Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

            It was already Thursday evening, This would be the last evening that Ky and I would get to spend with each other for an entire year. For the last two days Ky and I have been hermits. Staying inside and not leaving once since Tuesday. The only thing we did yesterday was sit in front of the TV and order three movies off of paper view. We just stayed cuddled up on the couch wishing that Friday was only a dream.

            It was already eight o’clock at night and I couldn’t help but think of how many hours I had left with this wonderful man….. Only seventeen hours until I leave him at the airport and say goodbye for an entire year.

            Trying and failing to push those thoughts away from my mind I snuggled up closer to Ky and wrapped my arms around his torso. As if he knew what I was thinking he kissed me on the forehead. “Nat just don’t think about it, I want our last night to be happy.” He whispered.

            I looked up into those beautiful green eyes and gave him a reassuring smile. I took his face between my hands and pulled him in for a kiss. It didn’t take long for the kiss to escalate to more. “Why do you have to leave me?” I questioned.

            “Believe me Nat, I don’t want to leave you. You are the one and only thing that has ever made myself regret signing up for the army. I don’t know how it happened but in the span of these two weeks I have fallen completely and utterly in love with you. I don’t want to even think about having to leave you tomorrow. If I could, I would walk away now; but I can’t, as much as I want to I can’t.” he said in a defeated voice.

            “I know I can deal with a year. I’m not going to like it, but I can deal with it. All I want is you safely in my arms after that year. I can be the military girlfriend.” I said with a smile. “Besides, I’ll have something to occupy my time; I still have that dreadful place they call high school to attend to.”

            “I coming back for you Nat, nothing is going to stop me from coming back to you.”

            After that we made our way upstairs and started getting ready for bed. As much as I didn’t want to go to sleep, I knew that Ky needed his sleep tonight.

            I could tell Ky was trying to hide his stress from me, but he wasn’t succeeding. Ky stood in front of his bedroom window looking as if he was ready to snap from the pressure. His muscles were wound tight and his shoulders were hunched forward weighed down with all of the stress from the past couple of days, and days to come. I walked over and wrapped my hands around his torso. “It’s going to be alright.” I whispered while pressing my lips to his shoulder blade.

            “Promise me you’ll be here when I get back.” He whispered.

            “Where else would I be.” I said with a smile.

            “Thank you.” Was his only response; Ky turned around and wrapped his arms around me. His hands made there way down to my thighs and lifted me so that my legs would wrap around his waist.  


            I woke up the next morning and looked at the clock. The numbers shining back at me stating it was almost ten o’clock had my heart beating franticly. I couldn’t help the sob that escaped my lips. Today was the day that I had to let the one thing in my life that I loved the most go.

            Before I knew it tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was full on bawling. I must have woken Ky because his arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace. “Shhh…. Nat, it’s going to be okay. Shh…” he kept repeating that over and over while simultaneously stroking his fingers through my hair. Although his touch was soothing I couldn’t control the sobbing. As much as I tried to tone it down it just got worse.

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