season:1, ep 2

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S.H.I.E.L.D base.

Maria hill, walked into fury's office with a tablet in her hand. she tapped the screen a few times before showing it to him.

"We've picked up unknown energy signals, this morning. it started somewhere at 9:35 pm to 9:40 pm." she said while giving fury the tablet. fury, looked at the screen before leaning back in his chair and hummed.

"Do we know where it started and where it is now?" he asked while scrolling to read the energy signals.

"That's the thing sir, it didn't stay in one spot for long, at one point it was in New York, the next it was somewhere in Russia. It did stop now but we've lost it." hill explained. fury handed the tablet to hill before saying.

"Head to its last known location" fury said, before telling hill to leave his office.

Somewhere In Queens

you finally woke up and notice you weren't in your room. jumping to your feet you looked around only to see that you were in a park. you started to walk out of the park and noticed the unfamiliar city. while walking you saw 5 black vans drive past you with the S.H.I.E.L.D logos on them.

confused you thought you somehow went to a movie set, but that didn't explain how you were there in the first place. it took you a while to realize you were in your PJs, so you decided to look around for a clothes store. you were finally a good block away from the clothes store before seeing spiderman swing past you. you were confused as to how that was possible, spiderman isn't real unless they are making the swinging with a stunt double.

you finally arrived at the store and entered. looking around the store for a while until you found a nice outfit and a backpack. you grabbed it and went to the front to pay. after you paid for it, you went into the restroom and changed your clothes, while throwing your old ones in the backpack.

you walked out the store and saw newspapers of spider-man, iron-man, captain America, black widow, etc. they weren't real so why make newspapers as if they were, and who even reads newspapers. you walked for a while then noticed you were hungry. wishing you had a sandwich to eat you noticed there was something that left like wrapping paper in your hand.

looking down you saw the same sandwich you had imagined. blinking you looked at it before eating it since you were too hungry to question it. you were lost to say the least and it was just mid-day. you soon got tired of walking around and went to a nearby park and sat on a bench, while sitting there you saw the same S.H.I.E.L.D trucks that had drove past you.

you looked around for cameras or something but the only thing you saw was people recording with their phones. you started to walk away then you realized you had nowhere to stay, your house had strangers in it so you couldn't go there and even if you did you didn't want them calling the police on you.

You noticed a small, abandoned building which would be helpful for you to be able to stay in. opening the door it fell off and onto the floor with a loud bang making you jump. you looked inside the building before entering and noticing how bad it looked. you thought about what would happen if you were lost, would you find a way back or stay here forever. what would you do? where would live? deciding that staying here would be a good option until you found a house or a cheap hotel you started to think about what you would do to this place if you stayed. you thought about decorations, chairs, kitchen appliances, etc. you stopped thinking as it would be pointless until you actually got the stuff... or so you thought.

you shook your head to get rid of the thought away and looked back only to notice everything had changed to what you imagined. you carefully sat on the sofa to make sure you weren't daydreaming before a thought came to your head.

'Imagine and it becomes come's true' you thought to yourself. you imagined a remote on your hand and it appeared on your hand, you pointed it at the tv before tapping the on button, to your surprise it turned on. laughing to yourself you thought 'let's test this out' you thought to yourself.

you were now standing on top of a random tall building, looking down you swallowed at how long of a drop it was. closing your eyes, you imagined yourself levitating off the ground and soon the feeling of something under your shoes disappeared and was replaced with nothing. scared you opened one eye and looked down and saw that you were in fact levitating, you opened your other eye and then imagined yourself going forward, you started going forward before stopping.

next thing you knew was you flying around the city at speeds no human should reach. you flew back to your new home and landed behind it stretching your hand to open the door before you stopped. you imagined yourself in your new home and soon enough you were there.

it was pretty late when you came back so you decided it was best to go to sleep.

somewhere in S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters'

the team sent out to find the cause of the unknown energy signal had come back empty handed. maria was disappointed and fury was as always unable to show emotions. fury was sitting in his office doing documents when maria walked in "sir, you have to see this" maria, said while giving fury a tablet.

fury, grabbed it and played the video which showed something flying at the speed of sound. fury thought that it might have been tony who did it, so he decided to call him. picking up the phone fury called tony who answered right before the phone hung up.

"Stark, did you happen to be testing out a new suit today?" fury asked while giving the tablet back to maria.

"No, I didn't, why?" tony asked with an unamused tone.

"Well, someone was seen flying around at the speed of sound. you and Thor are the only ones able to achieve such speeds and we both know Thor is off world right now which leaves you" fury responded.

"No, but I can look into it" tony asked.

"it's alright we have it under control. pretty sure this doesn't need the avengers but if it does then I'll be sure to tell you" Fury said before hanging up. "Clear up the video and zoom in to see the persons face if it is a person" fury ordered maria, and she soon left his office.

Tony's pov

fury asked me not to look into this but if someone is going to copy me, i deserve to know who.

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