Chapter Eight: The River

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March 1st, Next to my apartment was a river that me David, and Pedro would play in. I recorded a small vlog with David in the river of throwing big rock in the water and the road to break it. We had fun there but we got seriously soaked in water. I was thinking of getting boots to be able to walk in the water. A couple days later me, my mom and Jesus went to dollar tree to get some stuff and I found a plastic gripper toy and I realized I could use it to get rocks in the river. I used to have a stick that was shaped like a hook and it broke twice while getting a big rock. Then the next day was Monday and I got to skip school for a dentist appointment. It was just a checkup but I haven't gone in a year because and I forgot the horrible strong smell it had. After the dentist I pranked Jayden that they took 3 teeth out and he actually believed it lol. After the doctor I went to a small Walmart and Pedro was texting me wondering where I was. I told him I had to go to the dentist. When I got home I decided to make an edit. I got bored of making spider man ones so I made my second favorite super hero: CAPTAIN AMERICA. It came out trash but I still uploaded it. For my games account I made a Mario kart tour and a talking Tom video since ishowspeed made it popular. A couple days later I finally got my boots for the river and I was excited I brought out the gripper toy and wore my boots in the water. I took out a bunch of the big rocks that me and David threw in the water so we could throw it again. On Friday (March 11) Pedro's mom came a bit late to pick him up so we played soccer with Jesus and David while we waited. While we were playing we were talking about watching the Batman movie because people were saying it was a good movie. So we did. Pedro got permission and so did David. We drove there and Jesus brought his camera to record what we did. We got out the car and Jesus started recording. "So we're here at the movie theatre." Said Jesus while me David, and Pedro were hitting the griddy. "You know I had to hit that griddy ya know!" Said David. "Aver let's see it." Said Jesus. Then me and David made up our own griddy. I did it in a fast way and David just jumped with the hand motion. "No one does it better than me!" I said. "Bro that looks like the zapateado." Jesus Said. Then Jesus pointed the camera to the movie theater. "El Regul! El Regal 16 Cinema!" Said Jesus. "Cinnamon?" Asked David Jokingly. "Yeah cinnamon, toast crunch." Jesus said. "Yaa!" Shouted David referencing that one vine kid. Then I ran into the middle of the street and did a random 360. "Kids, don't do dat!" Said David and I hurt my foot. "You see, you have to look both ways!" Shouted David. "I hurt my foot!" I shouted. "Jose was just running like it's nothing bro." Said Jesus. We walked inside and got snacks. "Ya están listos?" Asked Jesus. "Yessir!" Shouted Pedro. "Bro look a my drinks." Said Jesus. Me and Jesus got a large popcorn and a large lemonade, we were ready. "Bro that's only for you!?" Asked Pedro shocked. "Yeah, I'm a fatass like that." Said Jesus as a joke. "I'm just kidding it's for me and Jose." Said Jesus. "Well alright, don't show when I order because they gonna make fun of me." Said Pedro. Then Pedro said
"Um Can I get a large-" David got an Icee and candy, Pedro got a small popcorn even though it was still a big bag of popcorn and I got a bag of sour skittles. We watched the movie and I secretly recorded for tiktok🤫. The movie was cool and I started to like Batman again.  March 12, I went to the river because I realized I could make it a tiktok series. So I did make it one, I showed everything of the river except parts I was scared to walk into which I will probably go to in the future. I showed the left side with the Unknown side, and the right side were there was another tower of the river I could see just that I haven't gone in there. And also the middle part where the entrance was so that's were I always played with David and Pedro. My dad didn't let me post my face on tiktok even though I did show my face on Jesus's TikToks and YouTube videos. So I just put a mask on for the river video. The next day I woke up sick and kept throwing up continuously. My mom even made me take a bucket everywhere I went. I barely ate and the only thing I ate was a small bit of torta and a little bit of Maruchan ramen. It was a Sunday and I had no fun at all just all vomit. I didn't even want to get on my phone that's how bad I felt. Then the next day was a Monday I stayed home from school because I still felt bad. I had soccer practice that day and I went because Jesus is the coach with his friend Vincent.  I sat down and watched them practice with my mom and my Tia (David's mom) I brought out my small chair that I got back in 2020 when I went to the break with David and Pedro with our parents and siblings. And on that soccer team is, Damian, Junior, Xander, Lalo, Eddie from school, David, Pedro, Kayleb the goaly, Isaac, and Leo also btw they are all Mexican except Kayleb and Isaac. Junior's dad got there and saw that I wasn't on the field and looked sick. "Y porque no está jugando José?" Asked Jr's Dad. "Es que no se siente bien." Said My mom. "Pues como se va sentar bien si está sentado en esa silla pueqeña?" Said Jr's dad. My mom and David's mom laughed and then he went to go help the kids practice.  In the same place my team was practicing so was a coach's team that me, Pedro, David, Xander, and Junior used to be in. We left because he was a bad coach was that far shamed Pedro so we didn't like him. But there was one assistant coach we had when he was our coach. We still haven't played our first game yet but we will on March 26. I didn't go to school until Wednesday and so did Pedro and his sister but they actually went to the doctor and had an excuse paper from the doctor. It is now so close to the last week of the semester which meant it we are going into the final semester of 6th grade. In 6th period they switched our seats so that meant and Jayden won't sit together anymore. Mr. Harry moved Jayden to the other side of the room next to his desk so Jayden couldn't type on Typing 2 Obamas anymore either. Eeli, Cristian, and Chris from my second period now sat close to me so I added them to Typing 2 Obamas except Cristan because I didn't really talk to him. Mr. Harry would walk around to check on kid's computers because the side I was sitting in was facing away from hi desk and the side Jayden was in faced to his desk but some computers he still couldn't see. The bell rung and me and Jayden walked to our 7th period. We got done with all of our work already so we got on NITRO TYPE. I also added Conner to Typing 2 Obamas a while back just forgot to mention In it. I don't know how to type with both hands so I just use my index fingers. The next day (Thursday) In my fourth period Jay the annoying kid wanted to join Typing 2 Obamas and so I invited him because he wasn't annoying anymore. He became the principal and security of Typing 2 Obamas. I also invited David to it the day after I got banned on tiktok and he was also security but he is in the 5th grade so he is in the elementary school not the middle school I'm in. When I got home I went to the river with David and recorded a bunch of clips for 2 videos. I had a small mud building I made and I would fill it up with water like a pool so I would call it a mud pool. Danny also had one but I feel like mine was better. Mine was just a hole with a circle in the middle that had a small entrance for water. A large bird landed in the water randomly and I got a video of it then it flew away. David had to leave but I still didn't leave the river. I decided I was going to go to the left Unknown side. I went while my mom followed from the sidewalk. I found a huge rock that I could lay on then I kept walking. There was a lot of deep spots of water but I didn't stop and reached the end. The end were the road start and there was 3 tunnels under the road but I didn't go there. There was an exit in the end which was good so I wouldn't have to go back through the river and get water in my boots. I kept getting subway surfers videos of people flexing their score so I decided to replay after 3 years. My high score was one hundred thousand and I finally beat it. I got the high score of 251,338 and I got Eddie to download it because I wanted some competition.

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