Chapter 15

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"Hey baby." Ky said with a smile.

"Hi." I replied. It was Saturday evening and I was fresh out of my doctor's appointment. I still hadn't told my mother that I was pregnant yet. I was going to tell her tonight though, and I was going to do it with Ky. "So I have a favor to ask you, well two favors." I said with a smile.

"hmm well, we'll just see how much I love you before I'll tell you whether I'm going to do them or not." He said winking. "So what do you have to ask me?"

"Well, first I wanted to ask if you would mind meeting my mom tonight?" I asked cautiously.

"Of Course, I've been wondering when you were going to include her on our skyping." He winked again.

"Then, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to help me tell her about the baby." I said with a smile, knowing he would say yes.

"Absolutely babe." He said with a big smile.

"I went to the doctor today." I said in excitement.

"Oh really, and just how did that go." He said. I was glad we were back to our flirty ways. I was sick of the doom and gloom.

"Well, I got to hear the heartbeat! Ky it was breathtaking. I can't believe that I have a living human being in my belly right now; and what makes it even better is knowing that you helped make it." I said with a shy smile.

"I love you Nat. Do you have an ultra-sound picture?" he questioned.

"No, but I have a video, and I'm going to make a copy of it tomorrow and send it to you in the mail. Will you be able to watch it?" I asked.

"I'm sure no one's going to stop me. There pretty lenient over here." He said with a smile. "I can't wait to watch it."

I was elated that he was this excited. We talked for a few more minutes before I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I hollered.

"Sweetie, are you going to want dinner?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, is dad home." I asked

"Nope, he had to stay late at the office tonight." Mom said while closing the door.

"Wait mom, I have someone I want you to meet." I said nervously I looked at Ky and he was giving me a nod of encouragement.

Mom cautiously walked over to my computer. "Mom, this is Ky; Ky, this is my Mom Grace." I said confidently.

"Hello Ky, I've heard so much about you. I must say you're a lot cuter than Nat explained." My mother said with a wink.

"It's nice to meet you Grace." He replied.

"So mom, the reason I brought you in here is because Ky and I have some news." I said in a rush.

"Oh, do you?" she questioned.

"Well.... I don't really know how to start this." I paused.

"Grace, Natalie and I are going to have baby." Ky butted in. I looked over at the screen in complete shock. "What Nat you said you wanted my help." He said.

"I know I did, I just wasn't expecting you to say it." I giggled.

I looked over at my mom and her jaw was literally on the floor. "Mom, I know it's too soon for you to be a grandma, but we can't help what's already happened."

"Nat, are you sure you even want to keep the baby. I mean there are ways to get rid of it." She whispered. I stared back at her in complete shock. Did she really just suggest I get an abortion. I can't believe my mother would ever even think like that.

"Mom, I don't know what you're thinking but I'm not going to just get rid of my baby. I love him/ her already and Ky does too." I looked over at Ky for reassurance.

"Grace, I know you're scared for your daughter, hell I'm scared for her. But I promise you I'm going to be there for her. I may not be able to be there right away. But as soon as I'm back I will be by her side every minute of the day."

"I'm sorry Nat, I just need some time." Mom said as she walked out of the room without a goodbye.

"Well, I think that went over well." I giggled.

"I don't know about well, but at least she's not making you get an abortion." He whispered.

"Ky you have nothing to worry about, I would never let her make decisions for our child." I said confidently.

Our hour was almost up and I was not looking forward to saying goodbye.

"I don't want to say goodbye Ky." I whispered.

"I know Nat, only 10 ½ months left, and I'll be by your side. Maybe sooner, I'm hoping that they'll let me come home for Christmas." He said.

"I'm hoping so too. I love you Ky."

"I love you too Nat, I'll see you same time next Saturday. Keep writing me." he whispered.

"Nothing in this world could keep me from writing you. Bye, love you." I replied. Then the screen went black.

This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I had another month until my next doctors appointment and another six and a half months of carrying the baby. Yep that's right I'm already two and a half months along.

It was going to be a long six months but for this baby I would do anything.

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