Chapter Seven: My Tiktok Prime

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February 4th, I got to school and my PE class played dodge ball. I was so ready! Kids picked the teams and I got in a team with my friend Angel. Angel's brother was in the 8th grade and we played against the 8th graders. We started and I ran towards the balls in the middle. I pushed all the balls to my teammates and it started raining dodgeballs. Many people were out and I threw the ball at Angel's brother. I hit him and then got hit straight in the face with a dodgeball. We still won the game even though I had a small bruise on my cheek. In fourth period Mr. Harry put on CNN 10 which we have been watching every day since he showed us the 9/11 one. "Hey Jose look." Whispered Pedro. I turned around and he had an eraser, not the ones that are on the pencils the ones that are whole. "What?" I asked. "I'm gonna leave this eraser on my computer and shut it." Said Pedro. "What if it breaks?" I asked. "Nah It won't" Responded Pedro. When CNN finished we went to lunch and Pedro forgot to take the eraser out. We ate and came back. I did the typing symbol to get on typing 2 Obamas. "Alright." Said Pedro. Pedro opened up his computer and it turned on. "NO." Whispered Pedro aggressively. I turned around and Pedro turned his computer around. Half of his computer was broken and he was freaking out. He told Mr. Harry and he gave him another Chromebook that he had. In fifth period I took out my tech deck from my pocket and Auggy had some tech decks too. We skated them then Mr. Mount came inside the classroom. Then came 7th period which was a new class. I had technology which was for coding and other stuff. We were doing a obstacle thing using codes and Pedro basically got to skip because he had to give Mr. Harry the chromebook back. Me and Jayden we're helping eachother with the coding thing. February 10, my tiktok videos have actually gotten one thousand views but it all ended in a single moment. After school I got on tiktok and started scrolling like usual. I scrolled through a couple of videos then got hit with a random message on the screen. "Your account has been permanently banned for violating the community guidelines." All the videos, all the followers are gone. I had just hit two hundred followers and now it was gone. The next day after school I tried my best to get my account back and couldn't. I have no idea why I got banned if tiktok is 12+ and I am 12. But then I gave up and made a new account. I reposted all my old videos that I luckily saved and also posted the video that I was supposed to upload today. I told all my friends and cousins to follow me and they did. February 14, it was a Monday and it was a no school day. I went to Pedro's apartment so I could watch the super bowl with him and his family. The super bowl is cool and all but football isn't that interesting for me. I just watch it for the half time show and to see who wins. My friend Jerry wanted Chiefs to be in the super bowl and they were so close but they lost to Bengals. I was going for rams because bengals beat chiefs (don't hate on me I don't even watch American football) and rams won 23-20! I started posting more tech deck videos to see if they would get some views but I just made my new account so they didn't. But then I looked at Jayden's tiktok account Kvdzy and he posted edits. I am really into spiderman because of no way home. So I decided to post a Tobey Maguire Spider-Man edit because he is my favorite Spider-Man. It got eleven likes which was a lot to me because I am a small tiktok account. On February 16 school was pretty normal except my 5th period. In my science class we got to go outside and take pictures of the different types of weathering. I went outside with Auggy and we found a lot of weathering especially animal actions. Me and Auggy went into a small house thingy and it had beehives in it. One beehive was on the ground and Anthony from my fourth period came inside of it too. Anthony thought it was a good idea to step on the beehive on the ground. Bees came swarming out and we instantly ran out. When we went outside our class was lining up already. We ran while a swarm of bees chased us. "What are they running so fast for?" Said Mr. Mount. Then Mr. Mount saw the bees. All the other students ran all the way into the school building. Me Auggy and Anthony got stung but we didn't even feel the pain yet because we were running endlessly. We didn't realize until we sat down in the classroom. "Bro my neck is kind of itchy." Said Anthony. "Yeah my shoulder hurts." I said. "I GOT STUNG!" Shouted Auggy. And we all realized that we got stung. That was the first time I ever got stung and it hurt really really bad. But this day was really fun. I got sent home and I got on typing 2 Obamas to check on it. Pedro and Jayden were typing on it wondering where I was and I told them what happened. I was about to get on my Xbox until I realized I had to make my fnaf 2 video. I was now I night 4 which made me nervous. I took 4 minutes playing the game then withered Bonnie jumpscared me. I tried again and lost again. Then I tried again and again and again  and kept losing. So I decided to do a final one. And I lost so just gave up and uploaded it. February 21, after school I go on my Xbox and my friend Jerry was on. Jerry was watching YouTube so I invited him to a call and then Pedro got on his Xbox. I invited Pedro to the call and we got on Fortnite. We played trios and one of Jeremy's friends joined the call. "What's up." Said the girl that joined. "Who the hell is that?" I asked. "That Emerald, my friend." Said Jerry. "Kick her." Said Pedro as a joke. "Shut up! You ugly ass boy!" Said Emerald. "Bro who are you calling ugly I've seen your face Emerald💀." Said Jerry. "Be quite Jerry that's why you're short!" Said Emerald. "Bye b*tch!" Said Pedro Then Jerry kicked her out of the call. "I know she isn't talking ugly people bro." Said Pedro. "Jose have you seen her face?" Asked Jerry. "No." I said. We played a match of fortnite and lost. "I FOUND HER TIKTOK! 💀😂!"  Shouted Jerry in laughter. "Jerry sent me a video and it was Emerald doing a face reveal. "Bro she looks like an pompa loompa ." Said Pedro. "Bro I think she used to like me." Said Jerry. "And what did you do?" Said Pedro. "That needs no explanation." Me and Jerry said. "We should troll her in the comments because she doesn't know our TikTok accounts." Said Pedro. "Oh yeah! Comment on the video I just sent y'all." I said. The video had that one sound that says "Smile if you like d!ck😄" And you should already know what we did. We spam commented smile emojis and other weird stuff. Then David joined the Xbox party and we explained to him what happened. "Alright David comment on this video about her Bragging about robux." Said Jerry. David commented "you look good gem me robuck." And so I replied to him "No she is mine robax garl." Then on her face reversal video Jerry commented "😋😋😋😫😫ballz."And I commented "Omg you are such a baddie roback gurl." We laughed out asses off for a whole 10 minutes then went back to Fortnite. Friday February 25, me and my brother Jesus went to buy groceries with my mom. We went to Walmart and while we were getting stuff me and Jesus found a popular drink. PRIME! Me and Jesus got so excited because we thought we would never find them. Jesus bought them and when we got home Jesus called my cousin David. David came over so we could try the prime. Jesus bought Fruit punch, Lemon Lime, and Blue raspberry (Red, Green and Blue.) We tried them and they were amazing! I thought they were gonna be like basic Gatorade but they were a great flavor especially Blue Raspberry. I recorded them and posted it to tiktok of course because PRIME is popular right now.  The video got 14 likes which is even more than my edit.

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