Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Dear Nat,

I want to start out and say I’m sorry that this is the fist letter I was able to send you. I’ve just been so busy trying to get settled in and ready to fight as some of the men are putting it. The good news is I’m finally settled in and stationed for the next year. Bad news is, I’m in Iraq. I’ve only been off base once, and I have to say it wasn’t pretty; but that’s all I’m going to say about that situation, I don’t want our letters to be me talking about what I’m doing and you getting worried.

I miss you Nat, probably more than you know. I long to have your head resting on my shoulder, or to hear that beautiful laugh. It’s hard, but I know that it is probably just as hard for you. I’ve met someone over here though to occupy my time. His names Jeff and he’s a great guy. We get along really well and he knows what it’s like to have a girl back at home waiting for him. His girls name is Alex; she actually lives close to you only about seventy-five miles away.

Most of our conversations include you and her. It’s hard to quit talking about you because you are literally everything I think about. When I’m out fighting, I’m only thinking about how careful I need to be because I have you to come home to.

The beds are absolutely the worst thing I think I have ever slept on and there is sand everywhere. I’m ready to come home Nat, every morning I wake up and pray that this year will go by super fast. I know I shouldn’t wish my life away, but I have no life if I’m not with you.

I’m going to go ahead and end this letter for now, I miss you something terrible though and I can’t wait to see your beautiful face and hold you in my arms. I’m going to be able to Skype you on Tuesday so make sure to be by your computer at five-thirty pm your time.

I love you more than you know Natalie….


Ky Evans

            The tears were streaming down my face, as I read the letter over and over. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into, when I told Ky I would wait for him. I had no idea it was going to be this hard. It’s already been three weeks since I had talked to or seen him.

            Everyday I would come home straight from school and open the mailbox. I grew more worried the more days that passed but kept telling myself everything was okay.

            So today when I saw his handwriting scrawled on the envelope I had almost had a heart attack. He was right when he had said that it was just as hard for me. I miss him more than I have ever missed another person. Lara and I have spent every moment together since we got home. Noah still hadn’t had the chance to move out here yet so she was lonely too.

            As I read the letter over and over more and more tears began to shed down my face. I couldn’t quit crying.

            I heard a knock at the door but ignored it to entranced with my boyfriends handwriting to care if anyone wanted to talk to me. I heard the door open but just continued to stare at the writing.

            I felt arms wrap around me and I recognized my mother’s voice as she kept saying everything was going to be fine and Ky would come home soon enough.

            When I had came home from Florida and told my mother about Ky she had surprised me. Mom was over the moon that I had found someone and wanted all the details. Needless to say I had told her everything, even that I had lost my virginity to him.

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