Chapter 7

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This chapter has been editied by NotebookNinja

(a:n) Hey guy's hope your liking the story so far!! I'm sorry but this chapter is just a filler and not very exciting :( but i promise next one will be better!

Chapter 7

It was four hours later and Ky and I were still sitting on the beach. After he had thrown me in the water, we had played in the ocean for probably a good hour and a half, just splashing each other then cuddling in the sea. It was so wonderful. Noah and Lara had gone up to the room thirty minutes after Ky had tossed me into the waves, and we both knew what they were doing. They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, and every chance they got to be alone, they took it.

Ky and I had laid out my two-person beach towel on the sand and were curled up beside each other. He had both arms wrapped around me and I had my head in the crook of his neck. It was perfect, almost too perfect.

"Hey Nat, before I dunked you in the water earlier, why were you crying?" Ky asked me. I had been hoping that he hadn’t noticed my tears from beforehand, but I guessed it would’ve been inevitable.

"I was thinking," I said, hoping he would get the hint that I really didn’t want to talk about it and just drop the subject.

"What were you thinking about?" he whispered, planting his lips in my hair and then running his fingers through it.

I let out an exaggerated sigh before answering.

"I’m just not ready for you to leave," I admitted. "Every time I even think about next Friday, it makes me so emotional. I just don’t want to lose you." My voice became choked with unshed tears, but I would not let myself cry in front of him again.

"Nat, I promise you that I’ll come back. I won’t let anything happen to me over there because I have something worth coming back to…..You’re everything in my life and I already told you once that I don’t want to go somewhere where you’re not. If I go to heaven you won’t be there, so I’m not leaving you. I’m only going away for one year and then I’ll be back in my rightful place, in your arms, okay?" he said, making sure I understood every word.

"Okay…." I murmured, still unsure if it was really the truth. "Tell me about some of your buddies in the army."

"Well, what do you want to know?" asked Ky.

"What are their names? Why did they join the army?" I said the first things that came to my mind.

"Hmm, Ray is probably my best buddy. He joined the army for the same reasons I did, but this is his second tour. Ray got married right before he shipped out the first time to a girl named Allison. They were high school sweethearts and couldn’t spend one second apart," he said, smiling while talking about it, like he truly understood.

"How old is he?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"He’s twenty-two, but he married Allison when he was two months away from being nineteen. Ray say’s its harder to leave this time because his wife is six months pregnant with their first child. It’s a baby girl. But he knows he needs to serve his country and is going to Skype Allison during the delivery."

I seriously didn’t know how military wives managed it. I was having trouble with my boyfriend going off to war, yet here was Ray and Allison. They had already had to leave each other once, and then Ray comes home only to be shipped off again, not getting to see his baby girl for the first time. It was so heartbreaking, I didn’t know what I would do if I couldn’t see my child being born. Of course, I was never going to have that problem, because I would kind of have to be there for the birth, but still.

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