season 2: On The Run 2

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'you know your daddy's home' 


'top 10 animes of 20-'


'i saw her and she hit me like tadow'

Turning off her phone, y/n placed it on her nightstand as she stared at her ceiling. "Man, I'm bored." she spoke to nobody in particular. Standing up and disappearing. A few seconds later she reappeared with some food from Italy, yes, she had teleported to Italy to get food.

'Man, what am i going to do now that most of the government is after me alongside the avengers.' She paused. 'Ever since my powers started acting up, I've been limited to teleportation and limited reality warping, on par with the scarlet witch, that's pretty weak.' she mused, chuckling.

Walking to her kitchen, y/n pulled out a water bottle from it while placing the food she got from Italy into a separate dimension she used to keep food to keep it from spoiling. 

y/n was now wondering the streets of New York, alone now instead of with peters loud ass. She didn't really mind though, alone or with company she still felt at peace with the world. She made it to the Brooklyn bridge, climbing her way to the top to sit and think for a moment.

The sun was setting and it casted its final golden rays above the city she now called home. Speaking of home, how was her mom and friends. Y/n assumed that when she was transported the reality of that world had changed so that she never existed there. 

it would make sense; it would balance it out. A strange noise came from behind her, causing y/n to turn spin around at breakneck speeds, drawing out daggers from thin air as the portal opened only for a spiderman in a black spider suit with red streaks to fall out of it. 

"Dude are your armpits bleeding?" y/n asked, he didn't answer as he opened another portal and fell through before another portal opened and some random dude on steroids and a skintight blue and red suit that did him no justice fell out of that portal and into the one the black suited spiderman fell into. 

"Holy macaroni and cheese!' y/n exclaimed in excitement. "Miles morales and Miguel O'Hara..." she paused. "Y'know what, fuck Miguel, I'm saving miles." She declared, jumping into the portal after them before it closed. 

She felt weird and tingly, mostly because she didn't have a bracelet or whatever it was to keep her from glitching out, she was merely doing it by her own power. The portal opened and spat her out onto miles. 

Pushing her off, miles scrambled to his feet, throwing a punch at her which she easily evaded. "Relax, I'm not with the steroids guy, actually I'm here to save you." She exclaimed, striking a pose as if she was some hero or something. 

Miles squinted at her. "I don't trust you." he spoke, clearly irritating her. "Give me a second." she spoke, everything slowed down dramatically until it was stationary, y/n walking towards him, touched his head and was immediately transported to the last memories of his from the last 4 hours. She saw everything, to the outside world nothing happened, but for her it lasted 0.01 seconds, and for miles, he just saw her glitch and appear around a foot away from her original position. 

"I know everything now, and don't you worry morals, I'll help save your father." She declared to him, winking. Truth be told, y/n wasn't even sure she could pull it off. Disturbing a canon event had its consequences of its own which resulted in quadrillions of living things dying if not more. 

Her powers were fucked at the moment so she wasn't as powerful as she would usually be so she wasn't sure if she would be able to keep that world from collapsing and killing everything and everyone, but she had to try, her world at the moment was after her so while she figured out how to deal with that, she could help miles.

They were both now sitting at a cafe, their faces dark and broody as y/n leaned her face on her hands which were propped up on the table. Miles Was also the same but had his elbows on the table, his hands covering his face. 

"You said you had ideas and a way to help?" He spoke, prompting her to lift her head. 

"That i do." She exclaimed. Miles eyes brightened in hope, he wanted a way to save his dad and world from the spot and the canon event. "However." and there all his hopes and dreams went. "My powers are a little wonky as of right now. She spoke through gritted teeth, a nervous smile on her face. 

"So" she dragged out. "I'll try my hardest but I'm not that confident in my abilities as of right now." She spoke apologetically. "However, i can find an alternate way to save your world, i just need a lab." She finished. 

Miles hope had returned but not by a lot. She needed a lab? he would get her one, he just needed to get her to the spider societies headquarters and she'd be able to use their equipment. As far as he knew, she was insanely powerful and probably smart to accompany what she told him about herself. 

Both of them shook hands, miles promising to take her to a lab and y/n promising she'd find a way to help save his dad from the evil clutches of fate. If there was one thing y/n was sure of was that she could fight fate and win, no matter what got in her way, she knew she'd prevail in the end. 

In the end, fate was made to serve her, and she'd be damned if she let her new friend down. For all she cared The One Above All could try to stop her and she'd also fight him with every last ounce of life she had left in her, even though she probably wouldn't do much in her weakened state, she was still determined. 

and that concludes the chapter.

Hope you all enjoyed this, yes i did say that it was gonna update by summer break but what the hell, be glad i updated.


shut up y/n, i'm trying to write here.💀💀


Ok, whatever. So as i was saying, I'll prolly update again tomorrow or idk when but probably when spiderverse 3 comes out. 


aight then fuck yall too.


shut up.

but being for real now, i'll update this soon and go my own way around with the spiderverse thingy, cause obviously its not going to follow most of the events in the movies so yuhhh.

and season 2 is going to be one wild ride to sit back and enjoy cause i promise you that you'll love the ending to season 2.

"I bet, start practice writing and have a clear end goal and how you wanna end it."


"Don't scream at me, you wanna go bitch?"

Yeah, yknow what, pull up. 


If i lose i'll start the next chapter with an apology. 


alright bye guys, I'm gonna fight a bitch.

"Fuck yo-"

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