Chapter Ten: Otaku Anime Typing

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It's still April 21, I went to the river with David again and I found a little broken piece of something. I threw it at wet part of the dirt and it got stuck on like batman's baterang. Me and David went to the right side but not the side we haven't gone. April 24, It was a Sunday and I went to Walmart with Jesus my mom and my dad. I got vbucks to get the new moonknight skin. I got home and redeemed it. Then I made a video with the skin on. The skin was cool because it had Mr. Knight too. Then after I played with Pedro and Jayden. We were about to win. There was only two trios left and we got in a box after killing a trio. Jayden said he was gonna go loot out the place and told us to stay but when he got out he threw a firefly jar and laughed as we burned. Jayden then got clipped by the last Trio which made it even more funny. April 27, a new moonknight episode came out and I watched it. It was now episode 5 and Steven (Mr. Knight) died. I made a edit about it and got a lot of likes. May 2, May has finally started. In my 2nd period I saw the anime girl on a typing thing that looked like typing 2 Obamas but with different pictures and names. I ignored it and then the bell rung. Darren's class split and he was in in my class now. The new teacher was Mr. Gary and me and Jayden got done with the work. Me and Jayden started playing We played 2v2 with random people and some kid started playing meme sounds on YouTube. He started playing quandale dingle and wenomechainsama. I looked Darren's computer and saw the same typing thing the anime girl was on. "What is that?" I asked Darren. "It's a typing thing Kind of like yours." Said Darren. "Oh." I said. Then I saw Darren start typing trash about me and Jayden. I started reading more and realized Kelli was on it. I got on typing Obamas 1 because I told Jayden, Pedro, Anthony, and Auggy to type on it again for the final month of the school year. I was still friends with Kelli so when the bell rung and I went to fourth period I asked her if she could add me to it. She added me and I got in typing Obamas. Pedro, Jayden and Anthony were on it and we planned something to ruin the typing thing. Their typing document was named "Otaku Anime" and I added Kelli back to Typing Obamas. We got her to join in on the plan and get Darren off so we could jump in and ruin it, and so that's what she did. We got on Otaku Anime and I deleted everything. Pedro removed everyone from the Google doc, and Kelli started typing acting like she didn't know what happened so it would show up like she did the last edit so we wouldn't get caught. After school I had soccer practice and before soccer practice I played roblox with Eddie. May 5, after school I had soccer practice again and when it was done Eddie took out his gelblaster out of his mom's car. My mom started talking with Eddie's mom so we stayed there for a little while, playing with the gelblaster. We were running  shooting eachother. Then Eddie gave me some gelballs and I put them in a water bottle to make them grow. The next day I watched the last episode of moonknight and it was so cool! Then I made an edit of Jake Lockley which if you don't know he's also moonknight. May 7 it was a Sunday and that's when my dad doesn't go to work. We were all just a home bored so I got on fortnite. I played with Jayden and we lost the first match. The second match we stayed alive for a long while just for Jayden to go afk in the water. I tried to stay alive but since we had players that were as good as Jayden, I died. I waited for Jayden to come back but he never did so I just got off my Xbox. Then my brother had an idea to try the new sweet Carolina Reaper Cheetos. We went outside and got on my dad's truck. Since my dad's truck is a 2 seater, me and Jesus went in the back. My dad drove all the way to the nearest gas station and we got off. I got some fruit roll ups and airhead because I had an idea to make a candy taco like the tiktoker @andyslife247. When we got home, I made the candy taco and put it in The freezer. Then David came over and he had some Naruto coloring papers since he had gotten into Naruto. I don't like anime but Jesus only watched Naruto like David. Me and David colored and then I got back on my Xbox. Jesus got some Naruto skins on fortnite so I let David play while wearing them. Jesus got some Beyblades that ordered online a couple weeks ago and I played with them with David after fortnite. I made beyblade tiktok video with David and I beat him. After that, I took the candy taco out of the freezer and cut it into 3 pieces for me David and Jesus. The next day In my fourth period, Mr. Harry became way more strict and said that if anyone else got caught on Typing Obamas he will tell the principal. I got on typing Obamas and Pedro told me that Jay left Typing Obamas to make his own. Since he left, I added Kelli back to Typing Obamas. Kelli's friend Beighle started drawing something. When she finished the drawing, She crumbled the drawing into a paper ball and turned to me. "Can you throw this away please?" Asked Beighle. "Yeah." I said. I grabbed the paper ball and opened it. "No don't do that!" Whispered Beighle angrily. When I opened the paper ball I saw Kirby with a human body wearing a bikini. I almost bursted out laughing but I didn't so I won't get in trouble. I put it back to a paper ball and put it in my back pack so I could throw it away later since the trash was far away. I got on Typing Obamas and everyone was on it. (Pedro, Auggy, Anthony, Jayden, And Kelli). "The Otaku Anime Typing still exists and Darren is planning to get y'all caught." Typed Kelli. Darren luckily never found out Kelli was the one that invited us to Otaku Anime. "Shoot, we better not get caught." Typed. Jayden. "We need to come up with something, to get them In trouble." Typed Pedro. "I mean, they have dumb people on Otaku anime so they will probably get caught first." I typed. "Watchu tryna say about me?!" Typed Kelli. "Lol, I'm talking about that anime girl, she always gets caught on games in Mr. Jamie's class." I typed. The next day I walked into my fourth period class and I didn't realize I forgot to throw away the paper Beighle gave me. I got on my Chromebook and got on Typing Obamas. Pedro and Jayden were on it and I started looking for the paper ball in my backpack. I wasn't paying  attention to my screen and I still had Typing Obamas pulled up. I didn't realize it but Darren was behind me and Pedro so he took a picture on his Chromebook of us on Typing Obamas. "Dammit!" I thought. It's Over, Typing Obamas will be gone. Darren speed walked to his desk. I quickly grabbed the paper from my backpack and unfolded it. I wrote Darren's name on it and got up. Darren sat his computer down on his desk which is right next to Mr. Harry's desk. Just so you know if you too a picture on your Chromebook and you turn it off completely, the picture gets deleted.  I walked to Darren's desk while Darren was going to start talking with Mr. Harry. I opened Darren's Chromebook and powered it off. Then I put the paper ball on his keyboard and closed the Chromebook again. I instantly speed walked back to my desk. Kelli removed herself from Otaku Anime and Darren started snitching on us. "Yes, I caught Jose and Pedro on Typing Obamas, I have a picture on my chromebook." Said Darren to Mr. Harry. "Let me see it because I don't believe you." Said Mr. Harry. "What'd you do?" Asked Pedro. "I turned off his computer to delete the picture and put Beighle's drawing in it." I answered. "Oh shoot, he's gonna be in some big ass trouble!" Whispered Pedro. Darren opened his computer, and there was the paper. "What is that?" Asked Mr. Harry. "Um, I don't know I swear that wasn't here a second ago." Said Darren. "Let me see it." Said Mr. Harry. "Well, okay it isn't mine anyway." Said Darren. Darren handed it to Mr. Harry and he unfolded it. Mr. Harry saw the Kirby bikini drawing but the one thing I didn't see, was the back. The back had so many insults to every teacher in the 6th grade hall. But it was mostly to Mr. Harry. Mr. Harry instantly sent him to the principals office and Darren looked petrified. While Darren walked out, he flipped us off and Pedro threw a pencil at the back of his head. The pencil hit him and it even snapped in half. Darren ran out crying and even Mr. Harry laughed. I saved Typing Obamas. In sixth period I told Jayden and he was so happy Typing Obamas got saved. The next day, my PE class played Kick Ball and I got picked instantly just because I was good at kicking. I helped my team win 3 times and that was probably most work I've done in pe. in 2nd period I was doing my work when the intercom turned on. "Jose Espino, please go to Mrs. Maughlin's office." NOOO! I might get caught! Me and Typing Obamas are doomed. I got up and Mr. Jamie looked confused because I was a good kid and I wasn't ever bad in his class. "What'd you do?" Asked Mr. Jamie. The whole class was also confused and were kind of excited for the first time I got sent to the principals office. "I think it's because that one paper that Darren made." I said. "Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about." Said Mr. Jamie. I walked to Mrs. Maughlin's office and sat down. "Alright Jose, you're not It Trouble I just want to know something." Said Mrs. Maughlin. "Yes ma'am." I said nervously. "Alright, Darren said that you put that paper into his computer, is this true?" Asked Mrs. Maughlin. "No ma'am, I'm on the other side of Mr. Harry's classroom from where he sits." I said. "That's good reasoning but, he also said that you had a Google doc that you would type on with your friends." Said Mrs. Maughlin. "That's is also false, I have proof of an email where it shows he had the Google doc." I said. I took out my computer and went to gmail. I showed her the email of when Kelli invited me to Otaku Anime so we could delete it. "And what is that email?" Asked Mrs. Maughlin. She pointed at the email of when Pedro invited me to Typing Obamas for the first time. Thankfully at that time the document didn't have a name so I just said, "Oh that's just some work me and my cousin made." "Open it." Said Mrs. Maughlin. Sh*t, I'm done for. I opened the Google doc and as it was loading, Beighle rushed into the room. "I DID IT!" Said Beighle. "I MADE THE DRAWING!" Shouted Beighle.  I closed my Chromebook's and Mrs. Maughlin got up in anger. "Jose you can go to class." Said Mrs. Maughlin. When I got back to class the bell rung and I went to Mr. Gary's class. I sat down and Pedro and Jayden were so confused on why I went to the principals's office.
I explained everything to them but I was still confused why Beighle admitted about the paper. "Why did she snitch on herself?" Asked Jayden. "I don't know!" I said. In my fourth period Beighle was still there. "You did get in trouble?" I asked. I noticed Darren wasn't here and then she said. "Nope, I said that I drew the paper, but not the insults, and then I put it in my backpack and Darren stole it." Said Beighle. "Thank you so much for saving typing Obamas." Said Kelli. In 7th period I was paying attention to the teacher when I saw Jayden put his fingers in between our desks, so I pretended that I was going to scoot the desk back. He moved his fingers so then I actually scooted back. I didn't know that he put his fingers back so I accidentally squished his fingers with the desk. Mrs. Johnna got mad at me and made me write a whole paragraph apologizing to Jayden. Jayden laughed at me while I was writing and I saw his fingers were still there so, I did it again. Thankfully Mrs. Johnna didn't see this time.

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