Chapter Six: January

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Saturday December 31, My cousin David came over to play soccer and we did with Jesus. Some kids saw us and wanted to play. We played and beat them. A little later Pedro came over and he played too. When we went inside a bunch of our family was there. I went upstairs to my parents room (also my room) and got on my bed. Jesus, David, and Pedro also came upstairs. We played some games then came 11:57. We went downstairs with our parents to count down for New Years. It got to 11:59. We counted down and then it came. "HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Shouted Everyone. Everyone rushed outside and grabbed fireworks. We lit a bunch of fireworks and I held a sparkler. The came, THE BIG ONES. Pedro's brother came from the store and took out 4 big fireworks. He lit the first one up and it was the loudest explosion I have ever heard. I was low key scared because I used to live in a house back in 2020 and when it was new years we lit a firework and it fell on its side. It shot directly at our house and I instantly ran inside. Anyways Pedro's brother lit the second one and it was sick. Then he thought it was a good idea to light 2 together so he did... Jesus decided to light it and he ran back. A cop car drove right next to the firework and BOOM! The firework shot into the air right beside the cop car. When the fireworks were done the cop got out. "Hey!" Shouted The Cop. Jesus walked to him and the cop looked angry. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Asked The Cop. "Lighting fireworks, it's new years sir." Said Jesus. "I know, I'm just playin with you I'm not mad." Said The Cop. "Oh!" Said Jesus nervously. "I just came over here because there were reports of people lighting fireworks while they were trying to sleep." Said The Cop. "Sorry officer." Said Jesus. "No you don't have to apologize I mean, probably later there will be gunshots I'm just saying to be careful out here, alright?" Said The Cop. "Oh okay, Goodnight Officer." Said Jesus. "Goodnight!" Said The cop and he left. We all went back inside and I went to sleep. The next day (January 2nd) was the day before my birthday and I went to Urban Air. I went with Jesus, Pedro, David, and our parents. This place was still kind of new to us and when we walked in it felt cool. We payed then put our shoes in a little thing. We went inside the playing area and I saw a ball pit. We all instantly ran and jumped into the ball pit. There was little obstacles there and we did them. I reached the last part of the obstacle and jumped. I slipped off and fell in the ball pit. After that we jumped a little in the other places trying to do flips and stuff. Me and David learned how to do front flips on Christmas but we couldn't land them. After jumping we went into the dodgeball room and it went downhill. My brother Jesus is 20 now and we were playing against 14 year olds and kid younger than me. They had more players than us but we went with it because we knew we were better. I took out 2 people and David got hit. I threw a ball at the kid that got David out and he dodged it. The kid grabbed the dodgeball and threw it at me. I caught the ball and David came back on. The kid got mad and said we cheated so I guess he doesn't know how to play dodgeball. Pedro got a person out and they didn't even leave. We started arguing and then their mom came. "What the hell are you Mexicans doing with my kids!" Shouted Their Mom. "It's just a simple game of dodgeball and they're not following the rules." Said Jesus. "I don't give a damn, you're too old to be playing with them anyways." Shouted Their Mom. "They're way older than these kids!" Said Jesus while pointing at me, David, and Pedro. "So? You people shouldn't even be aloud in this country!" Shouted Their Mom. "And you're fat ass shouldn't be able to walk!" I shouted. "What the hell did you say about my mama!?" Shouted One of her kids. "You can't even get mad about that when she insulted a whole ass race." I said. "Well no talks bad about my mom!" Said the kid. The kid full speed ran to me with his eyes closed. I dodged him and he rammed into the wall. Pedro came out of nowhere and tackled him. All the other kids ran to us and we ran. "Yeah run you pussies!" Shouted a kid. "You're just mad your mom can't!" Shouted Pedro. Jesus did a sign to stop talking and we ran to the workers. Thankfully, my mom recorded the whole thing so we showed the workers and we got free tickets. I went on a zip line and it was sick! After that I did a walk climbing thing with Pedro and it was really fun when I jumped down because we had a thing connected to us just in case we fell. There was also a stair thing that went really high up. I had a lot of fun there except the racist lady but still. I went home and since it was late and I was tired I install went to bed. JANUARY 3RD, it was my birthday and my mom woke me up with a whistle thing we had for new years. It snowed and I went outside to play around. There was a lot of snow on my mom's car and I started bulging it into a snowball. While I was doing that, so was my mom. "Jesus." Said my mom. I turned around and she threw it right in my face. I laughed and tried to wipe it off but my gloves were filled with snow. Then we went to a little river that was next to the apartments. The water was kind of frozen and there was snow everywhere. There was one spot I could step on because the water was fully frozen but then it broke. Me and my mom walked on a sidewalk next to an elementary school close to the apartments. While we were walking I was building up my snowball then I saw the most snow I've ever seen. I put my snowball down and jumped into it. I did a snow angel and used the snow on the ball. I put a little leaf on the snowball and we head back home. My mom made my favorite food and I helped her. My brother Jesus got home from work and I played fortnite. After I played I went back outside and saw David. "Oh watsup David what are you
doi-" David threw a snowball at me and I chased him. Jesus came outside and threw a snowball at David. I ran and formed a snowball. David threw a ball at me and I threw mine at it. They hit each other and we went in an all out snowball fight. After that, I went inside and made a tiktok video. I ate the food my mom made and that was probobaly the best birthday I ever had.

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