Chapter Four: Typing 2 Obamas

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December 8 2021. Kids that English wasn't their first language had to take a test to see where they aren't at in English. So In second period they took me to the library so I could take the test. There was 4 tests in total and I was taking two. I took till fourth period to finish and meanwhile Kelli, Pedro, Anthony, and Jayden. Everyone was bullying Kelli for some reason Pedro never told me. Well everyone was bullying her except for Jayden. When I came back Kelli left Typing Obamas and switched seats. Pedro deleted everything they said. Kelli looked really embarrassed and I have no idea what they said to her. The bell rung and I went to fifth period. I told Auggy Pedro called him gay and Auggy typed in Typing Obamas "Pedro im gonna kick." And then he turned around so I finished it and typed "Your booty daddy." Pedro got on and saw what I typed but he thought it was Auggy. Then Pedro typed "Auggy you're so gay." Auggy came back and was confused. "Did you type that?" Asked Auggy. "No you did." Auggy deleted that and typed. "Pedro I'm gonna kick you in the." I moved his hands and typed coochie. Auggy smacked me on the head and typed "Pedro I'm gonna kick you in the stomach." "I was just kidding he didn't say anything." "Oh." Said Auggy. Anthony added some gifs to Typing Obamas to decorate it and then we went to sixth period. In sixth period I checked typing Obamas and everything was gone. Then I realized the lesbian Riley was online. She typed "This is what you get for getting me in trouble!" I typed "You didn't cause anything I can just bring it back." The Riley typed "Well then I'll keep doing it." "You really don't know how this works." I typed. I removed her from the document and brought back the gifs. After I went home Kelli blocked me on tiktok and also blocked Pedro. But then she unblocked me. The next day at school (Thursday) Pedro didn't go to school because he was sick. A while back I made a backup Typing Obamas because Pedro kept abusing his powers as the owner. Pedro would make me a viewer or kick me out of the document. I Invited Jayden to the new document. I named it "Typing 2 Obamas". I added boxes and other people. I added Auggy, Kelli, and one of my friends from PE named Angel. Me, Jayden Kelli, and Agustin would type on it and I started thinking what Pedro would think when he found out. Then Friday came and Kelli added her friend Anny because we were playing fnaf 2 and she wanted to play. We had a substitute so we could play whatever. Eeli, Jayden, and Anthony were also playing Fnaf 2. Anthony I finally got to night 4 because I was taking so long to beat night 3. Since Jayden and Anthony were black, they would make racist jokes to each other as a joke. I instantly deleted the text because then we would get in trouble. Then the next week I invited Pedro to Typing 2 Obamas because he saw my screen so I added him. Kelli and Anny left instantly. Kelli emailed me "Why would you invite him he's so rude I can't believe you're still cool with him!" I emailed back "He's my cousin dumbass." Anny didn't really care it was only Kelly that made a problem. I replaced their boxes with Anthony and Pedro. I also deleted Angel's box because he never got on it. Then the last week of school before Christmas break came. Monday and Tuesday was a regular day but then on Wednesday you could stay home if you wanted to. My friend from the carline, Eddie the one who screamed gay stuff at me was in line for his second period which was Ms. Goody. I had just left my first period and I was walking down the hall to my second period. While I was passing by I noticed there was four girls crying. "What the hell happened?" I asked Eddie. "Ms. Goody is leaving." Responded Eddie. "Oh." I whispered surprised. Ms. Goody was my favorite teacher and now she was leaving. When it was third period I asked Ms. Goody if she could give me a wrist band for my birthday because my birthday is in Christmas break (January 3rd). She gave me it and now I had a little memory of her. When me and Pedro went to fourth period the class barely had kids. Ms. Goody was leaving Friday but a lot of kids were already crying their hearts out. The rest of the classes were pretty lame except for seventh period. Seventh period was the only reason I went to school that day. We went to seventh period and our class got to cook. Well before this we made muffins and they were good but today was special, today we were making a Christmas Rice Krispie treat. We melted white chocolate and put sprinkles, and cereal on the rice krispy treat. After we were done the teacher told us to eat it at home because she didn't want a sticky mess, don't make that sound weird. After the bell rung me and Pedro went outside In the carline. We met up with Eddie and we messed around there. "Hey bro can I have some of that rice krispie stuff?" Asked Eddie. "Yeah sure." I said. I gave him some and he nearly died of deliciousness. I haven't even tried  it yet. I broke off a piece and ate it. Holy crap, it was so good!! I nearly finished it right after I tried it. "Can I have the rest?" Asked Eddie. "No bro I made this im not giving it away. You can have some more tho." I responded. Pedro's sister was also there and she tried it too. My mom got there and we left. Then the next day, it was Thursday. Jayden had to go to school and I wanted to go because a teacher invited me to a small Christmas party. The teacher would take me out of fourth period on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Third period was like always, except kids still crying about Ms. Goody. Ms Goody was still there but it was almost her last day. Pedro and his sister didn't come to school and neither did Eddie so school was going to be a bit boring. Except Jayden did go to school because his mom made him go. Then came fourth period. The teacher, Mrs. Johnna took me and Kelli to her classroom for the Christmas party and it was pretty lame. At least she gave us hot chocolate but other than that it was lame. After fourth period I went to fifth period. Mr. Mount was an actual fun teacher and I actually learned in his class. When I went to his class he said that we were going to go outside to do a fossil activity. We joined with another science teacher and she gave us a rock. She also gave us tools and we went outside. I broke the rock and found 2 bones, some ribs and another bone but it looked different. While we were doing that Mr. Mount went to his classroom and then he came back. "Jose, you're checking out." Said Mr. Mount. YES! I was finally going home. When I left Pedro and his sister, Bree were there. We went to subway to eat and hang out there for a little bit. After subway, we went home and I got on TikTok. I had a TikTok account, named el_p1ch0n and I would make fingerboard videos with Christmas music. My account was mostly about fingerboarding and El Chavo which is a Mexican tv show. I was El Chavo for Halloween so I still had his hat and I would wear it with a black mask in my videos. But besides the fingerboarding, I was excited for the upcoming movie SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME. The next day (friday, December 17) I woke up and got dressed. I put on a Spider-Man shirt and some black pants with red stripes so it can match the shirt. My brother Jesus saw me with the shirt and was confused. "Who said we were gonna watch the movie?" Asked Jesus. "No one, I just wanted to wear the shirt." I responded. "Well we might watch it today." Said Jesus. I got so excited but first, we had to buy groceries with my mom. Pedro and Bree also went with us because my mom took care of them while their mom was at work. When we went to Walmart I went to the toys section with Jesus, and Pedro. I found a tech deck ramp and I wanted it. I already had two tech decks. One tech deck was Silver The Hedgehog and the other one was a golden eagle with a black background. Jayden would sometimes borrow the golden eagle tech deck to use in fourth period. I asked my mom if I could get the tech deck ramp and she said yes. After we went home I opened the box and it also had a tech deck inside. I got the ramp ready and I did some tricks on it. "Jose get ready we're about to go watch the movie!" Said Jesus. I quickly went upstairs and put on my shoes. Then I got in My brothers car. I got in the passenger's seat and Pedro got in the back. My brother was driving of course, and my other cousin David that lived in a different apartment close to us ran to the car. He got in and we drove off to the movie theater.

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