Chapter 4

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I open the door to my dorm room

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I open the door to my dorm room. "well this is what I've done with the place," I smile. "why is there a dog bed? I didn't see you come with a dog" he asks and I smile "I'm hoping that I can get my dog from my mother so he can stay with me until Hades can return to the underworld" I explain "so your dog must have been left all alone?" I nod "he's a good boy so you wouldn't need to worry" I place my books and work on the table before picking up the fruit bowl where I offer it to Ben who takes an apple "thanks" I nod "it's alright, and I promise it's not poisoned. Doug brought them for me. He's a good kid I can definitely say that" "he sure is, hey, why don't I help you with your work?" My eyes light up "really? Are you sure you don't have royal duties to attend? I wouldn't want to keep far from them for long" I sigh "no, it's quite alright besides mum and dad will understand" I nod as I pull up two chairs before sitting down at the table.

It tools us a few hours to get through all the work and even then we were not done it came to a halt when Ben's name was called so he apologized to me before leaving quickly. I proceeded to pack up everything and organise it all ever so neatly. After that the door to my room opens "Nix, Mal wants you to come with us" I get up and walk out of my dorm with Evie as she leads the way to another room "thanks for your help, Ben!" I call out to him before he leaves with who I can assume to be his parents before I went inside the form room to see Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos "what was that about?" Mal asks "he was helping me with some work" I reply before shutting the door "anyways, we are going to steal the wand. Evie mirror me" Mal demands "Mirror mirror on the... In my hand, where does fairy godmother's wand stand?" She asks as I stand behind her  and next to Mal "there it is!" Mal grins "zoom-out," Carlos tells Evie "Magic mirror, not so close. Closer. Closer. Closer." I look in the mirror to see The Museum of Cultural History "that's 2.3 miles from here" I look out the window "it's not dark enough to sneak there" I add on "great, now we have to wait even longer!" Mal groans "Nyx I know you can hear me, cloak the city in a night of sleep let the time change to the dead of night" I mutter as the sky change from a pretty evening to a pitch black nightfall

"Let's go" I call as I run out of the dorm and the building. The 5 of us hike the 2.3 miles to the museum "Come on. Check your mirror." Mal orders "Is my mascara smudged?" Evie asks checking the mirror "Yeah. And, hey, while you're at it, why don't you see If you can find us the wand?" Mal asks "Sure. This way." Evie says leading the way to a door with a spinning wheel and a security guard "That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay tries not to laugh "Yeah, It's kinda dorky." Carlos laughs "It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary. 'Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger.'" Mal says only for nothing to happen "Impressive." "I got chills." The boys say and I laugh "So cute, Mal, let me try. Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep" we watch the guy walk to the spinning wheel, prick his finger and fall asleep "stand back" Jay says walking back, I glance at Mal who flips pages for a spell "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." I flick my hand at the moment Jay runs at the door it flies open "how do you know these spells?" Mal demands "My grandmother has spell books" I whisper before walking inside. We run through the building and upstairs until we reach wax models of the villains but I keep running on, the sooner this was over the sooner I could sleep. I walked around the wand "this is pointless" I mutter as Evie, Jay and Carlos run in "where's Mal?" I ask "she didn't follow? Ugh, I'll go get her" I nod as she runs out "so, who's your mother?" Jay asks leaning on the wall "Biological or preferred mother?" I ask raising an eyebrow "what's the difference?" He asks "biological is blood, my preferred mother isn't blood. But I'll just say Persephone since that's on my record for school" I smile "so you're a goddess?" Carlos asks "demi-goddess yes, I can actually become a goddess though or so my dad told me" I frown "that's cool" I shrug "who's your biological mother?" Carlos asks as Mal and Evie enter "let's get the wand and get outta here" Mal grins as Jay goes to grab it "Jay, don't! Wait, no! No! Don't! Ah!" Mal calls as Jay goes flying "A force field and a siren?" Carlos asks "That's just a little excessive." Jay groans "Let's go!" Mal orders "Hurry." We run downstairs as the phone rings "Come on." Mal says as Carlos answers the phone and looks at the clipboard "Hello? Uh, uh, just give me one second. One second. Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm. It was a malfunction in the, uh, in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the missus." "Carlos!" I call waiting for him "You're welcome." He sighs "look at you doing a good deed" I grin "Way to go, Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow." Mal huffs as we trek back in silence.

It was near or just after 12 when we got back to our dorms and got ready for bed.

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