Season 2: You are NOT a scientist y/n

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I'd like to apologize for erm late update so yeah Hehe, this one might be relatively short so it's a 0.5 of a chapter lol

Sticking her hands into her cozy pockets, y/n wondered down the streets in search of miles. After their previous conversation they had been thrown into another portal and were separated.

Turning the corner she was met with a sight of destruction, a building fallen and leaning against another for support, fire coming out from both and spider-man the peter of this universe was helping.

'If i can find a way to get him to help, i could use some of the avenger's tech to create a way to stop miles universe from being destroyed.' she thought to herself, running into an alley and using her powers to change her outfit into her hero costume.

Creating small glass platforms, y/n ran and used them to boost herself up and towards the building. 'Civilians still trapped inside.' she thought to herself, altering her vision to see any humans still alive in the building.

Crashing through the window, y/n slid down the tilted floor and towards a staircase. "This surely can't be fun." she mumbled to herself before jumping over the railing and dropping down. She shot a grapple at one of the ceilings, stopping her fall and redirecting herself to land on one of the lowers floors.

Coughing, she broke the wall with an explosion of energy, removing the wall and giving the smoke an exit. 


Y/n turned in the direction the scream came from. The door was blocked by rubble and the door could be seen being pushed against the rubble but to no avail. Walking over to the rubble, y/n picked it up, pushing it aside and removing any obstacles in the way before opening the door.

The man in the other side jumped back startled at seeing her. "What" y/n asked, sass dripping from her tone. Checking around the room, she saw a knocked-out person in the other side along with a mom and a kid. 

"Come with me so i can get you out." she spoke, loud enough for everyone to hear... except for the dude knocked-out cold.

Creating a staircase down to the street below them, y/n motioned for everyone to go down, some did hesitantly but they were eventually in the safety of firefighters. 

Looking around, she used her powers to check for anyone else in the building, only seeing spider-man on the upper floors. Running towards the area the broken wall was, she jumped out of the building, catching herself with her powers and creating a platform under herself, boosting herself higher in the air to reach the floor Spidey was on.

"Hey web head." She spoke, leaning casually in the window and staring at him. Spider-man turned around, his eyes in his suit narrowing. "Relax, I'm on your side. Everyone is out of the building, i took them out." 

"Why should i trust you." He asked. "For all i know you could've started this fire." 

although he couldn't see her full face, her eyes were enough for him to know she was giving him a look that could very well be calling him a dumbass. "Why would i start a fire and save the people inside." 


"I don't care about the public view, this isnt even my universe." 

Spider-man's eyes shifted to one of confusion. 

"I'll explain later i just need to borrow the avenger's lab for a bit, create a device that saves a universe." 

"Come with me." spider-man said, jumping out the window and swinging towards the avenger's facility with y/n laying on the platform behind him and using it to fly towards the facility.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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