Chapter One: First Day

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Hello my name's Jose and I'm gonna tell you a story about my crazy middle school years. It was August 8 and it was the day before my first day of middle school. My cousin Pedro and his sister Bree were at my apartment because their mom was at work and my mom had to take care of them meanwhile. My brother Jesus got home from work and Pedro was just scrolling through tiktok. "You ready for middle school tomorrow Jose?" Asked Jesus. "Not really, I'm pretty nervous." I answered. "Why? Si fuisteis a visitarla escuela, no?" (You did go to visit the school right?) Asked Jesus. Then Pedro's eyes opened WIDE in terror. "I FORGOT! JERRY TOLD ME TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY TO VISIT IT!" Shouted Pedro. "WAIT FORREAL!??" I shouted. Jesus called the school to ask if we could still visit and they said no. Then came the next day, AUGUST 9. It is now my first day of middle school. I was asleep but my alarm woke me up. I got dressed and went downstairs of my 2 floor apartment. I ate some cereal and I was nervous as hell. I wasn't ready, the last time actually went to school in real life was in fourth grade. It was actually half of fourth grade because of covid-19. Anyways my brother Jesus went with me and my mom to drop me off to school. By the way the only friend I was close to was my friend Jerry because I actually kept in touch with him in the summer. We got to the school and I got out of the car
. "Bye! Te amo!" Said my mom.
"Yo también bye!" "Si te peleas al menos gana!" Shouted my brother. "Okay!" By the way I'm very skinny and weak so that just makes going to middle school even worse. Since yesterday my cousin Pedro forgot to tell us that Jerry told him it was the day to visit the middle school, that means that I'm coming in here BLIND. Anyways I walked in and they gave me my schedule. I had PE first, Math Second, English Third, Fourth is advisory, fifth I had Science, sixth I had social studies and seventh I had Art. I had a pretty good schedule plus I had so many classes with my cousin Pedro. So I didn't do anything for Pe we just sat down and the coach talked about the rules. Second period my teacher Mr. Jamie gave us a sticky note and gave us questions. Just so you know I'm trash at math but the questions were pretty easy. Then after the questions he talked about himself and that made me realize I'm going to have to talk about myself. The bell rung and I left the classroom. When I walked into my third period  classroom I saw my cousin Pedro and I scared him. "Yes! I thought I wouldn't have any classes with you." Said Pedro. "Do you have any classes with Jerry?" I asked. "Nah he has different teachers." Said Pedro. I sat down and Pedro sat down next to me. The teacher was really cool and nice. Her name was Ms. Goody and I knew I was going to have fun in her class. Everything was fun about her except for the fact she liked BTS. I don't have anything against them it's just their fandom and I shouldn't be saying this because I don't want to get cancelled. "Hey who do you have next period?" Asked Pedro. "Mr. Harry." "Me too." Said Pedro. I took out my schedule and Pedro started looking at it. "We have three classes together!" Said Pedro. "That's awesome!" I said. The bell rung and we left her class. We got to Mr. Harry's Class and sat down in the desk as far away as possible from the teacher. We did this because we can talk without getting caught. "Why does he look like his name his Patrick?" "He actually does." Said Pedro. Mr. Harry introduces himself and then we went to lunch. We had crispitos and they gave us two! I was actually really glad they gave us two and you already know I ate the whole plate. While me and my cousin were eating I noticed he was laughing so hard. "What?" I asked. He pointed at a kid and I turned around. I saw a kid's ass crack and I bursted out laughing. Mr. Harry walked down the lunch table. I tried to stop laughing but couldn't. "What's so funny?" Asked Mr. Harry. Me and my cousin's laugh faded away and Mr. Harry stared at us. "How do you feel about Messi leaving Barcelona?" Asked Mr. Harry. Pedro had on a Barcelona shirt. "Wait he's leaving?" Asked Pedro surprised. "Yeah, I think he's joining PSG and they don't have any good players." Said Mr. Harry. "Well now they will." I said. Mr. Harry completely ignored me and kept talking with Pedro. When he did that I realized Pedro is going to be the favorite student. When we went back to class we played game about our opinions. Marvel or Dc? Of course I chose marvel. He kept asking us questions like that and then the bell finally rung. I struggled to find my 5th period until I realized it was right next to my 4th period classroom. I walked inside and the late bell rung. I looked around and realized that I had no friends in that class. I sat down in the back and then The Teacher, Mr. Mount told me to go to the front. He did that because my brother Jesus was a pain in the ass for the teachers. He recognized my last name and I knew that my next classes might be hell because of my brother. I put my head down and was about to fall asleep until I heard someone walk into the classroom. It was my elementary school friend Auggy. Auggy sat down next to me and once again, we talked about ourselves. This class was passing by slowly and I was ready to go home. His classroom looked blank butt at least I had a friend in the class. After that class I went to social studies. I didn't get lost because it was Mr. Harry again. I sat down but then had to get back up because he had assigned seats. He made everyone sit down in their assigned seats and then he called my name. "Jose, sit next to Cristian."  Said Mr. Harry. I sat down and put my head down. "Jayden sit behind Jose." Said Mr. Harry. The kid sit down behind me and I really didn't care but little did I know that kid would be come one of the best friends I would ever have. Mr. Harry talked about himself again and we played the opinion game again too. I didn't mind playing those games because at least it's not schoolwork. Im kind of a nerd but that doesn't mean that im the ones that say "You forgot about our homework." -🤓. The bell rung and I stormed out of the classroom. I looked for Pedro because we had 7th period together. He came out of Mr. Mount's classroom and we walked down the hallway. "The next class might be upstairs." Said Pedro. "Oh shoot." I said that because upstairs is the 7th grade hallway and it will be hard to find the class. Me and Pedro asked teachers where to go because Pedro's sister said not to ask any students. The teachers said they didn't know so we just looked for the number that was on our schedule.  We finally found the class and we sat down. The kid from 6th period, Jayden sat down next to me. The teacher, Mrs. Jordean started teaching us about how to draw letter the E's in a bubble or blocky form. Someone asked how to draw the letter d because they had it in their name. She drew a big letter d on the white board in block and bubble. "Does the d have to be big?" Asked a kid. Everyone bursted out laughing because you know, we're sixth graders. The teacher finished talking and gave us papers to work on. Now remember, it's 2021 among us was still sorta funny to me. The kid Jayden next to me started writing. I tried to be funny and said "Are you the imposter from among us?" He laughed and that was the best choice I ever made. We became friends. "Do you play any games?" Asked Jayden. "Yeah i have an Xbox." I said. Ms. Jordean saw that we were talking and not doing work so she moved Jayden to a different seat. When the bell ring I was leaving with Pedro. "Jose!" Shouted Jayden. I turned around and Jayden gave me a paper. The paper said "Add me on xbox live." And it had his username.  August 14, After School Pedro was scrolling through tiktok and I wanted tiktok so bad since I didn't have it. I asked my mom if I could get it and she finally said yes. I downloaded it and made my self a profile picture. It was a sombrero with a Mexico flag on it and it said El Pichon which was my nickname in the family. Pedro started showing me all the trends like Beggin' by ManeSkin, everywhereigo by Babyxsosa and tiktok profile picture cults. I decided to join the Dababy cult. August 18, my friend Jerry bought a Lebron James toy and it was because of a trend about torturing the toy. They took of Lebron's clothes and filled him up with water. August 22 2021, I went to my tia Samantha's house and 5 year old cousin Anny, and my 4 year old nephew Liam were there. Anny had to go to sleep but me and Liam played Roblox. I got on the Xbox app and Jayden texted me. Jayden wanted my Roblox username so I gave it to him and I played Sno Day with him and Liam. I loved that game and R.I.P to the creator of it. Many days have passed and it is now August 31. In 7th period me Jayden and Pedro were done with our work so we got on our chromebooks. Jayden started playing cool math games and I asked him what game it was. He said it was named Minor-Miner so I tried it and it was a gun game. Then on September 6 me and Jerry made our own tiktok profile picture cults. I made a el chavo cult and he made Obama Cult. September 10, In  3rd period I found a new game on Coolmathgames named Tiny Fishing and it was trending in our school. Then in fourth period a kid named Rey showed me a hack on how to get rich in the game. After a week I beat the whole game because I had gotten every type of fish and I got 90 Quadrillion dollars in the game. Games went by fast in my school so on September 25, me and Pedro found a spacebar counter which isn't really a game but we were pros at it. Me and Pedro took many days on it until we got to the limit. Pedro got it first when we were headed home and he was on his Chromebook playing the spacebar counter when he teacher 10,000. Pedro kept clicking but it didn't let him anymore. "Bro I think I broke my spacebar!!" Said Pedro nervously. "No, I think that's just the limit." I said. "Let me see." Said Pedro. Pedro opened up a new tab and got on the spacebar counter again. He tapped the spacebar and it worked. "Oh thank God I was scared for life!" Said Pedro in relief. On October 3rd I finally reached the limit on the spacebar counter in 4th period. Pedro had restarted and I barely reached the limit. The spacebar counter lasted all September then a week of October being relevant which is very long. On October 12 2021, I skipped the other days because it was normal boring days. In 3rd period I told Jayden that my brother had a YouTube channel and he subscribed. "Bro watch the water park one because there's a kid that says something funny." I said. "Okay." Said Jayden. Jayden watched the video and me my brother Jesus and my cousin David were riding a slide. After we got off a slide some kids passed by and they were talking about Minecraft. One kid said "Yeah one time I got full golden armor." Like if he was bragging. "Bro he said as if it was good." I said. "Golden armor sucks!" Said Jayden. After school When I got home my brother was setting up a video for his YouTube channel and we were gonna make a Mexican squid game irl video. We made it with Pedro and his sister. We played normal red light green light and I won but Pedro's sister messed up the clip and we restarted. When we restarted I nearly won again but my brother grabbed my leg and i tripped. I made it to the end but last. Second game was open the Mazapán without breaking it. Me and Pedro opened them successfully but Jesus didn't. Third game was way the lime without making a face and I lost with Pedro but Jesus won. Last game was lotería and of course Jesus won. Me and Pedro got two cold buckets of water dumped on us.

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