Chapter 16

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Dear Natalie,

Hey babe, let me start by saying I miss seeing your beautiful face everyday. But I have some bad news; I won’t be able to skype with you for the next month and a half. We’re moving to a new position, and I won’t have access to a computer where were going. With that being said I’ll only be able to write with you, and it’s going to kill me not being able to see you for the next month. I miss you Nat, and I can’t wait until I’m home safe and in your arms cradling our little baby.

I’ve been thinking about names, and I really like the name James for a boy. It was the name of one of my good buddies that died when I was growing up, and I just want something to honor him by. If you don’t like it that’s totally fine, it was just a suggestion. For girl names I have a few ;) I really like Avery, Alice, Harper, Grayson, and Lana. I have a lot of time to think and not a minute goes by without me thinking about you. I miss you baby.



                Even though I was upset about not being able to skype with Ky for the next month I was smiling at his letter. It was an amazing feeling having someone care for you as deeply as Ky cared for me and our unborn child.

                “Hey honey, is it okay if I come in?” my mother questioned.

                “Yeah,” I answered still with a big smile on my face. It’s been three months since Ky and I had told my mom about the baby. It only took a couple of hours for her to come rushing back into my room to congratulate me. Now I can’t keep her from worrying about me, she is constantly coddling me; and it’s driving me absolutely crazy! I can’t say the same for dad, he still looks at me as if I have something wrong with me. Mom keeps trying to get him to come around to the idea of being a grandpa, but he’s just not taking it very well.

                “What is that huge smile about?” she asked.

                “I jus t got a letter from Ky, he always makes me smile.” I shrugged.

                “When am I going to get to talk to him again? I really like him!” she almost squealed.

                “Well, it will probably be a while, seeing as he is heading out for the next month on a mission I guess. He really didn’t say much about it.” I said while trying to keep the sadness and disappointment from my voice.

                “Oh honey, that’s terrible. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t been able to be around your father while I was pregnant with you.” She smiled at me sweetly.

                “Well it’s definitely not easy. I just hope that he gets to come home for Christmas.” I replied.

                “Honey, I hate to tell you this but if he hasn’t got an answer yet then he probably won’t be able to come. Christmas is only a month and half away.” She replied as if it was no big deal.

                “Mom please don’t say that, I can’t think bad things right now.” I said looking down to my lap to cover the frown that had plastered itself on my face.

                “Honey, it’s not a big deal, Ky is going to come home safe and sound in just a few more months.” She replied sweetly. “Now, your father and I want to take you out to a fancy restaurant tonight. Your dad has finally decided that he’s ready to be a grandpa and wants to celebrate.” She said with a huge smile.

                “You’re not lying to me again are you?” I questioned. This wasn’t the first time she had tried to pull this. Last time it had ended with dad and I yelling at each other in the middle of one of those swanky downtown restaurants.

                “No Nat, I’m serious this time. Now go and put on that cute maternity dress I bought you the other day.” She said with a wink as she left my room.

                Well this should be fun. I ran over to my closet and pulled out the yellow sundress that my mother had felt like buying. It was going to be way to cold to wear this but I would do it just to please her.

                I pulled on the dress and then put my white bow headband in. I went to my closet to find the perfect shoes and felt like my cowgirl boots were going to be the best choice. I had become a little clumsy after I started sporting the baby bump, it just through me off balance. I curled a few hairs around my face and threw the rest up in a ponytail, added a little bit of eyeliner and I was ready to go.

                Twenty minutes later and we were packed in my fathers black BMW and headed downtown. I don’t know why but I had this feeling that something wasn’t right. I sat back in the car and didn’t say a word the entire way.

                There wasn’t a wait at the restaurant, in fact it was completely empty except for us. I took my seat and the waiter came and asked me what I wanted to drink and I ordered water. Mom and dad weren’t saying much, which made me think that mom had once again set this little get together up.

                I was about to give her a piece of my mind when I heard the most amazing sound in the world. “Hey baby.”

                I turned around and jumped out of my chair so fast I almost fell over. I felt two strong arms wrap around me to prevent my fall. I looked up and only one thing came out of my mouth “Ky!” 

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