Chapter 18 found her

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Nico's POV:
I forgot the fact I could shadow travel so I ran. I got to the training dummies and scanned the area. By one dummy laid there. I rushed over and sat down next to her. A few minutes later my friend were her with me. Hazle came over and sat down and huged me. "I'm sure she is ok." She whispered to me.
''I'm going to go get Will." Annabeth said walking off.
I put my face in my hands and start crying. "Look some Apollo kids are here." Hazle said
I look up and see Will and other Apollo kids holding a make shift stretcher. I sat and watch as the lifted Lica and sat her on the stretcher and take her away.
"I think I know what made her mad." Calypso said
"And what is that?" I ask
"The letter from her mom."she said handing e the paper. "He-her name is Lucia and she never told me." I ask
At that moment I felt like Lica finding out a secret that we kept from her for two years.
"I'm going to the infirmary. " I said
"But Ni-" I shadow travled away.
"Will do you know what happened?" I ask
"She got mad and used to much magic."
"And you are saying." I ask
"She wasn't ready to use it that much."
"By any chance do you know her real name?" Will asked
"Lucia." I said
"What an unusual name." Will said and I swear I saw a smile Creep up on his face.
"L.u.c.I.a, right."
I nod
I sit down in one of the chairs "now it's time to play the waiting game." I mumbled.
The door of the infirmary open and piper Jason hazel frank Leo calypso Annabeth and Percy walk in.
"Why's wrong with Lica" they ask
"She wore herself out." I said not wanting to go into details.
They sit down in the chairs around me.
We all sat on silence untill I had brought up a conversation. "She has been her one month and has been here four times." I said
"Well let's see she has fainted twice, has gotten coined in the head and, wore herself out." Percy said
"She mise as well get used to it because she dosnt know what coming." I said

Lica's POV:
I wake up in the infirmary, again.
"I really need to stop waking up here." I said not expecting an answer.
"Yep." Said a familiar voice.
"Will?" I ask
"This is the first time waking up here without my friends sitting in the chairs half asleep." I said
"It is isn't it." Will said as a wave of confusion flashed over his face.
"How long was it this time?" I ask
"Two days." Will said
I sigh "better then most." I said
I don't know why but I have this feeling my friends weren't here for a reason and I'm pretty sure Piper set it up. "Will, when can I leave." I ask
"Let me check you then I'll decide. " will said
I nod. I feel him put a cool hand on my head.
"You're ok you can leave now." Will said
I'm not sure I I was imagining things but I thought I saw disappointment in his eyes. I shook the thought away and headed out but before I did I said "hey thanks for being there when I'm injured."
Will smiled "anytime." Will replied before I walked out the door. As I walked out some Aphrodite kids snickered. "How was your date with will." One said
"It wasn't a date." I said coldly
"Are you sure, I mean your in there a lot." Another said
"Did anyone else see Will going Goey eyes for Lica?" Another said
"Hey stop it." A familiar voice said. I look over and see piper. I nod a thank you before walking away. As I was walking I ran into someone. "Sorry Nico." I said
''Its ok." He said
"Hey I found out there is this new water nymph named Hannah but she looks sketchy." Nico says and points. I see this grey skinned and and grey tail nymph with green hair. "Ok then. I'm going to head back to the cabin and forget what the Aphrodite kids did to me." I said walking away, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned. "What'd they do?" Nico asked his eyes ful of concern. "I'm sure you'll find out at dinner." I said walking away.

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