Season 2: Time management problems

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There are many things in life science can't explain, one of them being how i ended up in this universe, don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, but i sure would like to know.

civilians walking in the streets looked up as they heard a scream shortly followed by a shadow swinging on a grapple hook. 

i like to believe that the universe brought me here for a reason, either to make new friends, new life experiences, to stop a disaster, or I'm just in a coma. 

shadow landed on a rooftop and ran towards the edge before jumping off and shooting a grapple hook and swinging into another street.

even so, i like being here, i like being free from the stress of school not very much though as i still attend school here, but i got an ai to do my homework for me when i dont feel like it, sports, and people, sure i still interact with people here but not as much. 

Shadow landed in an alleyway and took her suit off, stuffing it in her backpack and running towards school.

sure, i do miss my family but, I'd rather not cry here as I'm certain there isn't a way to get me back home. 

the bell rang just as y/n entered the building, making her way towards the lockers she opened her locker and took her stuff out before making her way towards her first class.

math not how I'd like to start my morning, i usually prefer coffee but whatever, can't have shit on Monday's. 

the teacher walked into the classroom just as y/n got her stuff ready. 

"alright kids how are we today" There was silence. 

"Great, lets turn to page 7" y/n turned to page 7 while yawning.

in case you're wondering, yes i didn't get much sleep last night, why? well i had to stop two attempted car thefts, drag racers that almost hit a woman and her daughter, and a car chase, so yes i didn't get much sleep last night.

y/n head almost hit the table when she almost fell asleep, making her shoot her head up just as the teacher asked for a volunteer to answer a math question. 

"Yes y/n go ahead" 

"98,583" with that y/n put her head on her arms and closed her eyes, leaving her teacher a bit shocked as she had gotten the question right. 

im sure you don't care about my school life, unless you do, but i would much rather skip all this as someone not saying any names, doesn't want to write this whole thing.


see they got defensive, but to give the author some peace why don't we skip to lunch where the writer can skip half the school day.

thank you

y/n walked through the school cafeteria, with her lunch at hand. Making her way over to a table, she placed her food down and took a seat and went on her phone. There were reports on what she did last night but she didn't really care so she just went to look at something else while taking a bite of her food.

did i mention that this food is so fucking horrendous, like damn, why is it so hard to go to the store and buy normal food, even expired food doesn't taste like this, I'm pretty sure inmates get better food than this piece of shit.

you might be wondering what this has to do with the title of this episode, i have got no clue buster. 

the food tasted like ass, as if the cook had purposely dipped it in his asshole and served it to kids.

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