Chapter 14 Battle

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Lica's POV:
I wake back up in the infirmary.
I see Will checking some stuff on a clipboard.
"Will, how long was I out."
"30 minutes."
"Can I go back to Battle."
Will gives me this are you crazy look.
"No, because you have been here three times already and you haven't even been here for a month."
"Don't you understand that this is my only chance in a while to find out what's so special about me?"
"Go on then. But hurry before I change my mind."
I jump purifier the bed to find that I'm in a black tank top and jeans and my blue tennis shoes.
I brush and pull ym hair up in a quick pony tail and run back to battle.
"Your back." Caylpso said
I nod
"Here take you sword I found one I could use." Calypso says and hands me my sword.
I slash I dodge and summon skeletons.
Then all of a sudden I didn't see my friends anymore instead I saw a blond hair boy,Octavin.
"You! If you come with me I will let this so called friends out, if you refuse this people will stay in the cage and the war will continue on top of that the monsters will slowly start eating your friends picking them off one by one." Octavian said.
"Also that one over there is going down first since he Is the weakest." He added pointing a my brother.
I held out my hands and formed a energy ball that slowly grew bigger and bigger by the second. Soon I felt my feet lift off the ground, the ball I had formed was soon and its latest point. I raised it above my head. "How dare you speak of my brother like that!" I yelled and threw the ball at Octavian.
He tried dodging but he got caught in the explosions.
I felt my feet touch the ground.
"Now who is next." I yelled.
All the monsters scrambled off.
I walked over to were my friends were in the cage and opened it.
Nico pulled me into a hug when he got out.
It shocked me because he dosnt give hugs out freely but I huged him back.
"Lico!" They shouted.
"A team name." I said
"I love you lica." Nico said
This shocked me even more.
"I love you to Nico." I said
"Aww brother sister love!" Piper squealed
"How about we head back to the cabins and clean up." I said
They all nod and we all go the the cannons and end this weird day.

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