season: 1, pilot

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a large explosion is heard through the hydra base as alarms are heard. people are running left and right, getting to their battle stations as they prepare for the avengers.

"Attention all personnel, we have a code red. get to your battle stations immediately, we have an intruder alert" is heard through the speaker phones of the base.

agents were anxious as they waited and waited and waited, for the avengers to break in. the screams of their fellow teammates were heard as they were attacked by the enemy. explosions were heard and gunshots were fired.

then everything went silent....

the main door to the base was blasted off its hinges. then the wall was also blasted by an energy beam. tony stark? is that you? everyone was waiting for the inevitable as they assumed the avengers would fly in and dispose of them. but that didn't happen.

the smoke started the clear out and the silhouette of a person was seen. their hair flew in the wind as they stood there. katana in one hand and gun in the other. their suit was fully black, with a dark bandana on their mouth leaving only their eyes exposed.

suddenly the person coughed.

"The entrance was cool and all but the smoke, not so much" the person looked around the hallway and saw every agent with different expressions on their faces. some were angry, others were terrified, other confused.

"Oh, how very rudd of me, get it?" silence. "i forgot. anyways let's get down to business" suddenly there was bubbles flying around the room. the agents were confused till they heard "can't have guns in here. tight space which restricts my movements a lot"

the agents looked down to see their hands empty of any weapon they might have been holding. a few of the agents ran away... or tried to but were turned to stones. one made the mistake of going in alone which resulted in him being levitated into the air and thrown out the room and into a metal spike.

suddenly all agents ran towards her ready to attack only to be disposed of fairly quickly. the girl looked around at before continuing her walk through the base. she planted c4 in the building and shot any agent that got in her way. others weren't so lucky as they met her Katana. The girl looked at her watch and suddenly bolted to the main entrance where she would only escape the explosion by a few seconds. when she stood up, she saw the avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D agents pointing their guns at her before firing.

suddenly everything froze.

"Yep, that's me, you must be wondering how i got here. for you to understand how i ended up in this situation i have to take you back to the beginning where it all started"

a few weeks ago.

"I was just your ordinary teenage girls. perfect life, perfect grades, perfect friends and even perfect parents. but surprisingly none of that mattered to me. you see, what I said was true. I do have the perfect friends but, that's how my parents see them. you see, since I met them, my family has been spending a lot of time with them. and it was nothing at first until they were suddenly invited to everything like, camping trips, family trips, family dinners, picnics and more. which lead me to where I am right now. my room. it isn't big, it isn't small, it's perfectly fine for what i have, which isn't much. right now, I'm getting ready for school"

"(y/n), come on you're going to be late"

"Coming mom!" (y/n), rushed down the stairs only to miss one and roll all the way to the bottom.

"You ok" (y/m/n), asked. (Your mother's name).

"Yeah, I'm fine. can i get something to eat first?"

"You want to be late?" (y/m/n) asked you with raised eyebrows.

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