season 2: aftermath

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It had been a few weeks since the alien attack and things were getting a bit better. I for one became part of the team, even though they still didn't fully trust me.

New York was still a little destroyed but most of the buildings had been repaired, thanks to stark. I also started to get closer to Nat and saw her as a mother figure or older sister.

School was closed since the attack mostly because the building was destroyed thanks to the aliens, which is the only good thing they've done. 

I still wear my mask around the avengers considering i still didn't know if this was for real or they were just trying to bait me into a trap.

My powers are malfunctioning and i can barely fight Wanda during training.

everything is perfect.

Currently I'm on patrol with Spidey. We were pranking the team until tony got fed up with us and kicked us out the tower, so now we're here, sitting on top of empire state, drinking coffee, eating candy and telling ridiculous stories about school, mostly Spidey since he still didn't know who i was.

"Did tony finish those tests?" Spidey asked, tony had recommended doing some tests to see why my powers were acting crazy.

"don't know, i guess not since he's too busy planning a party, but he's tony so who knows if he already finished it." 

"Spidey, I wanna tell you something, don't get mad" His eyes squinted but nodded.

there was a long silence after as i tried to find a way to tell him who i really was. Do i just remove the mask and go "ta-da" or what, he hates ME but doesn't mind my alter ego, This is a really hard decision. I want to tell him but at the same time, i have no idea how.

"Never mind, maybe one day" He just nodded. That's one thing i liked about peter, he didn't pressure you into talking if you didn't want to, he'd stay and listen, i just wish i could tell him.

Both of our suits beeped as tony called us. "We need you guys at the tower, its urgent" 

We both shared a glance and shrug before jumping off the building and flying/swinging our way back. 

Arriving at the tower, we noticed everyone was acting strange, like they were nervous or something. 

"This isn't good" Spidey whispered, making me turn to him and raise an eyebrow. "Normally this only happens when general ross is here."

My eyes instantly widened. "Like the old man that started the civil war." Spidey nodded. "What does he want?"

"I don't know, but I'm guessing it's because your part of the team, he came by when i was announced as a new team member." Spidey told me as we entered the meeting room and Spidey took off his mask while taking a seat.

Sitting next to nat while tapping my fingers on the table. "Don't worry, It's just a standard check in, you'll be fine." Nat told me with a comforting smile.

I needed at her and smiled back even though i still had my mask on, she could tell i was smiling back. A few seconds later a couple state agents entered the room and covered every exit before senator ross entered.

"that's new" nat muttered to herself.

"What's new?" I asked her as i began to worry a bit.

"He normally comes with his assistant" She explained as ross began asking questions about the alien attack. 

After a while of asking questions relating the attacks, he turned to be. "So, you're Ms. Shadow i presume, correct?" 

I needed at his question.

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