Season 1: ep 5

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You hated school, especially this one since it was a school for geniuses which meant harder homework assignments. You were happy that it was finally over for now since you had lunch, and guess who decided to have lunch with you, peter. It's not like he had a choice, you just followed him.

You were currently sitting in his lunch table with some of his friends, you had surprisingly become their friend fairly quickly much to peters dismay. You all had something in common with each other, you and MJ both liked books, ned had an interest in Legos and Star Wars as did you, Peter also liked it, but he didn't want to admit that since you made him look crazy in front of his mentor and idol.

"Of human bondage, is a great gook" you said after MJ showed you the book she was currently reading. You had both gotten into a conversation about books and nobody could pull you both out of it.

"Yeah, i know, what you are looking at parker" MJ said after she noticed peter staring at you as if he wanted to kill you.

"nothing" Peter said and went on his phone. The bell finally rang signaling that lunch time was over, standing up with a groan you and MJ left the cafeteria and went to your history class while peter and ned trailed behind.

"I don't get it peter, why don't you like her, i mean, she likes Star Wars, she also likes Legos like c'mon dude, where are you gonna find a girl like that" Ned asked peter, since peter had told him what you had done but ned just thought he had gone crazy after his last patrol.

"I'm telling you dude; she knows who i am and i don't want you or Mj near her, she could be dangerous for all we know" peter argued

"Dangerous for you maybe, peter this is your chance to add another person into our friend group who most likely won't insult you every time she sees you like MJ does, anyways hurry up or we're gonna be late" Ned then sped up signaling that he didn't want to continue the conversation and that he also didn't want to be late.

Entering the classroom peter saw you talking to MJ and ned since the teacher still wasn't there. To him it looked like you were stealing all his friends and people he ever cared for, and now all you needed to do to completely ruin his life was reveal his identity to the world.

The bell rang signaling the end of the school day and you could not be happier. Peter, also wanted to leave as fast as he could, 1. because he didn't like you, and 2. because he wanted to go out as spiderman and get his mind off everything.

Running down the halls and out the school, you ran till you found an empty alley way and immediately ran inside it. You turned a corner into a more private part and changed into your suit, leaving your backpack under a trash can. Looking up, you saw a fire escape and started climbing up until you were on top of the building.

Today was the day shadow was born... you heard crickets, how long have you been standing here like that? about 2-4 hours, the sun was setting, and you wanted to test your new suit. Of course, there were somethings you needed to add but besides that the suit was good.

Jumping off the building you started flying through the city while activating summer to help you find some active calls. You ended up patrolling for about an hour before going home and playing your favorite tv show while finishing the suit


I haven't updated in so long, my apologies.

but this is a short chapter, i usually try to get it over 1k words but i felt lazy lol.

I'll try to update once or twice a week but since I'm now trying to get my permit to drive i probably won't update for another week.

by the time you read this I'll be working on episode 6

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