season:1, ep 4

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(y/n) woke up early in the morning excited to start on her suit. getting out of bed she made her way to her bathroom where she washed her face and brushed her teeth before going to the kitchen to get something to eat. entering the kitchen, she grabbed some bread and placed it in the toaster before going to the refrigerator and cabinet before taking out the milk and cereal.

she took the bread out of the toaster and placed it on a plate before grabbing some butter and spreading it on the bread. taking a seat, she poured the milk in the bowl and then added the cereal. after she was done eating, she got up from her seat and placed her used dished in the dishwasher and threw her trash in the bin before leaving the kitchen.

she walked down the hallway to the room. entering the room, she closed the door behind her before walking to the table. she looked at the that was on the table before taking a seat and starting her work.

she worked for hours making her suit before deciding she was going to start working on an AI for her suit. she opened her laptop and started the process to make an AI. another few hours pass, and she finally had the AI halfway down, so she decided to test it.

"Hi, summer"

"Hello, (y/n) how may i assist you today" the AI responded.

"YES!" (y/n) screamed. she had done it and now all she had to do was finish the AI.

she started working on finishing the AI which took her an hour. she was finally done and now all she had to do was finish the suit and place the AI in the rest of her house.

starting to work on the parts she needed such as holograms and cables. a few hours went by and (y/n) concentrated in working when summer spoke up.

"i suggest you take a break and have something to eat Ms. (y/l/n)"

"Thanks summer" you said. standing up you left the room and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. looking at the clock you realize it was 7:18 pm and that you had been working for almost the whole day. making some popcorn and a sandwich she made her way back to the room which was now her lab.

she entered the lab and took a seat. turning on the tv she played a movie while she ate before going back to work while the movie played in the background.

"Hey, summer, can you sign me up for school" (y/n) asked.

"Which school would you like" summer responded.

"Try midtown school of science and technology"

"As you wish" summer said before starting the process.

(y/n) got up from her seat with a bunch of cables, holograms and a few tools before she left the room. two hours and a bunch of cutting later (y/n) stood up from the floor before going and throwing herself on the couch. looking at the clock she noticed it was 9:47 pm so she was going to have to finish her project tomorrow.

the next day

it was finally morning and (y/n) woke up bright and early and did her morning routine ate her breakfast and bolted to her lab.

"So, summer how's it going with the application"

"You are expected to be there today at 10:30 AM" summer said.

"Ok, what time is it" (y/n) asked.

"It is 9:29 AM" summer replied.

getting up you made your way to your room and got ready before leaving your home. walking down the street you pulled out your phone and pulled up the directions to the school and started to make your way there.

a few minutes later and you were at the school. you walked up to the front desk and spoke to the receptionist. "Hi, I'm (y/n) (y/l/n) and im here for the tour of the school and my student schedule"

"Ok, give me a moment" the receptionist typed into her computer before looking at you and smiling "Ok, here's your schedule" she said giving it to you "and somebody will be here to give you a tour of the school soon" the receptionist said before looking back at her computer.

(y/n) sat patiently on one of the chairs in the corner of the room and waited. about two minutes later the student showed up.

"Hey, Hannah" the student greeted with a smile. Hannah looks up from her computer and smiles at him "Hey, peter. the new student is over there" Hannah said, pointing at (y/n). peter smiled and thanked Hannah before walking towards (y/n) and stopping in his tracks.

peters pov

'It was her' peter thought 'that's the girl from the alleyway' peters thoughts were interrupted when (y/n) extended her hand and offered him a smile.

"Hi, I'm (y/n) nice to meet you" (y/n) offering him a smile. peter didn't know what to do, she knew who he really was and was here at his school as a student, she could be a hydra agent looking to kill him or his friends, he stopped himself from thinking all of that and offered her a sarcastic smile.

"I'm peter, nice to meet you too" he said sarcastically. (y/n) just smiled at him before saying.

"And spiderman" Peters sarcastic smile dropped, and he looked at Hannah before grabbing you by your arm and dragging you into an empty classroom.

"Ok, what do you want?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Jeez, what's got into you, can't a kid learn to have a brighter future?" you said with a hint of annoyance. peter just stood there holding you in place before letting go.

"If I see you near ned and Mj I'm gonna kill you myself" peter said before leaving the classroom. you followed him and walked besides him before telling him.

"You can't do anything to stop me and your also supposed to show me around the school" you said making peter grunt in irritation. "Give me your schedule" peter said, before snatching it out of your hands before you could move. "Why do you have the same classes as me?" he asked looking at you.

"It's not like i knew your schedule" you defended yourself. peter rolled his eyes before sighing and walking away, smiling to yourself you followed him.

this is the start to a beautiful friendship.

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