Chapter 4

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This Chapter has been editied by NotebookNinja!! 

Chapter 4

It was already seven o’clock and I was ready for my date with Ky. We had spent the whole day talking at the beach, but I still couldn’t wait to see him again. Ky had told me a lot of personal stuff, such as the way he was putting on an act for everyone, so they wouldn’t think that he was scared to go off to war. The truth, though, was that he was terrified, terrified of getting killed. Terrified of having to watch some of his buddies die. He knew it was not going to be pleasant over there. But that didn’t make him want to stay.

Ky had his heart set on going to war. No matter who tried to talk him out of it, he wasn’t having any of it. He was put on this earth to serve his country, to be one soldier in a million. To get up early every morning, not knowing if he would make it to see the next sunset. But that was okay to him, or at least, he put on an act to show it was okay.

To me, it wasn’t okay. I had just met Ky last night and I already knew that it would hurt to lose him. Although I wasn’t in love just yet, that didn’t mean I couldn’t fall easily for this guy. He was everything a girl could ever ask for. He was sexy, he was sweet, and he wasn’t embarrassed to admit it.

As I sat in front of my mirror, I couldn’t help but feel self-conscious. Ky was kind of like my first boyfriend. I had never really dated, or even had any interest in dating, but here I had just met a guy in a different state and only having been on vacation for a day and a half, I was already going on a date.

"Nat, are you about ready? It’s almost seven and your hot date is gonna be here any minute!" Lara screamed. She was so excited for me that she had even volunteered to do my hair and make-up. She may not ever do her own make-up, but damn can she do other peoples. I looked pretty good, I had to say.

"Yeah, I’m ready…I’m just nervous," I told her.

"Why are you nervous, Nat? Not only do you look absolutely beautiful, you already have this guy eating out of your palm! I’m not so sure that Ky hasn’t already fallen for you," she laughed.

"Don’t be stupid Lara, he hasn’t fallen for me already. It’s too early! We’ve literally known each other for a total of twenty four hours."

"And it only took twenty four hours for that guy to fall completely head over heels for you," she said while wiggling her eyebrows.

Just as I was getting ready to say some smartass comeback, there was a knock at the door.

"Eeek! He’s here! Nat, go get your hunk of a man!" Lara squealed.

"Lara, there is seriously something wrong with you, you know that right?" I shook my head at her overreaction.

"Yeah, I know, now go get your man," she said, shoving me towards the door.

I opened it and there stood my beautiful…..wait, what was he to me? Was he my boyfriend, or was he my crush, or was he just here to hang out? Either way, he looked like a male goddess standing in my front door. You could tell he had skipped shaving for our date because his five o’clock shadow from the night before was back.

Once again, he was wearing dark jeans that hung perfectly from his hips, and there were a pair of tan flip flops on his feet. He had on his group of friends’ signature shirt, you know, the Abercrombie and Fitch one. Yeah, you know which one I’m talking about. It was a navy blue color, with Abercrombie and Fitch written in white. I had to admit, he pulled it off well.

"Hi Nat, you look beautiful, and your dress is stunning," he said as I finally met his eyes. I had put on my favourite red dress. The dress was tight around my bosoms and flowed out from there. Not like poufy or anything, but not tight either.

"Thank you, you’re looking pretty spiffy yourself," I said, making him blush just the tiniest bit. Nobody else would have noticed it, but I did. "So, where are you taking me for our first date?" I then asked.

"Well, that’s for me to know and you to find out. C’mon, I left the car running so it wouldn’t get hot."

I really wasn’t expecting what happened next. As we were walking to the elevator, Ky nonchalantly reached over and entangled our fingers. I couldn’t help but notice the tingles it sent up my entire arm, or the warm feeling in my heart as we walked in silence. I knew I would end up giving into his request from earlier. Because the truth was, I wanted him to be my Dear John, I wanted him to know that I was waiting every day for that dirty letter to come in the mail. Most of all, I wanted him to know that I would wait for him. Because whatever it was between us, I knew that I couldn’t let it go.

I opened my mouth to tell him that I would agree to his request from earlier, but he cut me off.

"So, how was the rest of your day today?" he asked.

"Pretty good. I spent most of my time getting ready for you though," I said, playfully bumping my shoulder into his. God, what was wrong with me? I can’t already be falling for this guy. But I knew deep in my heart that I already loved him. My conscience, however, just wouldn’t let me admit it.

"Jeez, you spent three hours getting ready to go on a date with me? Well…I’m actually kind of flattered," he said whilst feigning surprise.

"Ha, don’t flatter yourself there, soldier boy," I teased him.

When we made it down to the car, he opened my door for me like a gentleman, and then got in behind the wheel before driving off. We didn’t say much during the drive, but he held my hand the entire time, drawing circles with his thumb on the back of my hand.

"So, can you tell me where we’re going yet?" I asked.

"Nope, sorry, I can’t. I told you it’s going to be a surprise," he winked at me.

Thirty minutes later and we had pulled up in front of a wildlife park. I had no idea what we were doing in a wildlife park, but I knew I had worn the wrong shoes. I had on four-inch stilettos and I knew that if he was taking me hiking, this was going to be a problem.

"Hey, don’t worry, we’re not walking very far," he said, as if he could read my mind. "I’ll carry you if you need me to. I wouldn’t want you to hurt one of your pretty little ankles."

Like he had said, we were only walking for about three minutes, and then we came across an open field. It was gorgeous. There were groups of flowers clustered throughout the wispy grass, and I could make out some of the wildlife as well. There were just a couple of bunnies at the moment, but I had no doubt in my mind that if we sat and were quite we would be able to see more.

Off to the left, a picnic blanket had been laid out. Resting on top of it were two wine glasses and a basket I assumed had food in. Ky walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle, making me forget everything in my life. All I could think about was his rock hard abs pressed up against my back and the heat that was emanating from his body.

Ky pressed his cheek into mine and pulled me back so I was leaning into him.

"What do you think?" he whispered in my ear.

"It’s beautiful, Ky. How did you find this place?" I asked.

"Because I live here, I know all the good places. People who holiday here are set on one thing and one thing only - and that’s the beach. They tend to forget about this place."

"Well, if I ever travel here again, this will most definitely be my first stop."

"What do you mean, if you ever travel here again? You are going to come and see me when I get to get back, aren’t you?"

"When you put it that way, of course. I don’t think I can stay away from you now. You came into my life last night at ten p.m. and I already know that I don’t want to go through the rest of my days without you," I said in a small whisper. I don’t know why, but I was nervous about telling him how I felt.

Ky didn’t even say anything, he just held me tighter and sighed next to my ear. I could feel his smile on my cheek, and instantly my insecurities washed away.

Fighting the War (previously known as "Falling")Where stories live. Discover now