Chapter 18

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            Chapter 18      

                        Ky had been home for an entire week! Mom had been gracious enough to let us stay in the same room seeing as there weren’t any more accidents that could happen. I mean I was already pregnant for Christ’s sake. I was enjoying every minute spent with Ky and wished that the time for him to go back wouldn’t come. I still had three and a half more weeks with my amazing man, and we planned on making the best of it.

            “So, what are we doing today?” I smiled up at Ky.

            “Well, I was planning on running to the zoo, but I can see that your still tired from yesterday.” He laughed.

            I was still tired from yesterday, actually I was exhausted. Ky and I had drove down to his home town to go see his best friend Noah, who was actually in the process of packing so he could move up here. So that’s what we spent our entire day doing packing so Noah could come up here and get to see Lara on a daily basis. Since we had left the beach Noah and Lara had spent all of there free time talking on the phone. They were so in love that they gave Ky and I a run for our money. “It may have made me tired, but I’m glad you got to see Noah on your break.” I said with a smile. I was happy for him, before Lara and I came around Noah and Ky had been each other’s rock.  

            Ky leaned over and planted a kiss on my forehead. “You see, that’s why I love you.” He whispered. “I don’t have to worry if you’ll be mad that I spent one of our days together catching up with my best friend.” He smiled.

            “Of course you don’t have to worry about that. I’m know I’m not the only person in your life, and I also know that you have other people out there that love you just as much as I do, and that you need time to spend with them as well.

            Ky’s response to that was to lean down and softly brush his lips against mine. I am never going to tire of the way his lips on mine makes me feel. The electric shock that runs through my body just from the touch of his lips gets stronger every time, and my heart falls a little deeper with every kiss. I have no doubt in my mind that I want to spend the rest of my life with this man! “Since the zoo is out of the way, what are we going to do?” I questioned.

            “Well, I’m thinking a chick flick… some popcorn, and a cozy blanket.” He smiled.

            “You don’t’ have to even try to persuade me, because that sounds absolutely perfect.” I laughed as Ky leaned down and brushed a kiss on my nose.

            “I love you Natalie.” He whispered.

            “I love you too Ky.”

            “Okay, so what kind of movie are you thinking? Twenty-seven Dresses, or maybe even Fever Pitch?” he asked, but I definitely wasn’t feeling either of those movies.

            “Uh-huh.” I said while shaking my head back and forth. “I’m thinking more along the lines of Finding Nemo.” I said and then laughed at the look he gave me.

            “Really, Finding Nemo?” he chuckled.

            “Umm yea, don’t tell me you hate that movie.” I gave him a stern look. “Because if you do, I don’t think we can be together any longer.”

            Ky rolled over on top of me making sure to distribute his weight off of me. “You Ms. Natalie are not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me for life.” He laughed as he brushed his lips on mine.

            “So what you’re saying is that if I even try to leave you, you’re going to kidnap me?” I chuckled.

            “You’re damn right I am. I can’t have the love of my life slipping through my fingers. I’ll fight every damn step you try to take away from me.” He said with a seriously look on his face.

            “I would fight too.” I said quietly letting him know that he wasn’t allowed to leave me either.

            “I know you would babe.” He whispered then leaned down and planted a sloppy kiss on my stomach. “Now I’m pretty sure the little one is hungry, so why don’t we fee ‘em.”

            Twenty minutes later and we were cuddled up on the couch watching Finding Nemo and eating scrabbled eggs and bacon. “I thought you said I was getting popcorn.” I laughed.

            “Eat what’s on your plate, and then you can have some popcorn.” He smiled.

            I turned my attention back to the TV and watched as Marlin lost his wife to a barracuda. Tears started to fall down my face at the movie, and even thinking about my baby losing his or hers momma before they were even born. I felt Ky pulling me into his shoulder and securing me in the crook of his arm. “Don’t cry baby.” He whispered.

            I looked up into his eyes and gave him a reassuring smile “Good thing the rest of this movie is happy for the most part.” I whispered.

            I can’t even tell you how far I made it through the movie before I passed out, but I awoke to Ky carrying me up the stairs and to my bedroom. I looked up as he smiled down at me and then buried my head in his chest, too tired to even smile. 

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