Chapter 17 Boys sleep over

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Nico's POV:
I sat on a bed in Percy's cabin not knowing what to do. It was pretty awkward without everyone here. "Why did we never Lica she was a demigod until about a month ago." I blurted out "I mean she tells us everything then us, we keep the secret of her being a demigod from her nearly two years!" I added
The guys shrugged
"We thought she wouldn't believe us until something happened." Percy said
"Something did happen she was attacked by a hell-hound thank God's Annabeth had her dagger!" I said
"But Annabeth was there." They said
I left at that
"Lets think of how she feels now I mean how would we feel if she kept a quest a secret or something from us." I said
"Nico has a point." Leo said
"When's her birthday?" Frank ask
"June 17 the cusp." I said
"She is turning 18 rigjt?" Percy ask
"Yea, why." I ask
Frank and Percy glance at eachother and said "no reason."
I shrugged it off.
"Hey guys I'm going to go to bed." I said. They all nod and I find a bed.
I awoken by someone shaking me. I open my eyes and blink to get used to the light.
"Lica is missing." Piper said
I shot up hitting my head on the top bunk. "Ouch."
"I thought she was with you." I sais
"She was but when we woke up she wasn't there." Piper explained.
I grabbed my cloths and ran to the bathroom and changed out of my pj's. I ran out the bathroom and out the cabin. I headed to the one place were demigods can let your anger out. The training dummies.

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