Season 2: a sticky situation

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"Uh hi" i said with a nervous smile only to be met by nothing. These people take their jobs too seriously.

I ran to a window and jumped out seeing as i didn't really wanna be here. Thor took off after me with ironman besides him but i was gone in a second.

Peters Pov.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said as nat was looking at me with a worried expression while the rest tried seeing if i had any injuries.

"Did she kidnap you" Tony suddenly asked while walking into the room as he took off his suit.

"No." I said as i stood up and was about to go to my room but that's not allowed until i answer their questions.

"Then how did you both end up here, breaking the table" Nat asked.

"Well, she was on patrol and apparently saw some hydra related activities. She followed them and ended up trapped in a room until she called me to bust her out. I went and i also got trapped. BUT WAIT BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING HEAR ME OUT" i said as i saw them about to open their mouths.

"Ok so we both got trapped, a scientist at hydra created a time machine and wanted to test it on us, i tried using my enhanced strength to open the door but it didn't work so she emitted this powerful blast from her hand and the door flew open but before we could escape we were taken back in time, got chased by a T-rex and she brought us back to the present where we crashed into the living room table" I finished while taking a deep breath.

"So you got kidnapped, held hostage, experimented on, went through time, got brought back by her and that's it?" Mr. stark asked. "Don't you think it's a bit suspicious that she asked you to help her, for all we know she could be in this with them"

Natasha nodded in agreement. "Another reason to find and catch her. She has powers Wanda doesn't even have; she is an active threat that must be secured before we can even think of trusting her."

I went to argue but nobody listened. Tony took me to the med bay to make sure i was ok before sending me home.

the next day, y/n pov

"They didn't believe me" Peter was currently snitching to his boyfriend as always. They had this thing where they'd tell each other everything. It's funny.

"Maybe you have to talk to them one at a time since obviously it didn't work when they were all together." Ah yes, Ned, the man can be smart and retarded at the same time. Never ceases to amaze me.

"You're right, I'll try again later today. Bye!" Peter walked away with this new found knowledge and wisdom Ned had blessed him with. I was still wondering why the avengers thought of me as a threat.

I did have powers beyond their comprehension, I am able to appear out of nowhere and control the space and time continuum, could i make a black hole... Nope, don't even think about it. I. Am. Not. Making. A. Black. Hole. It's too dangerous.

Even if i did, that would just make me an even bigger target.

I have an Idea (four words you don't want to hear come out of my mouth) Why don't i just, stroll into the tower, give them all donuts and then we're friends.

I am currently in front of the tower in full costume, donuts in hand, drinks in a bag. Yeah, I am good to go.

Walking into the tower was surprisingly easy, you'd think they'd know that I'm here by now considering i was standing out there for like five minutes thinking of possible ways out if everything goes wrong.

"Name" A cheery voice asked, before she looked me up and down and pressed a button under her desk. She thought she was slick but jokes on her this is what i wanted.

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