Chapter Three: Halloween

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Since it was friday, sadly it was the last day of art class. The other classes weren't important so let's skip them. We went to our seventh period and I LOST MY PAINTING AGAIN. I had to restart everything again but luckily I finished it. I had fun in that class and because I had many friends in it. There was a boy named Conner that was me and Pedro's friend. I sat down in a table with Conner, Pedro, and Jayden. I finished my pumpkin and a kid from a different class came in. His name was Darry and he was really annoying. In my art class there was also this annoying kid named Kenny that used to try to bully me and Pedro back in 2nd grade. Darry came inside to ask me questions about him while Kenny was sitting right behind us. I started ignoring Darry and he got mad. "Dude just leave him alone." Said Conner. "Shut up you White boy you can't be talking." Shouted Darry. "Shut the hell up you're not even in this class, you stupid cinnamon roll lookin ass!" I shouted.  Mrs. Jordean heard and kicked Darry out of the classroom. Then the class had to go get goody bags from the lunch room to celebrate the nine weeks. When we got back to the classroom the bell rung and I said goodbye to the classroom. I had fun in that class and I was hoping my next class would be fun too. On Sunday it was Halloween and I was going to be El Chavo. My brother was Chucky and we went trick or treating with my cousin David that was a clown. We went to three houses then met up with Pedro his mom and his sister. We found a house with a bucket outside and took the whole thing. We ran down the hill to not get caught and there was a dog that saw us. The dog kept barking and we got into our parent's car. When me Jesus and my mom got home I counted my candy and got 164 candies. Then the next week on Monday they gave us work to do on home and I had a class named Teen Challenges. I checked the rosters and I had all the same classmates which was good because there was a girl named Kayla that was a class clown so I knew it would be fun. The next day on Tuesday in fourth period me, Pedro, Jayden, and Kelli were typing on Typing Obamas and then Jayden left because he had to go to lunch. Pedro thought it would be funny to put pictures of poop on the screen and Kelli started gagging. Mr. Harry asked if she was okay and I typed "Don't snitch because you were involved with this too." Kelli said that she wanted to throw up and she didn't snitch. Then and boy named Eeli in saw my screen and wanted to join. I added Eeli and we actually had fun. It was fun because we had nothing else to do plus anything is fun in school if it's not schoolwork. Jayden would play a game named five nights at Freddy's and I got interested in it. After lunch I played Fnaf 2 secretly and Eeli saw my screen. I put the link in Typing Obamas and a boy named Jay that sat close to me saw my screen. "Why aren't you doing iready?" Shouted Jay. Jay was friends with a class clown girl named Beighle.  was also friend with Kelli. So since Jay was friends with Beighle and Kelli, he wanted to be a class clown too and he was kinda funny because he had a girl voice. "Are you typing innapropiate stuff!?" Shouted Jay. I switched to Iready and turned around. "I'm on Iready!" "It's nothing bad it's for typing! It's literally named Typing Obamas." Said a kid sitting to my right. The kid's name is Anthony and he sat next to Pedro in seventh period. He was friends with me and Pedro so Pedro added him to Typing Obamas. Antonio joined and that's when Pedro got an idea. Jayden got back on the document and Pedro made some boxes. I'll show what they looked like but Pedro put out names on it. I put gay Eeli on Eeli's box and we tried to hold in our laughs. I told Pedro to get on Typing Obamas in fifth period and he said he'll try because he had Math. The bell rung and we left. I went to Mr. Mount's class and the desks were turned around to face his desk. I was confused and I moved my seat back to normal. A lesbian girl named Riley that was in that class walked inside and got mad at me for "stealing her seat." I didn't even know what I was doing I just thought they moved their seats for fourth period. "Why would you do that you jerk!" Shouted Riley. "It was a mistake stop whining!"
"Shut up and sit your little Mexican ass in your seat down!" Shouted Riley. Mr. Mount heard her and called her mom. I'm not homophobic but I think it's kinda cringe to be lgbtq in the 6th grade. Pedro's sister Said Mr. mount would be mean but he was actually really nice to me and Auggy. Then came seventh period. I walked down the hall with Pedro and Jayden looking for the class until we came across Pedro's sister. We asked her if she knew where the class was and she did. The class was upstairs but right next to the stairs so it was close. We got to the class and it was just like the first day of school. The teacher Mrs. Brant introduced herself and we had to write a paper about ourselves. Then she said that tomorrow we would take a test about kitchen safety because we were going to cook in this class. The next day in fourth period a kid named Dangel wanted to join Typing Obamas. He was kind of Pedro's friend so I added him. Mr. Harry walked around so I switched to Iready and when I came back someone deleted everything. All of the boxes were gone but one thing gave it away. At the top of the document it said "Last edit was made by Dangel." So I kicked him out and he was about to snitch until I showed him a screenshot of him putting something inappropriate in his box. We went to lunch and when we came back we went to the bathroom. The urinals were already full and I didn't want to go in the middle so I used a stall instead. The stalls had no locks except for two and Dangel walked in the bathroom.   I walked out of the stall and Dangel pushed me. He held me against the wall and threw a punch. I quickly moved my head and he punched the wall. I pushed him off of me and punched him in the stomach. I quickly ran out so I wouldn't get in trouble and I actually got away with it. Eeli left Typing Obamas to make his own but he invited us to it. Eeli also invited his friend Daniel to his typing chat and he named it Typing Pokémon. So we removed Eeli's box and we only had Anthony, Me and Jayden shared boxes and Pedro in Typing Obamas. I fifth period I asked Auggy if he wanted to join and he said yes so I had to explain everything to him about to not get caught. If you get caught with a typing thing you might be in serious trouble but I'm pretty sure we were the first ones to do it. In seventh period I took the test and I got a 100 first try. We had to get a 100 in order to be able to cook and it was really easy to me. Pedro decided to ditch the boxes and go back to just typing anywhere. Anthony typed in Typing Obamas "where is the test because me and Lonzo can't find it." Anthony called Pedro Lonzo for some reason I don't know why. They couldn't find the test so I had to give them the link. After the class me and Pedro went outside in the car line. I became friends with the Mexican kid from the carline but he never told me his name. Me and Pedro gave him our number and then we left.

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