season 1: ep 5 ish

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(This is a filler as to how school went)


"Hey peter" y/n said while poking him with a pencil.

"what" he didn't look up from his paper.

"what's 2+2"

"You don't know what 2+2? are you seriously that slow..." Peter went into a rant about you being slow while also cursing like a sailor for 5 minutes until he noticed the classroom was quiet.

"Mr. parker, i would like to talk to your aunt about your behavior after school" the teacher said before continuing the class without giving him time to respond.


"So, today we will be picking partners. Julia you're with Kim, Brian you're with Jake" this went on until peter heard "Peter you're with y/n"

"Mr. Collins, can I be with ned?" peter asked.

"Don't want to be my partner?" y/n asked with a sly smile which only pissed peter off more.

"I'm sorry Mr. parker but the seating arrangements aren't up to you, and you'll be sitting with her for the rest of the school year" Mr. Collins reply only made peter slam his head into the table while y/n just chuckled at his reaction.


"As we have learned over time, the ancient Egyptians used the Nile River to do trades" The class was boring, the teacher was refreshing the class on ancient Egypt for their upcoming test. y/n decided to leave peter alone for a while during this class... she put a snake in his backpack.


"Ok class, Infront of you is a dead frog, i assume most of you know what to do, but for those who don't know, you can ask for help, begin" Peter took the small knife they were given and started cutting the frog open. A while later he heard a loud thud behind him, and y/n was on the floor with her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

safe to say, y/n didn't like that class.

gym class

Y/n was with MJ helping her to sit ups while peter was with ned going on a rant about how much he hates y/n.

"doing good parker, keep it up" the coach said while he walked past him, peter began to struggle.

"Stop struggling parker, we all saw you do them with no problem" y/n shouted towards him.

"shut up" he replied still acting like he was struggling, all of a sudden he heard y/n's voice behind him.

"C'mon Spidey, stop struggling you're acting is bad" peter turned around to look at her but she was helping MJ with her sit ups.


"Ms. harper, what are we supposed to be painting again?"

"a bowl of fruit that's right on this tabl-" Ms. harper stopped herself when she saw the bowl was gone. "It was right here" she said before walking out the classroom to get another one.

"Hey peter" y/n called only to be ignored.

"peter" he still didn't reply.

"peter" she was still being ignored.

"Peter Benjamin Parker" Peter looked at her with an expression that could only be described as 'leave me alone you crazy psychopath'

"Fine, I tried to warn you" y/n was of course referring to the snake she put in his bag.

lets just say the whole apartment building heard peters and aunt mays screams.

the end

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