trees. My boyfriend Will stood in front of my favorite Apple tree that I loved to climb.he smiled when he saw me. "You did all this?" I asked "I had some help from our friends." he said. "Its beautiful." He just smiles again. He stuck his hands in his pockets while I started at him smiling like an idiot oblivious to what he was about to do. He got down one knee and pulled out a box. He opened it to see a beautiful ring with a silver band and a black jewel in the middle. "Lica ever since the first time you came into the infirmary I had a crush on you and ever since we started dating I loved you will you Mar-" I stoped him before He finished. "Yes." I said and hugged him. I pulled away for a second to see his happy face. He cupped my face with his hands and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I herd the door of my house open so we pulled away and saw all our friends staring at us. "What'd she say." everyone shouted at us. Will just smiles and slips the engagement ring on my finger. Every clapped. "To bad there isn't a lake to throw you guys in!" Thorn shouted. "Actually me and Percy can fix That." Ocean said. Percy and ocean waved there hands and water came from no were. Everyone surround us and next thing I know is that I'm in the air on top of a bunch a people. Now I'm In the water. Percy waves his hands and a bubble forms around me and Will. Lets just say it was the best and the first and definitely the last water kiss ever.

Now you might say they are only 18 ok were I live it's legal to get married at that age plus they are endgaged not married. Now you might be wondering what about the war! WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH well it's coming ok please don't ask I have a plan. Sorta.

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