season: 1, ep 3

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you woke up that day with a huge smile on your face. today was the day you trained with your powers. you didn't think much about it before but last night you thought about it so here you were.

you got up from your bed and made your way to the bathroom, where you brushed your teeth, took a shower and got dressed. you decided to start with something simple like writing down what your main powers would be and what would be the secondary.

you made a notebook appear and started writing what your main powers would be.



super speed.

super strength.

reality warping (only when needed).

enhanced durability.

plot manipulation.

energy blast/beams.

and basically, copying someone else's powers.

with those in mind, you started to train with them. first you started with the teleporting, going from one place to the other. you started to test their limits, which meant you teleported to Russia, Africa (almost getting killed by a group if lions), then going to space and coming back before you died. after all that you decided your powers had no limits, so you stayed on earth and trained yourself in hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat and combat using your powers.

after a few hours you had things under control, you had also started making other clones of you that did what you told them, they would be a good distraction. you stopped training and grabbed a bowl and served yourself cereal before going on your laptop to sign yourself up to a school.

you were scrolling through nearby schools before your eyes landed on "midtown school of science and technology" you signed yourself up and after your breakfast you went out to buy stuff for your suit. it was going to be simple, just black and a face mask, but you also wanted it to be bulletproof and for it to allow free movement.

you could have easily made it appear out of nowhere and be done with it but you wanted to actually do stuff for yourself, since you wanted the full superhero beginnings feeling. you grabbed your stuff and threw it in your backpack before going and searching for the nearest mall.

arriving at the mall you entered and started to look for clothes and sports stores. you arrive at the first one and entered. it had somethings that you needed like a bandana, some dark gloves and glasses. you left that store and went to a shoe store where you bought yourself a couple combat boots, after that you went to another store that sold belts and bought yourself some for the utility belt.

Now all you needed was the material your suit was going to be made out of. leather. you figured there wasn't a store that sold it nearby, so you went back home to put your stuff there before

going out to buy weapons.

getting back to your place you realized you needed better security since you only had windows and they were easy to break. Putting your bags down on the bed you went back outside but not before making an invisible barrier in your windows and door.

you searched for a weapons store nearby and found a couple that had what you needed which was katanas, throwing knives, daggers, guns, and a bo-staff. finally making your way down the street and to the store that was a good 2 hour walk from your place, you decided to buy some coffee since you didn't have any that morning and you were already tired.

you were peacefully walking down the street, which was nearly empty, when a guy snatched you and threw you to the ground. looking up you saw 2 other men standing behind him wearing ski mask.

the one that snatched you pulled out a gun and pointed it at you. "Empty your bag, now before i put a bullet in your head" he said trying to sound threatening. you just raised an eyebrow and looked at him like if he was crazy "do you think I'm bluffing?" the guy asked again.

"How are you going to put a bullet in my head with a stick?" you asked, making him look at his gun. his eyes widened at that fact that he was now holding a stick. you jumped on him when you noticed he was distracted and landed a powerful blow to his head knocking him out. you stood up and over his body and looked at his two friends.

"you guys have 2 options, 1. you try to fight me and i knock you out and handle you over to the police or 2. you try to run only for me to grab you and knock you out" you asked raising at eyebrow at both of them.

they both jumped at you. the first one tried punching you but you ducked under his arm before kicking the other one making him fall. the one behind you came to throw another punch at you before you jumped over him and swept his legs from under him making him fall, before

punching him in the temple knocking him out.

the last one ran at you making you summon a whip ready to smack him with it, before a string of white attached to his shirt pulling him into a wall before he was covered in a blanket of webs.looking up you saw spiderman sitting there looking at you with narrowed eyes, you just raised an eyebrow at him before saying "I had that" making him narrow his eyes even more.

"You were going to whip the guy, I couldn't let you do that" he said, jumping down and landing Infront of you.

"Your one to talk, you punch people over and over again when we both know you could knock them out with a punch" you stated.

spiderman looked at you before saying "you don't know anything about me"

you walked past him and said "but Mr. stark, I'm nothing without the suit" making his eyes widen and he tried to web you only for the web to go through you while you walked into the sidewalk again and going back on your walk to the weapons shop.avengers tower

"She said the exact same thing i told you when you took my suit away" peter said. the avengers were sitting in the meeting room after tony called an emergency meeting.

"How did you meet her peter" tony asked while leaning back in his chair.

"Ok, I was out on patrol when I saw this girl get snatched into the back of a building, so i followed them. there were 3 guys there and it looked like they were going to rob her. so i was about to jump down and help her when one of them threatened with shooting her, she didn't seem to care but she asked how they were going to shoot her with a stick, and when i looked at the guys hand he in fact was holding a stick, and i was in too much shook to do anything but then she knocked out 2 guys and the 3rd one was going to go at her but she pulled a whip out of nowhere, so i pulled the guy back and webbed him up" peter stopped for a second the breath before continuing "anyways she said she had it and I said she was going to whip him and i couldn't let her do that which made her say something like 'your one to talk when you can knock someone out with just one punch but you don't so I responded to her with 'you don't know anything about me' which made her walk past me and say 'but Mr. stark I'm nothing without the suit' so i was surprised and I was going to ask her how she know that but she was leaving, so i shot a web to pull her back only for the web to go through her"

"So, you're saying she has some type of power" Steve asked looking at peter.

"We can look at the footage from his patrol" Natasha said while shrugging.

"Friday" tony said, making the AI pull up the video from the suit only for it to not show anything besides peter webbing the man up. it didn't show a girl or anybody else.everyone looked at peter before standing to leave "wait its true. I don't know what she did but she did something. i swear it happened" peter said trying to convince them but they left. tony walked up to peter and patted his shoulder before leaving too.

your house

you entered your house again and started putting stuff on a table. you had bought your weapons and a few electronics that you would break apart to make security systems and stuff like that, but that was for tomorrow. right now, you were going to go to sleep and wake up early tomorrow to start.

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