Season 2: On The Run

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A large monitor with multiple devices displaying various videos projected a video of (y/n) sitting on her couch, staring up at her ceiling. The other screens revealed different scenes—a glimpse into Peter and Aunt May's apartment, a view of the Avengers Tower and its bustling rooms, and the image of the Avengers themselves, deep in discussion as they struggled to devise a plan to save (y/n), their efforts in vain.

"Yes, everything is going exactly as I planned," a female voice declared, resonating through the room as the screens illuminated her seated figure.

"Anything else, ma'am?" a man dressed in a Hydra agent uniform inquired.

"No, you've done well. Now we'll have to wait," she replied, her laughter trailing off as the scene played out.

(y/n)'s thoughts unfurled in her mind:

"How could this have happened? Just when I began forming bonds with the team, just when Nat started feeling like the mother I longed for, and Tony like the uncle I never had, everything suddenly descended into chaos. I tried wielding my power to halt this, experimenting with changes in events, answers, timing, even altering Ross's mood, yet they all converged to the same outcomes. I even crossed a line, destroying an entire universe in one timeline—only to revert it to save everyone. It was a moment of pure desperation, where, at my weakened state, I tapped into a reservoir of power I never knew existed, tanking a universal explosion that wiped out the whole universe, just to reset the course of destiny."

'These powers, once perceived as a gift, now feel like a curse. They've stripped me of all I held dear, and I'm powerless even to aid myself. Where did I go astray? Was it my pride, my ego, or perhaps both? I can't wield my own powers to rid myself of them; I had to resort to scientific measures.'

She held up a small vial containing a vivid blue liquid.

'A single drop could permanently sever my connection to these powers. I might have asked Tony to perform this, but his limitations prevent it. Only I possess the knowledge of my abilities and how to manipulate them, my vulnerabilities, my strengths—every facet.'

'I could end it all now, right here, but I can't... I can't fathom why. Is it the wrongness of it, or the realization that by doing so, I'd forsake those who desperately require my assistance?'

Head in her hands, (y/n) lowered her face, torn between the weight of her choices and the longing to escape the shackles of her abilities. The room around her seemed to blur as the weight of her decisions pressed down on her.

The screen's glow reflected off her contemplative gaze, yet as seconds stretched into minutes, a subtle shift occurred within her. Amidst the struggle, her determination rekindled—a spark against the darkness that threatened to engulf her.

'No,' she silently vowed, 'I won't be confined by my own abilities. I'll find a way, a purpose, a reason to keep going.'

With newfound resolve, she lowered the vial and wiped away the traces of her tears. The path ahead remained unclear, but one thing was certain: she wouldn't let herself be defined solely by her powers.

And as the monitors flickered and dimmed, the room whispered with the promise of untold possibilities, as did the future that awaited (y/n), a future she was determined to shape on her own terms.


this is the last we'll see of (y/n) permanently, im gonna retcon all of this so that her name was originally jenna, you can change her name to something else if you'd like but the changes are still there. :)

this is just a filler chapter which is why its so short. 

I'll update again in a bit. 

have a good day


simpfornatandwanda. ;)

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