Chapter Nine: Darren

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March 21 Monday, in my fourth period me, Pedro, Anthony, Jayden, and Jay were typing on Typing 2 Obamas. I saw that Mr. Harry got up so I instantly switched to my Iready and so did everyone else (Jayden has a different class) except Jay. Mr. Harry walked to our side of the room and caught Jay in it. "WE'RE DONE FOR" I thought. "What is that?" Asked Mr. Harry. "It's like a typing thing so we can talk to eachother." Said Anthony. "Oh, it's fine I thought it was something else." Said Mr. Harry. My heart dropped, I'm pretty sure you will get in big trouble if you get caught with a typing thing. Jay started typing nervously. "Are you gonna remove me? Please don't." Said Jay. I didn't remove him because we didn't get in trouble. That one kid Darren wanted to join Typing 2 Obamas so I added him. I made him a Co-Owner because I thought he could help but that was a big mistake. In my 6th period Cristian (not Chris) wanted to join Typing 2 Obamas. I invited him. I started doing my work and when I came back everything was gone. "Bro why did you delete everything Cristian?" I asked. He didn't respond so I just went to the Google doc history and brought it back. Cristian realized and typed "Bro I didn't do that." And then I removed him. I added him back and he was mad. "Bro why you do that? Imma suck your d-" I screenshotted it and started copy and pasting it. He got so mad that he removed himself from the Google doc. He turned to me and looked mad. "Imma do for real now since you pissing me off!" Said Cristian as a joke. It was now the last week of the 3rd semester so next week we were going to have a new class for 7th period. Anyways today in my seventh period I played nitro type with Jayden. March 26, It was now my first soccer game and the team we were going against had so many players so I they might be really really good. The game started and 5 minutes later Xander scored a goal already. Xander got cocky saying we were easily gonna win then the other team went full try hard. I am defense and the kept passing Xander and I had to take care of them for him. I took the ball away from a kid and passed it to David. David quickly passed it to Eddie and he took the shot. Eddie was on the top right of the field and made a beautiful goal on the top left corner. We won that game 3-0 and the last goal was Junior's. After the game me my mom, Jesus, David and his mom went to Zaxby's to eat. I played subway surfers and beat my high score by only 100. After Zaxby's we went home and David went home. While we were unlocking the door Jesus's shoes randomly ripped so we had to go to the Academy for new shoes. Jesus got his shoes and then we went to target. On the way I played subway surfers again and got to 300,000. I still hadn't crashed so I paused the game and got down from the car. We went to target because I was getting a new controller for my Xbox. Jesus bought the batteries for the controllers we got and we head home. On the way I got back to subway surfers and I reached 798,081 the crashed into a train. I got so close to one million. The next day I started playing subway surfers again and FINALLY REACHED ONE MILLION!! I got close to 2 million because I got 1,635,372 and the funny thing is that I did half of it on the toilet. When I got out of the bathroom I watched Jesus play fortnite on the Xbox. I sent the picture of my new high score to Eddie and he told me to check my games account on tiktok. My subway surfers video reached five thousand views! Then a little later I saw a video that will smith slapped Chris rock but I just ignored it and kept scrolling on tiktok. The next day it was now Monday and I had my new class for 7th period. in my 6th period Jayden started pointing at random things and making me look for a joke. I told him I would fall for it anymore but I kept falling for it after he waited for a while. In 7th period I had the teacher that invited me to that one Christmas party. We had all the same students except one that was Pedro's Friend. His name was CJ and he was also Mexican. We got to choose our seats and I sat next to Jayden and Pedro. CJ sat next to Pedro. after school I got subway with Pedro and his mom picked him up. When I got home everything on my Tiktok for you page was the will smith slap. I got four videos about it in a row. In the soccer game I had my mom was recording for Jesus's YouTube channel and she wasn't sure if she caught Eddie's goal but today Jesus  was gonna upload the video so when he uploaded it I made an edit of Eddie's goal. I sent the video to Eddie and he uploaded it to his tiktok. March 29, It was a Tuesday and after school I started playing subway surfers. I took 1 hour and got 3,483,245. March 31, In the morning I made a subway surfers video for my games account on tiktok and said I had 3 million as a high score. Someone commented that I was capping so I made another video showing proof. Also I had been playing subway surfers everyday to unlock a joker version of Jake. Then the next day I woke up and got in tiktok. I saw I had 4 notifications on my games account so I checked it. My video of showing my score got taken down for illegal activities. I realized it was because my character was spray painting the train so I just appealed it because tiktok is stupid. April 2 I went to the river w it h David and we decided to connect our dirt pools. David messed up and put all of the water from his dirt pool to mine so it completely overflowed and we got wet. David finally got his boots so we could both walk in the water now. So me and David went to the unknown side which I knew now but I wanted to show David. April 7 It was the day before the Sonic 2 movie came out and I was hyped! Meanwhile Eddie sent me an app that you could watch any movie for free. I saw that it had the Moonknight show which J had been wanting to watch for a while. Only two of the episodes have came out so u watched them and made an edit after. I also played subway surfers and opened a mystery box. I hit the jackpot and got 300,000 coins. The next day me and Jesus picked up David and Pedro so we could watch the movie. We got there and got off the car. We started to do the griddy which is basically a tradition now. Then David started twerk griddy like a weirdo. We went inside and David took out 100 dollars. "David vas a pagar por todos?" Asked Jesus. "Si!? Por favor!" I Said as a joke. Jesus laughed and said "You gon' be the sugar daddy?" And David winked at the camera. "Don't put the ticket in your pocket because your gonna have to show it to the lady." Said Jesus. "Yeah imma show her." Said David. "You gonna show her the ticket or your Twinkie?" Asked Pedro. We went to the bathroom and put our stuff on the ground outside of their bathroom. We went inside except Jesus so he could watch our stuff. I went into a stall and this man David tried to go in with me. "Bro what are you doing?" I asked. "What? We used to pee together when we were little why is it a problem now?" Said David as a joke. We watched the movie and I recorded tiny bits for tiktok again. The movie was great and I was so excited for Super Sonic and Shadow because there was rumors it would happen. It did happen and I was hyped! Jesus started recording when we got out of the movie room and he told us to ok not spoil anything. "Shrek dies." I said to the camera. The next day it was a Saturday and after soccer
Practice  me and David went to the river. We started gathering mud from a part of the river and making dirt balls to throw them and break them. While we were getting the mud we found a big dead fish in the water. I took it out with a metal plate thing I found the first time I went to the unknown side. I threw it in the trash (not my apartment's trash the trash that the trash that anyone can throw their trash in.) The quandale Dingle meme started and I decided to make one for a joke. I didn't upload it because I was afraid of getting banned again. April 11 at school since it was the day we had to start doing a long ass test again. But this time it wasn't Iready so we had to take a lot. We had to stay with our 1st period teacher until 4th period ended. After we finished one test we got to go to 5th 6th and 7th period but in the 8th grade hall. In 5th period I had a strong eraser holder I took off a pencil and I came up with Shaved Pencils. I shaved off the orange parts with the eraser holder and made the whole pencil wood. In 6th period Mr. Harry put on the movie home and Jayden tried tricking me with the pouting thing again but then I tricked him. I de some shaved pencils for Jayden and Eeli. April 13, in 7th period after testing We got a free day. The teacher let us play card games. I played uno with CJ, Pedro, Jayden, and Anthony. The problem was that, I didn't know how to play. Pedro taught me and I actually won once. The next day it was now the final day of testing. And when we got done with testing and my PE coach let us get on our phones. Then in 7th period since we had no work to do me and my friends got on a popular game at school right now known as 1.v.1 LOL. Which is a fortnite like game. I was pretty bad at it because I used my keyboard and I play fortnite on a controller. We played 2v2 and I luckily got Jayden on my team Jayden killed CJ and then got headshotted by Pedro. I was now going against Pedro. He boxed me and I broke out but then he shot me. I didn't die so I started building and no scoped him. Pedro died and I WON. When I got home I watched the new episode of moon knight and I was completely obsessed with the Show and with a game called Sonic Dash. I moved on from Subway surfers and started playing Sonic Dash. I unlocked Movie Knuckles and uploaded it to tiktok. My video got 1,000 views because Sonic is really trending right now. April 17(Easter) Me and my cousins went inside so we can wait for the adults to hide the Easter eggs. The little kids got to go first and that wasn't fair because they didn't do that to me when I was little. "I wish I was 5!" Said David. Then they let us go. I went full sonic speed and got a whole bunch of eggs. April 21, in my fourth period there was a substitute named Mrs. Mac and that one kid Darren didn't know she was walking around like Mr. Harry does. Eeli made his own typing thing and he had his friend Demarcus on it. Eeli added Demarcus onto Typing 2 Obamas and he deleted everything. I got on Eeli's typing thing and deleted everything as well. I also removed Demarcus from Eeli's and my typing thing and removed myself from Eeli's. Typing 2 Obamas started going downhill. I told Jayden to get off of Typing 2 Obamas so he wouldn't get in trouble and so did everyone else. Or else I thought. Darren stayed on and I realized. I turned off Darren's computer and Eeli got caught getting Demarcus's computer. "What are you doing with his computer?!" Asked Mrs. Mac. "I was trying to add him to a typing thing so we could chat." Said Eeli. "So you could type bad things huh?!" Said Mrs. Mac. "No ma'am." Said Eeli. Darren looked mad at me and he started typing so angrily in the empty Typing 2 Obamas. He started cussing me out so I removed him. After school in the carline me and Pedro started talking with Eddie and he thought it would be funny to draw a pen1s with a water bottle. Me and Pedro abandoned him because we didn't wanna get in trouble.

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