Chapter Two: Typing Bros

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October 17 2021, it was a Sunday and my family of four went to a pumpkin patch. We saw a lot of cool things there such as animals and there was even a slide being held up by hay. There was also more hay that kids would get on top of and jump to each one. We found some pumpkins and took them because they were free. My dad got a pumpkin I got got one and Jesus did too. October 20 I got home from school and Jesus was outside of the apartment holding a pumpkin. "Jose come on let's got carve them!" Said Jesus. I just got out of the car and Jesus walked to me. While Jesus walked to me he dropped the pumpkin and it got destroyed. "Bro! Was that mine!?" I shouted angrily. "Yes." Said Jesus while laughing. I realized that the pumpkin  was too big and it wasn't mine. I turned around while Pedro and his sister were laughing and saw my mom recording me on her phone for Jesus's YouTube. After that I carved my pumpkin and posted it on my tiktok for friends only. October 28 2021, I went to school and the reason I skipped the other days is because it's just regular school days and no one wants to read about that. But one important thing is gang me and Pedro made friends with a girl in our 4th period. And that we finally got our computers. I got into my pe class and we were gonna play football. I made friends with a lot of people in that class. One was Chris and he was really tall. We played flag football and they picked teams. So you know I'm weak, but the only sport I'm actually good at is soccer. Surprise right? Because I'm Mexican. They picked teams and I was on Chris's team. We started playing and my team won. The next team came up and it was the good kids. I wasn't worried because I knew they wouldn't throw the ball at me. We got close to the place where you touchdown and my team threw it. The kid that threw it accidentally threw it to the other team. I ran in and caught it. He tried to grab my flag but I'm fast so I ran to the touchdown and I actually scored a touchdown. Everyone started screaming and pushing me around excited. The bell rung and we left. I went to my second period and since it's math I'm not talking about it. The bell rung and I went to third period. I sat down next to Pedro and Jayden sat down next to me. In that class we were reading a book named "Hatchet". We had to write a scary camping story about the book and I nearly finished the whole thing in one day. My story was about a zombie that hunted the main character. "Tomorrow we are going to read all of your stories out loud." Said Ms. Goody. Dammit, I better make it good. We had so many class clowns in third period so I was scared to make a bad story. The bell rung and me and Pedro walked down the hall to fourth period. Jayden stayed because he had Ms. Goody fourth period. "Man I can't wait to go in fourth period and play games." Said Pedro. "Yeah, Mr. Harry is so nice." I said. We walked into Mr. Harry's classroom and he looked angry. We sat down in our assigned seats. I sat in-front of Pedro. Everyone got into the class and sat down. "Okay so I've realized that you guys have been having a little bit to much fun in my class." Said Mr. Harry. I had no idea what he was talking about. "So, now there will be no more Mr Nice Guy." Said Mr. Harry. "Aw hell nah." Whispered Pedro. "Bro thinks he's the main character." I whispered back to Pedro. We giggled and Mr. Harry looked at us. "So now you aren't playing anymore games and you are now doing Iready." Said Mr. Harry aggressively at us. Iready is a thing that "helps you" improve in math and reading. You have to do lessons on it but there is also a long ass test that you have to take which we took 2 weeks ago. If you still go to school you probably know what it is. We got on our computers and got on Iready. "You will have to do 2 lessons of reading and math!" Shouted Mr. Harry. Me and Pedro started talking and Mr. Harry stared deeply into our souls. We got back to our computers. Mr Harry sat back to his desk which was on the other side of the room. I got an idea and opened up a Google doc. I put my text to be really big and turned around. I tapped on Pedro's computer and he looked at my screen. I typed on my computer screen and it said "We can use this to talk to each other." Then I searched up that cringe tongue out 😜emoji and made it big. I named the document typenotalk but then Pedro got an idea from TypeNoTalk. Pedro opened up a new document and shared it with me. I saw Pedro didn't put a name and I asked him why. He said he didn't care about it so I typed in "Typing Bros." We typed in it and Mr. Harry got up to look at our screens. I instantly got back to iready and so did Pedro. Mr. Harry walked past us and didn't suspect a thing. The rest of the classes were just your regular school day except Mr. Mount realized I wasn't anything like my brother. In art class we were painting a pumpkin drawing we made yesterday. I lost my drawing so I had to draw it again. Art class was really fun but this was the last week we would have it because the 9 weeks was almost over. Jayden was painting the pumpkin already but many kids lost their drawing. I finished my drawing and started painting. Jayden finished painting his pumpkin and so did Pedro. The bell rung and I still wasn't finished. I gave the paper to Mrs. Jordean and left with Pedro. Just so you know sixth graders acted gay. And so did me and Pedro. We went outside where we waited because we were car riders. I thought it would be funny to moan really loud and so I did. This story might be cringe because it's sixth grade, of course. Since I did that so many kids started screaming out gay things and a kid walked up to me. "How do you look so edible?" Said The Kid. The kid looked Hispanic and so I found it weird for another Hispanic to act gay. I'm not even sure if he was acting. My mom got there and me and Pedro got in the car. Me and Pedro were laughing really hard and then we realized Pedro's sister saw us do that so we kept quiet. The next day we went to third period. It was the day we had to tell our campfire stories. Ms. Goody turned off the lights so it would be spooky. Everyone took turns and then it came to me. I read my story out loud and everyone thought it was good. After I told my story I got on Typing Bros. Pedro was on it and he added Jayden to it. I realized that we wouldn't know when we were on Typing bros so I came up with a Typing motion with our hands to tell us when to get on. I told them and we typed on it. I typed "Imma bring one of my skateboard for fingers/Tech Decks Tomorrow." "Oh yeah can I use it too?" Asked Jayden. "Yeah sure it has Silver from Sonic on the tech deck." I typed. "I don't know who that is can you put a picture?" Asked Jayden. "Yeah okay." I typed. I got a picture of the same tech deck I had and I inserted it in the Google doc. Jayden put a lemon next to it to reference the meme of Sonic eating a lemon. "I only told you to do that so I can put a lemon😂." Typed Jayden. "Lol, don't delete it let's leave it there." I typed. That became the Iconic Silver Sonic Lemon of Typing Obamas and then the bell rung. Me and Pedro went to fourth period. We sat down and the girl we became friends with was sitting next to Pedro. The girl liked K-pop and her name was Kelli. She was friends with a ginger girl named Anny that was also in this class. Me and Pedro started typing on Typing Bros and Kelli saw. "Hey can you add me to that?" Asked Kelli. "Why?" "I just want to see what you guys type." Responded Kelli. "Well I'm not the owner Pedro is." "Pedro can I join that?" Asked Kelli. "I don't care." Said Pedro. And so I added Kelli to it. She laughed at the name Typing bros and then I came up with a different name. Me and Jayden would send each other Obama memes. And in seventh period we would whisper "Obama Balls." At each other and burst out laughing. So I named the Google doc Typing Obamas.

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