Chapter 21 the date Part One

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Lica's POV :
"Piper." I whined "I don't like this dress."
"Fine." Piper says and digs through ny closet. "Um Lica, this is the Greek dress made of water from the battle of Octavian, how is it here in one piece?" Piper ask
"I think Posidion saved it because there was a note on it from him saying you might need this." I said
"I say you should wear this."  Piper says.
"Ok." I said grabbing the dress and heading to the bathroom.
I slip it on. It was a white dress that went to my knee with lace sleeves that go to my wrist that has a golden strap near the elbow that is a little tighter with a matching belt, the back was a bit longer.
I walk out the bathroom and notice the dress turned from white and gold to black and silver. "How?" Piper ask pointing on the dress.
A note pops in my hand

Thought you might like this better

"My dad changed the color. Even though he isn't physically here he is still there for me." I said and smiled.
"First date?" Piper ask
"First date ever." I said
Piper rushed over. "Lets curl your hair." Piper said
"I gotta go now Will will be here you pick you up soon." Piper said leaving.
I skiped on a pair of black sandles.
I here a knock on the door and got up and answered it.
There I saw Will in a formal shirt with a tie and black pants and black shoes.
Will stood there in awe.
I smiled "not something you see everyday?" I said
He shakes his and points to my dress.
I look and see it changing from black and silver to white and gold. Finaly it stoped and it was a black dress with a silver belt and white blotches.
"Lets go." Will said taking my hand.
"Wait how are we getting there?" I ask
"Pegasus." Will says
I nod
We head over to the entrance of camp and see a Pegasus waiting.
"Can I sit behind you?" I ask
"Yea." Will said
"Thanks." I said
We got seated on the Pegasus, before we head of Chiron comes over "Be back before curfew. And please take these."  Chiron says hand us our weapons. Mine was as a bracelet right now and I don't know what Wills was.
"Ready." I say and we take off.
I look around at my surroundings but instantly get scared and press my against Wills back. "Almost there." Will said and two minutes later we landed.
Will gets off and helps me. "You ok?" He ask
I shake my head no "I'm afraid of horses. " I said
Will pulls me close "Its ok it's not like we have to ride her an hour." Will said
"At least." I said
"You know New York better then me lead on." Will said.
I grab wills hand and drag him off with me. "When I was little my older brother would take me here to dance. But that was so many years ago." I said
"Care to dance?" Will said hiding out his hand. I took it. We danced for awhile till we realized we only have an hour and a half left. "Lets go. " I said dragging Will along.
"This was the caffé I was heading to before I got attacked by a he'll hound." I said leading Will inside.
"Where have you been Lica it's been a month." The waiter name Angie said
"I've been busy." I said
"I can tell, I see you have brought your boyfriend."
I blushed
"Ok so what would you like?" Angie ask
"The usual for me and for Will this is his first time what would you recommend? " I ask
"I'll surprise him." Angie says winking and we head over to a table.
"I don't want you to remember this night I want to make it a night you can't forget." I said

So this was getting long so I'm spouting it into parts.


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