season 1: ep 7 the finale

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The avengers were all gathered by the dinner table talking and enjoying their food, which was rare considering most of them were always on missions, so it was nice to have a peaceful afternoon.

An alarm rang through the tower alerting the team immediately followed by a call from director fury.

"I need you guys to head to these coordinate's" the coordinates appeared on their phones as soon as fury said that "theres a report of a hydra facility being attacked right now as we speak, your job is to head there, destroy the facility and hopefully catch whoever attacked the base"

with that fury hung up and the team immediately made their way to the jet. Entering the coordinates to the computer, jarvis immediately took over and flew the team to the hydra facility while the team got in their own gear.

a punch connected with a hydra agents face and soon enough his body started to slump to the ground but before he could fall anymore the attacker kicked him sending him through a wall.

Another agent attacked the attacker who swiftly broke the agents arm and threw him to the ground and kneed him in the head.

Two more agents arrived and shot at the attacker who simple dodged the bullets and sliced the guns with their katana.

Walking through the base the attacker quickly took out three more guards before opening a door and walking down the stairs towards the prison cells. Making their way through the halls they stopped at a door and opened it revealing a five year old girl curled up in the corner.

Taking a slow step forward the attacker stopped once they saw the girl push herself back against the wall some more. "Hey it's ok" the attacker said, swiftly removing her mask to show the girl she meant no harm. "hi I'm y/n I'm here to take you home, back to your family" The girl a spark of hope inside her again and hesitantly made her way towards y/n who picked the girl up and pulled her mask up again.

Walking up the stairs and into the hallway where multiple guards laid on the ground, dead, unconscious, or in too much pain to move and fight.

Making her way to the exit Shadow quickly made her way to a car and hid the girl in it. "stay here" shadow said, she had to open the gate to exit the hydra facility grounds. The girl nodded and shadow closed the door and made her way towards the gate only to be stopped by multiple agents running towards her.

Shadow moved her hand towards her sword only to stop short when she realized the little girl was watching. Pulling her hand back shadow stood still as the agents aimed and fired at her, time seemed to slow down as the bullets made their way towards shadow who simply closed her eyes and seemed to accept her fate.

Her eyes snapped open and she rolled out of the way at the last second. Running towards the agents shadow dodged more bullets and grabbed an agent throwing him into the electric fence.

Another one attacked her but she swiftly dodged him and knocked him down.

two more agents rushed at her and attacked her, throwing quick punches at her while another agent came from behind and attempted to kick shadows legs only for her to move her leg and kick the agent to her right into another agent that was coming over.

Now she had two agents on her, Shadow dodged another attack and punched the agent knocking him back and putting him to sleep.

She blocked the other agents attacks and Picked him up by the throat before punching him in the head knocking him into the ground with enough force to shake the ground.

Shadow finally arrived at the gate and opened it and rushed back to the car to drive them out.

"wait, my bear" the girl said, Shadow looked at the girl confused as to what she was talking about. "The bear my grandma gave me before she died" Shadow quickly exited the car and ran back to the base, where she heard another announcement go off.

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