season 1: ep 6

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sparks flew of the alarm clock as you retreated your hand back and under the covers. You had school today, but you were lucky it was friday.

Getting up from the bed you threw your legs over the side of the bed and sat there staring straight at the wall. A few minutes went by before you stood up and made your way to the bathroom to start your morning.

Running down the stairs towards your kitchen, you walked in and opened the cabinet and pulled out a cereal box, threw it on the table and going to another cabinet and taking out a bowl and spoon and placing them on the table and grabbing the milk from the refrigerator before pouring a bowl of cereal and turning on the tv for some background noise while scrolling through your phone.

A news headline caught your eye after a few minutes of scrolling.

"New vigilante in queens?

the NYPD has been getting some reports of a new vigilante in town.

she was spotted yesterday stopping a robbery in a local sandwich shop, the owner says hes thankful she was there or else the robber would have left with his rent money."

"Yeah, she just came in out of nowhere and i mean like literally out of nowhere as in she was just there, the doorbell didn't ring nothing."

"They get what you're trying to say."

"Vete a la mierda estupido. Anyways, she came in and did that ninja stuff people be doing in movies, gave me my money back and zip tied that fool to a lamp post before shooting some type of string out of this device on her wrist and flew away"

"Thanks for that Mr. Delmar and now back to you at the studio"

"Thank you, jane, now some people have started calling this new vigilante shadow and have accepted her as a new vigilante for queens, but others have a completely different view on this."

"We don't know what she wants, we don't know her intentions, for all we know this could be her plan to get us to trust her and then turn against us."

"In my opinion, she should be in jail along with that spider-freak."

"This could all be an act while she has something going on in the side lines or something, shield should do something about all these new heroes going around."

"Those are just some of the people we interviewed, and some do have a good point, but we'll just have to wait and see what this new vigilante does."

Letting out a sigh, y/n turned off her phone and threw her plate in the sink and promised she would do them when she returned (spoilers, she didn't) Walking out the side door you made your way onto the sidewalk and started making your way to school.

Today was fairly nice, it was sunny and there were a few clouds here and there and suddenly everything turned to chaos, people were screaming, running, falling, speeding and it surprised y/n on how it all changed in a matter of 2 seconds.

A truck came and screeched to a stop in the middle of the street and armed men jumped out, some grabbed people who were unfortunate enough to be close to them and others who were confused. Walking backwards y/n looked around and saw an alley that was empty.

Sprinting into it y/n took off her backpack and threw it behind a trash can and took of her clothes to reveal her suit and threw the rest of her clothes into her backpack before running onto a fire escape and onto a rooftop and looking at the street below.

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