Chapter Eleven: Final Week

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May 12, I went to the river with David, Pedro, My Liam, and my little cousin Anny. The river had dried and there was small puddles of water me and David were walking around looking at the leftover puddles when I saw a shiny orange thing inside of the smallest puddle in the river. I walked closer to it and saw something. "DAVID, PEDRO COME HERE!" I shouted. David and Pedro ran to me and saw it, A barely alive Goldfish. "Jose quick, go get a cup from your apartment and come back!" Shouted David. I ran and climbed up the side of the river. I ran to my apartment and grabbed a cup. I ran back outside and jumped into the river. The goldfish started going crazy and jumping around. I quickly found the biggest puddle in the river and got some water. I ran back to the goldfish and scooped it up with the cup. "WE CAUGHT A GOLDFISH!" Shouted Liam. I got out of the river and showed my mom and Jesus. Anny's dad was there and so was Pedro's. They were just talking there and I showed all of them the goldfish. Then we walked back into the river and I put the goldfish into the biggest puddle. When I took poured him into the puddle I noticed he had a small cut on his side. Liam and Anny watched it as it swam around in the puddle because they were so amazed. Liam and Anny are both 5 but Anny is older by months. I put some rocks around the puddle to prevent the goldfish from jumping out by accident and the goldfish was swimming around happily. "What are you gonna name him?" Asked Anny. "Charlie." I Said. When I was 6 Me, Jesus, Pedro, Bree, and my mom were at a park and we were looking at some fish. Jesus accidentally cut a fish with a stick and he named him Charlie so now I'm naming this goldfish Charlie. The next day after school, my mom dropped me and Pedro off at a lake so we could get some water to fill up the puddle for Charlie. My mom got some cups from a store while we were at school because she was getting groceries and that is what we were using to fill up the puddle. We got the water then went back to the car. Then my mom drove back to the apartments and dropped off me and Pedro in the river. Me and Pedro filled up the puddle and Charlie came out from under a rock. My mom also bought some fish food so I fed it to Charlie. Me and Pedro climbed back up to the road and walked to my apartment. My mom and Pedro's sister Bree were already inside so we knocked on the door. Bree opened the door and my mom was holding a fish tank! I got to keep Charlie. I went back to the river with a cup and picked Charlie up with some water. I got the tank filled up with water and everything else and I put it on a desk upstairs in my room (I share a room with my parents and the other room is Jesus's) May 16 Monday, It is now the final week of 6th grade. Today I was going to eat breakfast at school with Eddie and Pedro. Last week I was gonna go but I forgot so I'm going now. When I walked into the school I went to the lunchroom and found Eddie next to Mr. Mount. "Watsup Jose." Said Eddie. I dapped Eddie up and said Hi to Mr. Mount. The reason Mr. Mount was waiting there is because he was letting us get on our phones to text Pedro to see if he was here. Pedro took 6 minutes to get here but he finally did. "Eddie and Jose were about to leave you Pedro." Said Mr. Mount. We laughed and then we walked into the lunchroom. They gave us a sausage and a biscuit. Pedro's sister Bree and her friends were there too. Bree's friends started cracking on Eddie and so I got up and poured my milk on her. Me Pedro and Eddie ran out the lunchroom and went to class. In my first period PE I saw my friends Chris and JC. JC is also in typing 2 Obamas which I forgot to mention. Today in Pe we were playing basketball. I am very bad at basketball but luckily I got in a good team. Then in my second period Mr. Jamie didn't give us any work so I just got on a game named Minor Miner on cool math games. Jayden showed me the game back in October and its a speed run type game. I finished the whole game In that one class. Then in my third period I made a meme museum in Typing Obamas 1. We started typing on Typing 2 Obamas again. I played with Jayden and Pedro. We were playing with another dude named Ike and we played 2v2s. I got Pedro on my team and we beat Jayden and Ike. Then the bell rung and I walked to my 4th period. Me and Pedro completely ignored iready and just played with Anthony. After 1v1 I got on Nitro Type. I got in 1st place three times then we went to lunch. After lunch me and Pedro saw Mr. Mount's class lining up to go outside. Eddie has Mr. Mount for 4th period so he got so lucky. "Bro y'all go outside!?" Whispered Pedro. "Yeah, Tomorrow I'll ask if y'all can go." Said Eddie. "Alright!" I whispered. Then in 7th period we started a story of our own for a test grade which would be the last work of the year. Mrs. Johnna then said that on Friday we would have a small party for the end of the school year. We had to roll a dice with random things on it and we had to make a story about it. I made a story about a a fish that became human by a magical octopus and he has to kill the octopus to turn back. While we were working, I added CJ to Typing 2 Obamas. I worked with CJ and Pedro worked with Jayden. There was a dude named Jacob that saw me adding CJ to typing 2 Obamas and I added him too. Jacob is friends with Pedro and I've known him since elementary so I trusted him. Then the bell ring and me and Pedro left. Outside me and Pedro met up with Eddie. Pedro's sister Bree was also there and she started talking about her quince (Quinceañera). She said that we were going to be her chambelanes (Dancers) for her quince and that we were going to have dance practice soon. The next day in my third period I played again. The bell rung and me and Pedro walked to Mr. Harry's class. We met up with Eddie in the hallway. "Bro y'all ready for out last soccer games this weekend?" Asked Eddie. "Yeah I'm pumped!" I said. "Yeah but I'm pretty nervous, I feel like we might lose." Said Eddie. "Don't say that, then we are going to lose!" Said Pedro. Then at lunch Jayden and Eddie asked if they could sit with us at the lunch table. Their teachers said yes so they sat down with us. Auggy also asked and so he sat down with us too. They gave us crispitos for lunch and they are soooooooo good and probably the best school food. They even gave us a cookie for lunch too! "Bro why would they give us the best food once I get braces?!" Said Eddie. "You got braces?!" Me and Pedro said shocked. "Finally you're fixing your crooked ass teeth." Said Jayden. "Shut up Jayden!" Said Eddie jokingly. Eddie had silver braces which made him look like that nerd girl Beth from Total Drama Island💀. "So, do you want your cookie?" Asked Auggy. "Yeah, but I'm not sure if I can eat it." Eddie Responded. "Call your mom and ask them." Said Pedro. "Okay but don't you dare even moan while I'm talking to her!" Said Eddie. Eddie called her and asked. "Puedo comer una galleta?" Asked Eddie to his mom. "Pass the w33d!" Shouted Jayden. "DUDE CHILL OUT!" Shouted Eddie. "Si, pero si te pasa algo con tus braces te voy a dar un chingadaso bien fuerte en tu c*lo!" (Yes, but if something happens to your braces I'm gonna give you a whooping so hard on your ass!) Said Eddie's mom. We all bursted out laughing and Jayden just stood there confused because he didn't understand. "So are you gonna eat it?" Asked Auggy. Eddie picked up the cookie and ate it right in Auggy's face. After lunch we went back to class and Mr. Mount took us to his class. We lined up in the hall then went outside. Mr. Mount had a soccer ball and the very rare thing is that it wasn't flat. We went outside and it was the same spot we went to when we took pictures of weathering that one time in Mr. Mounts class. We started doing long passes and then 1v1s with small soccer goals that they had there. I was going against Eddie and Pedro put the ball in the middle. Pedro whistled and me and Eddie ran towards the ball. I'm faster so I got the ball and Eddie slide tackled me. I got back up and chased him. I got the ball back and started running towards his goal. He slide tackled again but I flicked the ball and jumped over him. Eddie just gave up and sat on the floor watching me as a scored a goal. Then we had to go inside. In 7th period Mrs. Johnna wasn't here so the whole class had to go down to the library to do their work. I finished the part we were supposed to finish today and then got on I played with CJ Pedro and Jayden then the bell rung. Me and Pedro left the classroom and walked down the hall. "Bro I gotta piss! Wait for me here." Said Pedro. While Pedro was in the bathroom I found Eddie in the hallway. "Eddie!" I shouted. "What?" Asked Eddie. "If Pedro's sister asks where we are tell her Pedro's in the bathroom!" I said. "Ok." Said Eddie. Then Eddie walked outside. Eddie saw Bree and she asked him. "Have you seen my brother?" Asked Bree. "Yeah, he's sucking d*ck in the bathroom." Said Eddie then walked away like normal. Pedro finally came out of the bathroom and then we went outside. "What were you doing!?" Asked Bree. "Peeing." Said Pedro. "That bald kid said that you were sucking d." Said Bree. Me and Pedro bursted out laughing. May 19, I woke up and fed Charlie the goldfish. I got dressed then my mom drove me to school. When I got to school I went to the lunchroom for breakfast again. This time Eddie was late and Pedro was there waiting with Mr. Mount. I met up with Pedro and we waited for Eddie. "Bro I can't believe school is about to be over tomorrow." I said. "Yeah, are we still gonna use Typing Obamas next year?" Pedro asked. "I hope, maybe we can add some new people next year too." I said. Eddie finally got here and we went to breakfast. "Thanks Mr. Mount!" We all shouted. They gave us cereal for breakfast, you know those cereals in the cups. I got Cinnamon Toast Crunch with is THE BEST CEREAL EVER in my opinion. After breakfast I went to PE and we didn't play anything since tomorrow is the last day of school. I played with my tech deck and another kid named James brought some ramps because he saw that I had a tech deck so he got one. We skated on the ramp and other kids wanted to join. In 3rd period Mr. Garry didn't give us any work so I got on cool math games. In 4th period Mr. Harry wasn't here and the class split. Me, Pedro, Anthony, and that one kid Jacob were taken into Mr. Mount's Class. I played with Pedro and then we went to lunch. Jayden Eddie and Auggy sat with me and Pedro again. Today they gave us Cheese Sticks and they were good. Then we got to go outside and so did Jayden's class. We played soccer and Jayden was surprisingly good. My team was Jayden, Pedro, Anthony, and some other random kids for Mr Mount and Gary's class. My team won of course because we had all the good players and then we went inside. In fifth period Mr. Mount let us watch any video science related si me and Auggy watched a dinosaur videos. Then in 6th period since I have Mr. Harry and he wasn't here I got taken to Mer. Mounts class again! Jayden also came and Pedro had Mr. Mount 6th Period. The bell rung and we all 3 went to the bathroom. When we walked in we saw two kids arguing but we ignored and used the restroom. I got in the left urinal and Jayden got in the right. Pedro got in the middle. "Bro what are you doing?" I asked. "Bro in tryna piss I don't care if I see a Peepee!" Shouted Pedro. We laughed then heard screaming. We turned around and saw those two kids fighting. The whole bathroom got cramped and we were trying to leave. We came to class five minutes late because of that fight. I finished the work and that meant that I had finished the last work of the school year! Damn, I can't believe it's coming to an end. I've had so much fun this school year because I met my best friends and This will forever be my favorite school year.
Friday, May 20, 2022, It was now the final day of 6th grade. I went to breakfast with Pedro and Eddie. I was so pumped for this last day. I went to Pe and we didn't play again. That kid James had the tech decks again and I played for a little. After that all of the kids were playing so I decided to join. After a little while the coach Randy saw us and wanted to join. "What y'all playing?" Asked Coach Randy. "FORTNITE!" Shouted Coach Randy in a weird voice. "Wanna join?" Asked a kid. "Yeah what's the code?" Asked Coach Randy. They told him the code and then he joined we played and I got to kill him. I didn't win because there was some sweats in the class but I still made top 5. Second Period was nothing interesting but then in third period Jayden told me that he was checking out in fourth period. We typed one last time on Typing Obamas 1 and I put a screenshot of how I played with Coach Randy. Jayden put a quote from one of my brother's YouTube channel from a water park where a kid said "Yeah one time I got full golden armor." - Random kid at a water park. After third period I walked to fourth period. I changed Typing 2 Obamas to a summer theme and Auggy got on. "Watsup Auggy." I typed. He didn't type back and got off. We went to lunch and Jayden and Eddie sat with me and Pedro. We got done with our food and then we left. We went back to class and I powered off my computer. Today was the day we turned in our computers. We all went by rows and turned in our computers. That was the end of Typing Obamas for the 6th grade. We did no work for the rest of the classes. In fifth period we did no work at all so we just sat there. The bell rung and I got up to leave. "Jose." Said Mr. Mount. I turned around towards him. "You, Auggy, and Pedro were the best student I've ever had." I fist bumped him and left. In sixth period It was also boring. Jayden wasn't here anymore so I went to sleep in 6th period. The bell rung and I walked in the hallway with Pedro. "Bro I can't believe it's about to be over." Said Pedro. "Just one more class to go." I said. In 7th period we got snacks and we borrowed Mrs. Johnna and played a last time. When it came to 2:43 PM I put the computer up and got my phone out. I started recording the last bell. The bell ring and all the car riders started screaming. "F*CK YA'LL BUS RIDERS!" Shouted Anthony. Me and Pedro died laughing and then went outside. We met up with Eddie and i recorded the last time I was in carline in 6th grade. "Oh I see my mother!" Shouted a kid. Me and Pedro laughed at the way he said it. My mom finally got there and I said bye to Pedro because his mom was picking him up today. Wow, it's all over. It's so hard to believe, I was so hyped for it to be over but looking at it now I miss it so bad. Goodbye Typing Obamas, For Now.

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