Chapter 27 sister

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Lica's POV:
I had already told Chiron about me staying and as of right now I'm just wondering around camp.
Piper sees me and walks up to me. "Why are you so mysterious and always in the shadows." She asked
"Cause we are the most hot headed demigod you'll meet and we like to stay away from crowds." I said
"That explains what happened to Travis and uh my sister." Piper said
"Sorry about that." I said
"Its ok she was fine she was mostly shocked the anything."
The conch for dinner was blowed
"Great." I said
"I don't like people, well most anyways." I said
"I'm not one of those that you don't like right."
"No you're not if you were you wouldn't be my friend."
Piper nods and heads to the pavilion leaving alone wear I was.
I slowly walked to the pavilion just to run head first into a wall.
I look and see brick wall.
"Cures this random wall of bricks!" I yelled while waving my head to the side crushing them.
I finished walking tithe pavilion but instead of craving food I just sat down on the table.
Nico and Hazel both stare at me.
"The brick wall was no accident." Nico said
"You saw the brick wall too."
"No but we herd you yell cure this random wall of bricks."
"Yea..... ok." I said looking away.
'' so Lica when did you start uh dating Will." Hazel ask
"Two weeks before you guys knew or well more like two days after the date."
"Ok so you are the one keeping secrets now, I see." Nico points out
I scoff "it was only two weeks not two years."
"Lica, you know I did that because don care about you." Nico says
I get up from the table. "If you truly cared about me you would've told me sooner."
''If I were to tell you sooner you wouldn't believe me."
"Nico, you always knew you were my brother always and you say you did this because you care for me, it dosnt seam like it at all." I said
Nico looked hurt when he said "I really did care Lica you just weren't ready."
"Enough with this conversation. " I said before getting of the bench and was about to start walking.
"But Li-"
"I SAID ENOUGH!" I yelled throwing my fist down on the table before turning and heading back. I ignored the whispering about why is Will dating a hothead.
I ran off to my cabin.Then I realized they would find me here so I headed of to the beach.
I sat on the rock and looked at the beach.
I turn around and see Will
I couldn't help by smile. "Folks me again."
"No I just knew you'd come here."
"My anger has gotten the better of me."
"I think it has gotten the better of Nico too."
"You know sometimes I wish I was just a normal kid but then again if I was I would whenever met you." I said kissing will's cheek.
"Hey lica, why didn't you grab a plate at dinner."
"I wasn't hungry." I said
"So I was wondering if you could help me find out if my sister Lico is a demigod?"
"Yep let go."
"Really let go don't you mean lets go." I said
"Yea but let go is from a song."
"Ok mini Apollo. "
"Its not my fault."
"I know its not.''
We head back to my cabin and send and iris message by controls what little water powers I had and the little light powers will had.
"Lico Marie knight."
A image came up and there I saw Lico looking confuses
"I can't believe it's you! My twin!"
"That answers our question." I mumble
"So lico could you come to camp with me."
"Your a demigod of Hades our father."
"How you know."
"Because we are twins and that's our father." I said
"I try it out this summer ok."
"Thanks I'll seen I'm 6 months." I said

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