Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

            We walked into Ky’s apartment and I was immediately flabbergasted. Every inch of his apartment was covered in candles and vases of roses. On the ground there was a rose path leading to the kitchen. Ky put his hand on the small of my back and lead me towards the kitchen.

            In the kitchen there was a table set for two, with two candles in the middle and two pieces of cheesecake. Ky walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “This is why I didn’t get us desert at the restaurant.” He whispered in my ear.

            “Thank you.” was all I managed to get out. Ky lead me over to the table and pulled out my chair so I could sit down. This was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me. “Ky how did you afford all of these roses.” I asked knowing full on that roses were not the cheapest flower out there.

            “Don’t worry about it Nat, I could afford anything for you.” he said with a small smile. That smile is the smile that always made my heart melt into a million pieces I knew now that I loved this boy more than I thought possible. I picked up my fork and started eating the cheesecake.

            “Oh my God, Ky did you make this.” I said in satisfaction.

            “Well Noah helped me but yeah I made it.” He said shyly.

            “It’s amazing.” I said sweetly. Tonight I wouldn’t let myself think that I only had five days left with him. Tonight it was only going to be me and him.

            During desert Ky had started fidgeting and acting somewhat nervous. He wouldn’t look me in the eye for anything. “Ky what is the matter?” I asked growing nervous myself.

            “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” He said with a small smile. The smile gave me more reassurance but I still couldn’t shake all of the nerves.

            “So what next?” I asked playfully, knowing full on that this wasn’t my surprise.

            “Well first I’m going to go get changed. How about you meet me in the bedroom in five minutes.” He said with a smile. I knew he was up to something but I wasn’t going to fight him on it.

            As I waited the five long boring minutes I went to the living room and full took on the set up. The mood was so romantic, he hadn’t even bothered turning on the lights when we had walked in. The candles were enough light so that you could see and not trip over anything. I was in pure bliss.

            When it had finally been five minutes I walked back to Ky’s bedroom and the door was closed. I softly knocked on the door not wanting to open in and him be there naked. “Ky can I come in?” I asked sweetly.

            I heard him clearing his throat and then finally answering. “Yeah Nat c’mon in.” As I walked into his bedroom the first thing I noticed was the rose petal in the shape of a heart on the bed. Every open space in his bedroom had flowers and candles on it as well. The smell of roses was almost over powering but it was perfect.

            The last thing I noticed was Ky. When I finally saw him the air quickly left my lungs in utter shock. He was kneeling on one knee just in front of the bed with a ring box held out. “Natalie, I know that we have only known each other for a week, but I can’t imagine spending any time apart from you, and I never want to. Now I know you think this is an engagement ring but it’s not. This is a promise, a promise that I will come home to you. A promise that someday I will make you my wife. I love you more than anything on this planet Natalie, will you accept my promise?” he said. Ky’s cheeks were red with blush, and he had the biggest smile on his face.

            “YesKy, I’ll except your promise.” I said while fighting back tears. Ky flew up and was in front of me in a flash picking me up in a hug.

            “I love you Natalie.” He whispered in my ear.

            “I love you too Ky.” I said back. Ky put me back down on the ground and took my left hand. He pulled the ring out of the box and placed it on my ring finger. It was a perfect fit. The ring was utterly astonishing, it was a solitaire and if I wasn’t mistaken it was about a half a carat. Way to big for a promise ring but I wouldn’t say anything now. The only thing I could think of right at this moment was how perfect this man I had standing before me was.

            I reached for his head and crashed my lips to his. I needed him now and tonight I wasn’t going to let him stop me.


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