Chapter 16 Girls slumber party

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Lica's POV:
They all stared at the pile of rubber bands clips and pencils.
Calypso points at it "this is what we need to make them."
I nod
"Sit down and watch me, we will start with the chain." I said
The all sat down.
"So you take a rubber bane and make it a eight and slide it over the pencils and put another one over that and pull this two over this one." I explained.

After they got it everyone had a bracket for them and the boyfriend except me I had one for my brother.

"So lica you are the only girl that dosnt have a boyfriend in this group. Do you have any crushes." Piper ask
"No." I said flatly
"I think you might change your mind." Hazle said poking my arm.
"Someday." I mumbled.
"Can we talk about something else please." I said
"Yea," hazel said
"How'd you get the rubber bands to make these." Annabeth ask
"First time my mom knew I was here and gave me the rest I had at home second time if you know the right Hermes kid you can get some snuggled stuff." I said
"You did what!" Annabeth ask
"Percy got smuggled coala and I'm the one getting in trouble." I said
"True." Piper said
After sitting and talking for awhile I herd knock on the cabin door.
I get up and answer it to see, I can't put my finger on who but looks dangerously similar.
"Here you go. Its from your mom." The strange man said
"Also sign here." He says and gives me a pen and a paper.
The pen has two little worm thingies one it. I take the pen and sign. He gives me the envelope.
"I'm Hermes by the way, the farther of the kid you punched." He said
"Sorry about that I've got anger issues and yea demigods have to there anger to a minimum." I said
"You can always beat up a practice dummy instead of my son next time." Hermes says with a laugh
"Wait not mad." I ask
"Nah, anyways I got to go. " he said
I nod and close the door.
"Who was that." They ask
"So remember the time I punched one if the Stolls well that was their father, anyways I got a letter from my mom." I said sitting down on my bed.
"Well open it." Annabeth said
The envelope was a black my favorite color.
I open the envelope up and take the piece of paper in it out and open it.

Dear Lucia,
I herd you got safely to the camp I got an iris message from Chiron, I'm am truly sorry for not telling you sooner but I wasn't aloud I was to let you find out on your own. I herd you got claimed too. I really miss you and would like you and your half brother and half sister to come to my house some time.

P.s summer isn't going to last forever you need to think about if you are staying or going to school.

Anger boiled up inside me that she is just now writing to me and I have been here for a month.
"Your name is Lucia?" Piper ask
"Yea but I never liked that name so I had everyone call me lica I just took the u out anyways." I said
"Dose anyone else know." Hazle ask
"No." I said,
"Not even Nico." They Said
"No, why should I, he keeps everything from me." I said
"But he is your brother." They said
"Yea I guess so." I said
"Hey it's getting late how about we go t bed now." Annabeth said
We all agree and head to different bunks.

I'm going to end it here. What you think,
QOTD: should lica have a love interest if so what charter should it be?
Answer: um I have an idea but I'm not sure I'll use it all the way.

Peace out my demigods homies


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