Chapter 10

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I make fresh pomegranate juice in my dorm and pour some into a glass. "mother I need to talk to you," I call as I pour another glass. "I'm here," she says, appearing in front of me. "So?" She raises an eyebrow. "everything has gone worse. Mal convinced me to make a love cookie, and it ruined a relationship that was going to crumble sooner than later. I'm now going to a coronation with Prince soon-to-be King Ben! And I still haven't been able to apologize to Audrey and now there is no point since she won't believe me! Oh, what happens if Ben asks me on a date and it's near water?! I can't swim! My life is a mess!" I cry as I latch onto my mother. "okay, breath, we will deal with this, one at a time. Let me go talk with Fairy Godmother to let you have tomorrow off for a mental health day and I will take you to a lake and help you learn to swim. " I nod before drinking pomegranate juice while my mother leaves with her glass. I sit on the ground next to Cerberus. "what have I done?" I whisper before putting my face in my hands, only to eventually lower them and give Cerberus a head scratch. "So good news!" Mother says, waltzing back inside. "What?" I ask "she is letting you have mental health days including tomorrow so I will be here to pick you up...I will also get you a bathing suit and a bikini, let you have some options, bye my darling" she smiles before disappearing. Before getting ready for bed, I sigh happily. I return to sleep only to wake up around 6. So I get up, get dressed, and leave without Cerberus since he was happier to sleep. I walk around the campus "Nix, I was hoping I would be able to see you" Belle smiles "oh, hey Belle" I smile "Ben mentioned how he and Audrey are no longer dating and how he loves you... You wouldn't happen to have done something?" I shake my head. "I suppose he realised his worth, but if he is happy, let him be happy. " She nods. "I was wondering if you and your mother would be attending Family Day. I know your father can't join but I'm sure Fairy Godmother can pull something out for you like she is for the others. " "I will ask her today, when is it?" I ask "this Sunday" I nod "I'll get back to you tonight" "of course" "well I better get back, I'm meant to be helping figure out what is going to be there for food" Belle laughs before going back inside "ah my darling daughter, let's get you back to your dorm so you can change" I nod as I lead the way. I return to my room. "hi Cerberus," Persephone smiles to the dog who's now on my bed. I take the small bag from her and hide behind my room divider. I get dressed into the swimsuit and step out "no offence but that just... It doesn't look like something you would wear "I agree" I return to the divider and change into the bikini "that is perfect! It screams your name!" Persephone gasps "I like it" I put on a blue dress and flats before grabbing a blue and gold towel and placing it in a bag. I put my hair up into a ponytail. "Cerberus come on boy" I call to him and he runs out of the room with Persephone before leaving last so I could shut my door. The three of us leave the dorm block and start to leave the campus "Nix! Wait!" I turn around "Ben, hey" I smile "will you go on a date with me on Saturday," he asks "yes, of course" I smile "great, I'll pick you up around lunch"  I nod "okay, enjoy class Ben," I tell him before kissing his cheek "I will. I love you" he calls "love you too" I call after him "okay, this is even more important" Persephone sighs before teleporting us to a lake "Woah" I unpack the bag and lay everything out before getting my dress and shoes off and on the towel before joining my mother in the shallow water of the lake "jeez this is cold" I gasp "well yes. You know what a starfish is... Right?" I nod "become a starfish for me please" I try to become a starfish in the water only to continually fail until I got it right a few times and just floated "great!"


It didn't take me long to get a hang of basic swimming and slightly advanced swimming but we had to take a break to dry off and eat some food as well as something to drink. "So what have you tried?" I blink "uh fresh fruit, stuff people have for lunch, you know, normal food" I shrug "I see, well I brought you food from Olympus" I smile "I'll be back in a moment" she sighs before leaving so I ate a few things that were around before drinking some water, I knew I couldn't get back in right away so I broke out the sketchbook and started designing a cute dress for Evie to help me make, I even labelled what colours and fabrics it should be as well as other little fine details and obviously my signature flame theme was the look I chose. I then put the book and pencils away before diving into the lake and continuing to practice my swimming.

Eventually, it was time to go but I was alone. Persephone never came back with Cerberus so I dried off and put my dress and shoes back on before I packed the bags. I walk out of the forest and made my way back to campus before a note fell  I quickly caught it with my mouth and checked it after moving everything to one hand "right, of course, my family cannot behave... Oh! I forgot about telling her about parents' day... Huh, I guess she already knew" I sigh happily after reading it whilst walking onto campus. I head into my dorm before taking a towel and clean clothes as well as toiletries and making my way to the dorm showers whilst it was still class time. I quickly got out of my wet clothes and shoes before showering very well and drying off completely. I get dressed and return to my room to put my damp hair into a bun and apply some makeup. I put on some dry flats before the end of the day bell rings so I make my way to find Ben "hey, Nix. Are you looking for anyone?" He asks "just you, sorry I wasn't in, had a mental health day. Mom's request" "that's okay, Nix" he smiles as he tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. "what have you been up to?" He asks as we walk to his room in the castle "mother took me to a lake and tried teaching me to swim before she gets dad's brother to teach me properly" I explain "you've never learnt to swim? You lived in an isle" "surrounded by a magic barrier" I remind him "Ben! How was school... Oh hey, Nix" Belle smiles as she hugs the both of us "hi mom, the school was well" I just wave to Belle "that's good... So, I assume you spoke with Persephone?" Belle asks me and I hand her the note "she already knew before I could ask" I explain "well we'll be ready to properly meet her instead of her asking about her dog staying" Belle laughs a little before handing the note "yes..." I trail off "oh Ben, Adam is looking for you, how about I take you to the library and get you a cut of tea?" Belle asks as Ben hurries off "I'm okay, thank you" I reply "oh I insist" she smiles warmly "oh alright then" I sigh. She leads the way to the library but stops outside of the door "small warning. It's rather large" and with that, the doors open revealing a huge library. I stare in awe at the sight ahead of me. I step inside and look at the rows upon rows of books that had a thin layer of dust "feel free to come and read any of them, the school library may not have what you want to read but this practice has everything you could ever dream to read... I'll go get you some tea now" Belle says leaving alone with the books

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