Chapter 6

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We walked out of school and into town mostly in silence except for Ben speaking about the different places we passed by "my coronation is soon and I'm not sure if I'd be good enough" he sighs as we near the post office "don't stress yourself out with the worry. The first few weeks, or months, will be tough because of the change, but in time, you will be better than when you start. Everybody is better than how they started... Well almost everyone I suppose the villains just plummet down in a spiral" I reply "Nix, I am struggling to understand something about you" Ben speaks as we enter the post office "how I'm so different?" I ask as we stand in the line, "yes, take Jay and Carlos, for example. They were fighting when they arrived and I'm assuming they haven't been much different from the isle" he points out "well I wouldn't know. I'm not friends with them but some of the so-called villains were actually innocent of a crime they didn't commit like my father, the only thing he can be held accountable for is sibling drama and my non-biological grandmother, she was wronged by her husband and a witch who manipulated her" I explain "hi, we'd like to post this letter" Ben says to the lady behind the counter before handing it to her "first or second class?" She asks while Ben looks at me. "first-class" I reply. "that's $2" the lady says, not once looking up. I pull out some money and hand it over before we leave "that was... Weird" I frown "how are you liking Auradon?" Ben asks as he grabs my hand guiding me through the crowd of people that weren't there before "it's rather interesting, I'm just worried something will go wrong somewhere," I tell him "I'm sure everything will be okay" he reassures me "tell that to yourself, your girlfriend is storming over and she doesn't look too happy" I whisper and he groans ever so slightly. "I love her and all, but she can really be clingy, which gets way too annoying. " "then break up with her before your coronation for someone who isn't her. Listen to your heart but sometimes it can lie, which is why your gut tells you if it's right or wrong" "how dare you to take my boyfriend! You're nothing but a villain!" Audrey calls out, causing me to let go of his hand and turn around. "quite frankly, I have no idea what you are on about. As you know, I, and a few others, are new to Auradon and its school. So maybe start using your freaking brain and realise that I am not interested in taking somebody else man even if that person does not deserve somebody who gives all that he can because he cares. Do you even use your brain? Because maybe that's why a lot of people don't like you, you are a stuck-up little prink who clings onto their boyfriend for dear life because she knows life is unfair but demands it to become fair, go get a life, Audrey. I'm not sorry for getting your boyfriend to take me to the flipping post office" I snap before doing a 180° and walking back to school all by myself to avoid the crumbling couple and I probably should keep my distance for a while.

I return to Auradon Prep as I hear my name being called from a distance but not once did I stop. I just kept on walking to the dorms before knocking on Mal and Evie's door which opens "come in! We were trying to get your attention earlier" Evie smiles "I was in town with Ben, he was taking me to the post office" I explain "ohhhh" I walk inside and she shuts the door. "Need help with that?" I ask "oh. No... Actually yes, I've been doing it for ages" she sighs before I sit down and start working on the homework relatively quickly "this isn't yours is it?" I ask "no... It's Chad's" she sighs almost as if she's in a trance "if your dating him dump his ass he isn't good news" I reply

The following day, as usual, I get up, get dressed, and do some makeup before gathering my things and leaving for class. Nothing special even happened and I did my best to avoid everyone until I was stopped by the headmistress "Nix are you okay? You seem off" she asks "I'm fine, just busy with school work" I smile "why don't you join Ben and Carlos on the tourney pitch after school and this came for you" she hands me a letter before leaving. I turn it over and grin as I see the handwriting "love letter? So cute. Let's see" Audrey holds out her hand "letter from my mother actually so no" I walk off before she can even react. I walk out of the block and outside to find a tree to sit under for lunch I quickly and carefully open the letter and read it

To my darling daughter,
I will gladly take your offer to meet up, in fact, I'm coming to you as of now due to the fact I need to speak with Belle and Adam, it's about Cer. I can't keep going down to the underworld and Hades' brothers aren't helping me like they said they would. But I cannot ask them for they are avoiding me but maybe you could help your dear mother out


"Nix, hey, are you okay?" Mal asks "why do you care?" I ask as I put the letter away "because I want to get to know you more" she explains "it wouldn't matter, we had different upbringings" "why do we look the same?" She asks and I sigh "can it wait? I don't think now is a good time to tell you but if you want to know my mother might have the answer you want" I explain "when can I meet her?" I shrug "dunno," I notice flowers suddenly popping up over the field and fruit trees blooming "that wasn't you right?" Mal asks and I shake my head "let's find out then" she holds out a hand and I grab it letting her pull me onto my feet before we follow the trail "ah my darling daughter! Nitix, how are you?" Persephone asks before wrapping her arms around me "I'm an okay mother" I smile "ah Persephone, we've been waiting for you, please come" Belle smiles "I'll be back sweetheart" I nod "let's go to class, she'll find us" I pat Mal on the shoulder "hey, you're close to Ben, right?" I shrug "I guess. Would you be interested in you know, helping ruin his relationship with Audrey?" She grins "for the coronation?" I ask and she nods "well they are rocky but I don't know" I look at her to see her doing puppy eyes "fine! But you owe me" I hiss and she nods before we get to class.

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