Chapter 41

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Lica's POV:

Stuck in the jet wash.
Bad trip I couldn't get off.
And maybe I bit off more than I could chew
And overhead of the aqua blue.

"Out of all the days She had to chose this day to turn on us!" I shout while ripping off my bracelet and turn it into my sword. I turn to Annabeth who was standing by my side. "Dont bite more then you can chew." she says. I nod and look at the aqua blue sky that I'm going to miss if I'm dead.

Fall to your knees, bring on the rapture.
Blessed be the boys time can't capture
On film or between the sheets.
I always fall from your window to the pitch-black streets.

I rush into battle even though I shouldn't. I stop dead in my tracks and watched as people fell to there knees but all that made me do was rush in even more to take on the bigger enemy. Hannah.

And with the black banners raised
As the crooked smiles fade.
Former heroes who quit too late.
Who just wanna fill up the trophy case again.

Black. The color repsenting death is all I see as people fall to their knees. Dead I can feel it as I charge through the crowd

And in the end
I'd do it all again.
I think you're my best friend.
Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?
I'm yours.
When it rains it pours.
Stay thirsty like before.
Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?

I hear a earpeicing scream. Recognising it I turn around and see my sister laying on the ground a cut crossed her face and a huge wound in the stomach. I yell for help as tears stream down my face. I graves her shoulders "lico! Stay with me!" I yell tears flowing down even more now but I didn't dare to whipe them away. I see Jason not to far away and call to him. He runs over to me and looks down at the bloody Lico.

I'm not passive but aggressive.
Take note it's not impressive.
Empty your sadness like you're dumping your purse on my bedroom floor
We put your curse in reverse.

He picks her up with ease as if he knows what I was asking him and runs off towards the infirmary

And it's our time now if you want it to be.
Maul the world like a carnival bear set free.
And your love is anemic.
And I can't believe that you couldn't see it coming for me.

I watch as my sister was carried off to the Infimary but then look back to my surroundings. "How could she Somun so many monsters at once." I said to myself

And I still feel that rush in my veins.
It twists my head just a bit to think.
All those people in those old photographs I've seen are dead.

I looked around for her knowing she wouldn't want to be in the middle of battle. I see her and charge dodging most of the monsters attacks only to feel a he'll hound bite my leg. I scream in pain but still kept running. Felling the rush through my veins I turn my head and see all my friends struggling and thinking of the future if I don't help them I'll look at pictures of them know they're dead. I turn around and help them. Slashing at empusos and hell hounds. It seamed to never end

And in the end
I'd do it all again.
I think you're my best friend.
Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?
I'm yours.
When it rains it pours.
Stay thirsty like before.
Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?

I'll do this all over again to help my friends. They we're my friends my family my best friends and my finance. As if on cue it's starts rainning. Sprinkling at first then starts to pour. When it rains it pours. I thought to myself. I guess a group of teltikins thought it would be funny to attack Me as I wasn't paying attention. I turn my attention to them a swing my sword cutting one in the arm. I keep swinging cutting theire legs arms and heads watching them turn to dust and blow away.

And sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes, yeah.
And let your dirty sadness fill me up just like a balloon.

After that I felt like just falling and start staring at my feet but I couldn't I couldn't let my camp down. I can't let lico down. Remembering what happened sadness filled me up like a balloon.

And in the end
I'd do it all again.
I think you're my best friend.
Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?
I'm yours.
When it rains it pours.
Stay thirsty like before.
Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?

I take a stepped forward looking for Hannah and get my revenge. But as I take that step I slip in the mud. Covered in mud now I get back up and look around spoting Hannah I charge through the monsters ignoring the fact my shirt was getting ripped to shreds and half of my pant leg was missing. I ran right into her knocking her over. I got up quickly and put my foot on her chest no careing how hard I stepped on her. I held my sword to her neck the point digging Into her neck. She just smiles. "Join me Lica. Become immortal, remove your sword and join me." I remove my sword and take my foot off her chest and allow her to stand up. She smiles a evil grin and shoots something out of her hand. I take my sword and block it shooting it back at her. She screamin pain. "Your not a nymph." I said. "You fingered it out." "who are you." I ask holding my sword to her face.
"I'm a mermaid. Teasformed to a human form by none other then circe herself." she said happily. I got Fed up with talking and lunged my sword through her throat. She checked a few times before going limp on my sword. I lay the body down and step on it And pull out my sword. I walked always leaving the corps there. Remebering I never put on my armor like everyone eles I rush to wear I left It before charging into battle. I slipped my chest plate on and put on my element before attacking the remaining monsters.

I lay there on ground breathing heavenly. The battle was won and I was fine just worn out. I herd footsteps running towards me. "Are you ok?" I herd Will voice asking me.
I felt somebody holding to my arms and left me up by them standing me up. My mission grew blurry. That last thing I remember was saying "the kids aren't alright." before darkness overcame me.

The song in here is called the kids aren't alright. Sorry for the CLIFFHANGER and next chapter we find out what happeneds to Lico!

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